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“Hello to you, too,” I say, slamming the door shut.

“Wait, don’t close the door,” he says, pushing past me to open it again.

“What are you doing?” I ask. “Are the cops on your ass or something?”

“No.” He laughs. “But we need a hideout change, so I figured with you would be the safest place for now.”

“Wait … what? Did you say we?”

Before I know it, the same dude from before steps into the house. The prisoner who came along with us and who threatened to kill us both. Drago, I recall. Just seeing him again makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

“Hey,” he says, stepping inside before I have a chance to close the door on him.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” I say.

“Relax, Nix, he’s working for the company now.”

“What?” I frown. “That douche?”

“Hey now, I think we got off on the wrong foot,” Drago says.

“No fucking way; you choked DeLuca, motherfucker,” I say, getting ready to punch him in the face.

DeLuca steps between us. “Wow, calm down, boy. He’s with us now, and we don’t hurt our own.”

“Fuck that, I don’t owe this guy shit. Get the fuck out of here,” I spit.

“You know the rules, Nix. They could always kick you out instead, and I’d rather not see that happening.”

Of course, he wouldn’t, but he’s the favorite of the organization, so he’d have a lot of say in the matter. Too much. Like, this could go completely into the wrong direction within the snap of a finger.

“Fuck the rules,” I say, looking at DeLuca. “You’re gonna let that piece of shit into this house? What’s wrong with you? You know why I’m here and what I’m doing.”

“Yes, but we needed a place to hide for the day, before we get back to the office.”

The office. Such a fancy word for such an unfancy place.

“Yeah, what are you doing here, exactly?” Drago asks, peeking into the living room, which is, of course, one giant mess.

Fuck me. This is not going right at all.

“You guys can’t stay here,” I say. “Not even for a day.”

“Oh, c’mon. Can’t we at least have breakfast with you?”

“Already had one,” I growl.

“I didn’t,” Drago says, and he waltzes into the kitchen as if it’s his place. Goddamn, that son of a bitch. When he makes a remark of the mess we’ve made, I want to go on ahead and kill him.

“Don’t,” DeLuca whispers, putting his hand on my chest to hold me back. “Don’t do it.”

“Why the hell not? He deserves it.”

“The organization would kill you if you touched one of us.”

“He’s not one of us!” I whisper-yell.

“He is now. It’s not our call.”

“What are you doing with him? Why didn’t you two separate like I told you to?”

“Well, he kind of tagged along and things got hectic. I don’t fucking remember, okay? It’s a bit of a blur. I just wanted to get the fuck out of that cabin, and so did Drago. I contacted them, and they gave me a new job to complete first. I told them about Drago being there, and they said they wanted to see what he was capable of. He accepted the offer, of course. Next thing I know, he’s hired.”

I shake my head, walking to the kitchen with him. “I can’t believe this shit.”

“Neither can I, but you just gotta deal with the hand that’s given to you.”

DeLuca sits down at the table and looks at the mess Vanessa and I made. They don’t know we just fucked there, so it makes me grin thinking about the fact that he’s putting his hand on a tablecloth stained with her pussy juices.

“What are you grinning at, emo?” Drago growls.

“What did you call me?” I say, squinting, making a fist.

“Calm down, guys,” DeLuca says, trying to ease the situation.

There’s no easing here. I fucking hate the dude, but what I hate even more is that they’re in this house while Vanessa is only two staircases away. Naked. Shackled. Easy to assault.

I can’t fucking let that happen. She’s mine. This is my business. They’d better not get in between or heads are going to roll.

With every passing second, sweat builds up on my back as I ponder what to do. If she makes a sound, I’m done for. They’d know she’s here, and then Drago will want a piece of her. The code is code … the organization protects its own, which is why I know DeLuca will probably not come to my aid if I attack him. Or he may even help Drago, since I’m the one breaking the rules. I don’t want to fucking fight DeLuca. He’s a friend. Or at least, I thought he was. However, if I must, I must.

Vanessa is mine, and I protect what’s mine at all cost.

They’d better get the fuck out fast, so I can get back to business as usual. I don’t want to waste any time, so I quickly serve them some chips I found in the cabinet above the sink.

Sighing, I open the fridge while Drago is already drinking from a can of beer he found. “What kind of shit is this?” he says after a burp. “Tastes like piss.”

“Well, then I guess you’re all too familiar with it.”

“Say what?” He slams the can down on the table.

“You heard me. Must be your bottom lip that smells.”

“Fucking emo … always so polite,” he mutters.

“That’s it.”

I grab a knife from the counter, turn around, and lunge at him across the table. DeLuca only just manages to get between us, grab my arm, and twist it, causing me to drop the knife.

“Don’t fucking fight each other!” he says. “Goddammit. Enough.”

“What?” Drago says. “Want a piece of this? C’mon then, emo.”

“Fuck you,” I spit, giving him the finger.

“Feel strong with your black hair and your piercings, emo?” he taunts.

“Why don’t you come over here and fucking see for yourself,” I spit.

“Shut up! Everybody shut up!” DeLuca suddenly yells. He glances back and forth between the both of us. “Take a fucking breather, okay. Let’s all calm down. We’re just here to share a table, nothing more.”

“I don’t want to fucking share anything,” I say.

“I need to take a piss,” Drago says, as he gets up from his chair. “Where’s the bathroom?”

I wince. “Like I’d ever fucking tell you.”

“Fine, I’ll go find it myself,” he says, as he walks out of the kitchen.

Shit, that’s no good. I can’t let him roam the house. What if he finds her?

“It’s down the hall and to the fucking left,” I growl after him, but he’s already gone.

When I try to go after him, DeLuca grabs my shoulder. “Hey, dude, it’ll be okay. Just don’t take it so personal.”

“What?” I turn around. “Why do you care so much? Did you forget he tried to choke you back at the prison?”

“I didn’t forget, but I also know what a man will do to survive. You of all people should know that,” he says.

God, sometimes he pisses me off so much with his unwanted wisdom, although he is right. A man will do pretty much anything to get out of jail.

“Whatever,” I say, shrugging. “I just want him gone as soon as possible.”

“I get it. We’ll just be here to grab some food and then we’ll be gone again.”

“Fine, but you’d better not stay any longer than that.”

“Aw, you don’t love me anymore, Nix?” he says, laughing.

I roll my eyes as he throws his arm over my shoulder. “And here I thought we were best buds.”

“It’s nothing personal,” I say. “Just business.”

“Just business … I can agree on that one,” he says, as we walk back to the table and sit down for a good talk and an even better can of beer.



It’s cold up here with nothing but my skin to keep my warm. Phoenix’s cum is still dripping out of me, messing up the floor. I feel so filthy, but I can’t do anything about it right now except to wait until he comes to get me.

I’m huddled in a corner far away from the window, listening to the sounds from downstairs. I can hear the talk and some noise like scooting chairs and punches on the table. There’s a lot of yelling going on too, so now I’m sure Phoenix didn’t expect any company, and he’s sure as hell not looking for it. Which begs the question; who are they and what are they doing here?