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“You don’t have to come down. I can see myself to my car.”

“It’s all part of the service,” I quip ironically. “Besides, I can kiss you all the way down.” I fold her into my arms and do just that, enjoying her taste and her tongue and giving her a proper good-bye.

We’re both aroused and breathless by the time the doors open on the garage level. But she’s leaving. I take her to her car and open the driver’s door for her, ignoring my need.

“Good-bye, for now, Sir,” she whispers, and kisses me once more.

“Drive safely, Anastasia. And safe travels.” I close her door, stand back, and watch her leave. Then I head upstairs.

I knock on Taylor’s study door and let him know that I’d like to go to the office in ten minutes. “I’ll have the car waiting, sir.”


“Mr. Grey,” he rasps.

“Welch. Anastasia Steele is buying an airline ticket today, leaving Seattle tonight for Savannah. I’d like to know which flight she’s on.”

“Does she have an airline preference?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know.”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

I hang up. My cunning plan is falling into place.

“MR. GREY!” ANDREA IS startled at my appearance several hours early. I want to tell her that I do fucking work here, but I decide to behave.

“I thought I’d surprise you.”

“Coffee?” she chirps.


“With or without milk?”

Good girl.

“With. Steamed milk.”

“Yes, Mr. Grey.”

“Try Caroline Acton. I’d like to speak to her right away.”

“Of course.”

“And make an appointment for me to see Flynn, next week.” She nods and sits down to work. At my desk, I switch on my computer.

The first e-mail in my inbox is from Elena.

From: Elena Lincoln

Subject: The Weekend

Date: May 30 2011, 10:15

To: Christian Grey

Christian, what gives?

Your mother told me you took a young woman to dinner yesterday.

I’m intrigued. It’s so not your style.

You’ve found a new submissive?

Call me.




For The Beauty That Is You™

That’s all I need. I close her e-mail, resolving to ignore it for now. Olivia knocks and enters with my coffee as Andrea buzzes my phone.

“I have Welch for you, and I’ve left a message for Ms. Acton,” Andrea announces.

“Good. Put him through.”

Olivia places the latte on my desk and exits flustered. I do my best to ignore her.


“No airline tickets purchased as yet, Mr. Grey. But I’ll monitor the situation and inform you, should that change.”

“Please do.”

He hangs up. I take a sip of coffee and dial Ros.

JUST BEFORE LUNCH ANDREA puts Caroline Acton through. “Mr. Grey, how lovely to hear from you. What can I do for you?”

“Hello, Ms. Acton. I’d like the usual.”

“The capsule wardrobe? Do you have a color palette in mind?”

“Blues and greens. Silver maybe, for a formal event.” The Chamber of Commerce dinner springs to mind. “Gem colors, I think.”

“Nice,” Ms. Acton responds with her usual enthusiasm.

“And satin and silk underwear and nightwear. Something glamorous.”

“Yes, sir. Do you have a budget in mind?”

“No budget. Go all-out. I want everything high-end.”

“Shoes, too?”


“Great. Sizes?”

“I’ll e-mail you. I have your address from last time.”

“When would you like delivery?”

“This Friday.”

“I’m sure I can do that. Would you like to see photographs of my choices?”


“Great. I’ll get on it.”

“Thank you.” I hang up and Andrea puts Welch through.


“Miss Steele is traveling on DL2610 to Atlanta, departing at 22:25 this evening.”

I jot down all the details of her flights and connection into Savannah. I summon Andrea, who enters moments later, carrying her notebook.

“Andrea, Anastasia Steele is traveling on these flights. Upgrade her to first class, check her in, and pay for her to enter the first-class lounge. And buy the seat beside her on all flights, there and back. Use my personal credit card.” Andrea’s puzzled look tells me that she thinks I’ve taken leave of my senses, but she recovers quickly and accepts my hand-scribbled note.

“Will do, Mr. Grey.” She’s trying her best to keep it professional, but I catch her smiling.

This is none of her business.

MY AFTERNOON IS SPENT in meetings. Marco has prepared preliminary reports on the four publishing houses based in Seattle. I set them aside to read later. He’s also in agreement with me about Woods and his company. This is going to get ugly, but having looked at the synergies, the only way forward is to absorb Woods’s tech division and liquidate the rest of his company. It’s going to be expensive, but it’s best for GEH.

In the late afternoon I manage to have a quick and strenuous workout with Bastille, so I’m calm and relaxed when I head home.

After a light supper I sit down to read at my desk. First order of the evening is to reply to Elena. But when I open my e-mails, there’s one from Ana. She hasn’t been far from my thoughts all day.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Interviews

Date: May 30 2011 18:49

To: Christian Grey

Dear Sir,

My interviews went well today.

Thought you might be interested.

How was your day?


I type my response immediately.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: My Day

Date: May 30 2011 19:03

To: Anastasia Steele

Dear Miss Steele,

Everything you do interests me. You are the most fascinating woman I know.

I’m glad your interviews went well.

My morning was beyond all expectations.

My afternoon was very dull in comparison.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

I sit back and rub my chin, waiting.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: Fine Morning

Date: May 30 2011 19:05

To: Christian Grey

Dear Sir,

The morning was exemplary for me, too, in spite of you weirding out on me after the impeccable desk sex. Don’t think I didn’t notice.

Thank you for breakfast. Or thank Mrs. Jones.

I’d like to ask you questions about her—without you weirding out on me again.


Weirding? What on earth does she mean by that? Is she saying I’m weird? Well, I am, I suppose. Maybe. Perhaps she’s realized how surprised I was when she jumped me—and no one’s done that for a long time.

“Impeccable”… I’ll take that.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Publishing and You?

Date: May 30 2011 19:10

To: Anastasia Steele


“Weirding” is not a verb and should not be used by anyone who wants to go into publishing. Impeccable? Compared to what, pray tell? And what do you need to ask about Mrs. Jones? I’m intrigued.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: You and Mrs. Jones

Date: May 30 2011 19:17

To: Christian Grey

Dear Sir,

Language evolves and moves on. It is an organic thing. It is not stuck in an ivory tower, hung with expensive works of art and overlooking most of Seattle with a helipad stuck on its roof.