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From: Christian Grey

Subject: My Life in Numbers

Date: May 29 2011 08:04

To: Anastasia Steele

If you drive you’ll need this access code for the underground garage at Escala: 146963.

Park in bay five—it’s one of mine.

Code for the elevator: 1880.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

A moment or two later, there’s a response.

From: Anastasia Steele

Subject: An Excellent Vintage

Date: May 29 2011 08:08

To: Christian Grey

Yes, Sir. Understood.

Thank you for the champagne and the blow-up Charlie Tango, which is now tied to my bed.


An image of Ana tethered to her bed with my tie comes to mind. I shift in my chair. I hope she’s brought that bed to Seattle.

From: Christian Grey

Subject: Envy

Date: May 29 2011 08:11

To: Anastasia Steele

You’re welcome.

Don’t be late.

Lucky Charlie Tango.

Christian Grey

CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

She doesn’t respond, so I hunt through the refrigerator for some breakfast. Gail has left me some croissants and, for lunch, a Caesar salad with chicken, enough for two. I hope Ana will eat this; I don’t mind having it two days in a row.

Taylor appears while I’m eating my breakfast.

“Good morning, Mr. Grey. Here are the Sunday papers.”

“Thanks. Anastasia is coming over at one today, and a Dr. Greene at one thirty.”

“Very good, sir. Anything else on the agenda today?”

“Yes. Ana and I will be going to my parents’ for dinner this evening.”

Taylor cocks his head, looking momentarily surprised, but he remembers himself and leaves the room. I return to my croissant and apricot jam.

Yeah. I’m taking her to meet my parents. What’s the big deal?

I CAN’T SETTLE. I’M restless. It’s 12:15 p.m. Time is crawling today. I give up on work and, grabbing the Sunday papers, wander back into the living room, where I switch on some music and read.

To my surprise there’s a photograph of Ana and me on the local news page, taken at the graduation ceremony at WSU. She looks lovely, if a little startled.

I hear the double doors open, and there she is…Her hair is loose, a little wild and sexy, and she’s wearing that purple dress she wore to dinner at The Heathman. She looks gorgeous.

Bravo, Miss Steele.

“Hmm, that dress.” My voice is full of admiration as I saunter toward her. “Welcome back, Miss Steele,” I whisper, and, holding her chin, I give her a tender kiss on the lips.

“Hi,” she says, her cheeks a little rosy.

“You’re on time. I like punctual. Come.” Taking her hand, I lead her to the sofa. “I wanted to show you something.” We both sit, and I pass her The Seattle Times. The photograph makes her laugh. Not quite the reaction I was expecting.

“So I’m your ‘friend’ now,” she teases.

“So it would appear. And it’s in the newspaper, so it must be true.”

I’m calmer now that she’s here—probably because she’s here. She hasn’t run. I tuck her soft, silky hair behind her ear; my fingers are itching to braid it.

“So, Anastasia, you have a much better idea of what I’m about since you were last here.”

“Yes.” Her gaze is intense…knowing.

“And yet you’ve returned.”

She nods, giving me a coy smile.

I can’t believe my luck.

I knew you were a freak, Ana.

“Have you eaten?”


Not at all? Okay. We’ll have to fix this. I drag my hand through my hair, and in as even a tone as I can manage I ask, “Are you hungry?”

“Not for food,” she teases.

Whoa. She might as well be addressing my groin.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to her ear and catch her intoxicating scent. “You are as eager as ever, Miss Steele—and just to let you in on a little secret, so am I. But Dr. Greene is due here shortly.”

I lean against the sofa. “I wish you’d eat.” It’s a plea.

“What can you tell me about Dr. Greene?” She deftly changes the subject.

“She’s the best ob-gyn in Seattle. What more can I say?”

That’s what my doctor told my PA, anyway.

“I thought I was seeing your doctor? And don’t tell me you’re really a woman, because I won’t believe you.”

I suppress my snort. “I think it’s more appropriate that you see a specialist. Don’t you?”

She gives me a quizzical look, but she nods.

One more topic to tackle. “Anastasia, my mother would like you to come to dinner this evening. I believe Elliot is asking Kate, too. I don’t know how you feel about that. It will be odd for me to introduce you to my family.”

She takes a second to process the information, then tosses her hair over her shoulder in that way she does before a fight. But she looks hurt, not argumentative. “Are you ashamed of me?” She sounds choked.

Oh, for heaven’s sake. “Of course not.” Of all the ridiculous things to say! I glare at her, aggrieved. How could she think that about herself?

“Why is it odd?” she asks.

“Because I’ve never done it before.” I sound irritable.

“Why are you allowed to roll your eyes, and I’m not?”

“I wasn’t aware that I was.” She’s calling me out. Again.

“Neither am I, usually,” she snaps.

Shit. Are we arguing?

Taylor clears his throat. “Dr. Greene is here, sir,” he says.

“Show her up to Miss Steele’s room.”

Ana turns and looks at me and I hold out my hand to her.

“You’re not going to come as well, are you?” She’s horrified and amused at once.

I laugh, and my body stirs. “I’d pay very good money to watch, believe me, Anastasia, but I don’t think the good doctor would approve.” She places her hand in mine, and I pull her up into my arms and kiss her. Her mouth is soft and warm and inviting; my hands glide into her hair and I deepen the kiss. When I pull away, she looks dazed. I press my forehead to hers. “I’m so glad you’re here. I can’t wait to get you naked.” I can’t believe how much I missed you. “Come on. I want to meet Dr. Greene, too.”

“You don’t know her?”


I take Ana’s hand and we head upstairs, to what will be her bedroom.

Dr. Greene has one of those myopic stares; it’s penetrating and that makes me a tad uncomfortable. “Mr. Grey,” she says, shaking my outstretched hand with a firm, no-nonsense grip.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice.” I flash her my most benign smile.

“Thank you for making it worth my while, Mr. Grey. Miss Steele,” she says politely to Ana, and I know she’s sizing up our relationship. I’m sure that she thinks I should be twiddling a mustache like a silent-movie villain. She turns and gives me a pointed “leave now” kind of look.


“I’ll be downstairs,” I acquiesce. Though I would like to watch. I’m sure the good doctor’s reaction would be priceless if I made that request. I smirk at the thought and head downstairs to the living room.

Now that Ana’s no longer with me, I’m restless again. As a distraction I set the counter with two placemats. It’s the second time I’ve done this, and the first time was for Ana, too.

You’re going soft, Grey.

I select a Chablis to have with lunch—one of the few chardonnays I like—and when I’m done I take a seat on the sofa and browse through the sports section of the paper. Turning up the volume via the remote for my iPod, I hope the music will help me focus on stats from last night’s Mariners win against the Yankees, rather than what’s happening upstairs between Ana and Dr. Greene.