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“I think I will. Move forward.” Stripping, I climb in behind her, pull her to my chest, and place my legs around hers, my feet over her ankles, and then I pull her legs apart.

She wriggles against me, but I ignore her motion and bury my nose in her hair. “You smell so good, Anastasia,” I whisper.

She settles and I grab the body wash from the shelf beside us. Squeezing some into my hand, I work the soap into a lather and start massaging her neck and shoulders. She moans as her head lolls to one side under my tender ministration.

“You like that?” I ask.

“Hmm,” she hums in contentment.

I wash her arms and her underarms, then reach my first goal: her breasts.

Lord, the feel of her.

She has perfect breasts. I knead and tease them. She groans and flexes her hips and her breathing accelerates. She’s aroused. My body responds in kind, growing beneath her.

My hands skim over her torso and her belly toward my second goal. Before I reach her pubic hair I stop and grab a washcloth. Squirting some soap onto the cloth, I begin the slow process of washing between her legs. Gentle, slow but sure, rubbing, washing, cleaning, stimulating. She starts to pant and her hips move in synchronization with my hand. Her head resting against my shoulder, her eyes closed, her mouth open in a silent moan as she surrenders to my relentless fingers.

“Feel it, baby.” I run my teeth along her earlobe. “Feel it for me.”

“Oh, please,” she whines, and she tries to straighten her legs, but I have them pinioned under mine.


Now that she’s all worked up into a lather I’m ready to proceed.

“I think you’re clean enough now,” I announce, and take my hands off of her.

“Why are you stopping?” she protests, her eyes fluttering open, revealing frustration and disappointment.

“Because I have other plans for you, Anastasia.”

She’s panting and, if I’m not mistaken, pouting.


“Turn around. I need washing, too.”

She does, her face rosy, her eyes bright, pupils large.

Lifting my hips, I grab my cock. “I want you to become well acquainted, on first-name terms, if you will, with my favorite and most cherished part of my body. I’m very attached to this.”

Her mouth drops open as she looks from my penis to my face…and back again. I can’t help my wicked grin. Her face is a picture of maidenly outrage.

But as she stares, her expression changes. First thoughtful, then assessing, and when her eyes meet mine, the challenge in them is clear.

Oh, bring it on, Miss Steele.

Her smile is one of delight as she reaches for the body wash. Taking her sweet time, she drizzles some of the soap into her palm and, without taking her eyes off mine, rubs her hands together. Her lips part and she bites her bottom lip, running her tongue across the little indentations left by her teeth.

Ana Steele, seductress!

My cock responds in appreciation, hardening further. Reaching forward, she grabs me, her hand fisting around me. My breath hisses out through clenched teeth and I close my eyes, savoring the moment.

Here, I don’t mind being touched.

No, I don’t mind at all…Placing my hand over hers, I show her what to do. “Like this.” My voice is hoarse as I guide her. She tightens her hold around me and her hand moves up and down beneath mine.

Oh yes.

“That’s right, baby.”

I release her and let her continue, closing my eyes and surrendering to the rhythm she’s set.

Oh, God.

What is it about her inexperience that is so arousing? Is it that I’m enjoying all her firsts?

Suddenly she draws me into her mouth, sucking hard, her tongue torturing me.



She sucks harder; her eyes are alight with feminine cunning. This is her revenge, her tit for tat. She looks stunning.

“Christ,” I growl, and close my eyes so I don’t come immediately. She continues her sweet torture, and as her confidence grows I flex my hips, pushing myself farther into her mouth.

How far can I go, baby?

Watching her is stimulating, so stimulating. I grab her hair and start to work her mouth as she supports herself with her hands on my thighs.

“Oh. Baby. That. Feels. Good.”

She confines her teeth behind her lips and pulls me into her mouth once more.

“Ah!” I groan, and wonder how deep she’ll allow me. Her mouth torments me, her shielded teeth squeezing hard. And I want more. “Jesus. How far can you go?”

Her eyes meet mine and she frowns. Then, with a look of determination, she slides down on me until I hit the back of her throat.


“Anastasia, I’m going to come in your mouth,” I warn her, breathless. “If you don’t want me to, stop now.” I thrust into her again and again, watching my cock disappear and reappear from her mouth. It’s beyond erotic. I’m so close. Suddenly she bares her teeth, gently squeezing me, and I’m undone, ejaculating into the back of her throat, crying out my pleasure.


My breathing is labored. She’s completely disarmed me…again!

When I open my eyes she’s glowing with pride.

As she should be. That was one hell of a blow job.

“Don’t you have a gag reflex?” I marvel at her as I catch my breath. “Christ, Ana…that was…good, really good. Unexpected, though. You know, you never cease to amaze me.” Praise for a job well done.

Wait, that was so good, perhaps she has some experience after all. “Have you done that before?” I ask, and I’m not sure I want to know.

“No,” she says with obvious pride.

“Good.” I hope my relief is not too obvious. “Yet another first, Miss Steele. Well, you get an A in oral skills. Come, let’s go to bed, I owe you an orgasm.”

I climb out of the bath a little dazed and wrap a towel around my waist. Grabbing another, I hold it up and help her out of the bath, swathing her in it so she’s trapped. I hold her against me, kissing her, really kissing her. Exploring her mouth with my tongue.

I taste my ejaculate in her mouth. Grasping her head, I deepen the kiss.

I want her.

All of her.

Her body and soul.

I want her to be mine.

Staring down into bemused eyes, I implore her. “Say yes.”

“To what?” she whispers.

“Yes to our arrangement. To being mine. Please, Ana.” And it’s the closest I’ve come to begging in a long time. I kiss her again, pouring my fervor into my kiss. When I take her hand, she looks dazed.

Dazzle her further, Grey.

In my bedroom, I release her. “Trust me?” I ask.

She nods.

“Good girl.”

Good. Beautiful. Girl.

I head into my closet to select one of my ties. When I’m back in front of her, I take her towel and drop it on the floor. “Hold your hands together in front of you.”

She licks her lips in what I think is a moment of uncertainty, then holds out her hands. Swiftly I bind her wrists together with the tie. I test the knot. Yes. It’s secure.

Time for more training, Miss Steele.

Her lips part as she inhales…she’s excited.

Gently I tug both her braids. “You look so young with these.” But they’re not going to stop me. I drop my towel. “Oh, Anastasia, what shall I do to you?” I grasp her upper arms and push her gently back on the bed, keeping hold of her so that she doesn’t fall. Once she’s prostrate, I lie down beside her, grab her fists, and raise them above her head. “Keep your hands up here, don’t move them. Understand?”

She swallows.

“Answer me.”

“I won’t move my hands,” she says, her voice husky.

“Good girl.” I can’t help my smile. She lies beside me, wrists bound, helpless. Mine.

Not quite to do with as I wish—yet—but getting there.

Leaning down, I kiss her lightly and let her know that I’ll kiss her all over.