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“Actually, I can imagine you as a litigator. It’s all about championing someone. Or prosecuting a bad guy. That’s you through and through. Why am I taking the LSATs again?”

I made a face. I had no idea why Claudia was sitting the LSATs but that was a conversation for another time. “Being a lawyer is stuffy suits and papers, and I’m more of a polyester-uniform-and-action girl.”

Claudia snorted. “Okay, true.”

The knock at our hotel door made me grin. Claudia smirked. “What?” I asked as I strode toward the door.

“Nothing.” She laughed lightly. “I’ve just never seen you like this.”

“Like what?”

“All giddy and loved up. It’s cute.”

I know she said it to annoy me so I didn’t give her the satisfaction. Instead I opened the door to reveal my gorgeous boyfriend and his sexy best friend, and I grinned, refusing to give up the giddy. “Hey, handsome.”

“Hey, yourself.” Beck flashed me a wicked smile before brushing past into the room. His low-lidded eyes swept over Claudia. “Lookin’ good, babe. How you feeling?”

“Like I don’t want to talk about my father tonight.” She grabbed her purse and looped her arm through Beck’s. “Let’s just have fun.”

Jake wrapped his arm around my waist, and I leaned into him as he gave me a smoldering look. “I can do fun.”

“Mmm,” I agreed, standing up on tiptoes to press a soft kiss to his lips.

“And of course we have to put up with these two,” Claudia remarked behind us. “We may need vomit breaks.”

“Oh yeah,” Beck said dryly.

Jake and I ignored them.

“I can’t believe we’re in Spain and we’re eating at the Hard Rock,” Claudia said loudly over the music, making a face.

I laughed, not at all put out. Frankly, I was looking forward to my cheeseburger and fries.

We’d stepped out of the hotel and started walking east, only to discover the Hard Rock Café on the plaza.

Claudia had shaken her head at our pleading eyes. “No, I want to explore.”

“We’ll explore once we’re fed.” I’d grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside the café.

“Could we be any more American right now?” she said before taking a feisty bite out of an onion ring.

“I like it.” I leaned back against the diner-style seat and Jake draped his arm across my shoulders. “I’m starting to get a little homesick.”

“Me too,” Beck said as he watched Claudia chew petulantly. It was so clear from the soft look on his face that he thought everything she did was adorable.

Stubborn ass.

“Well, only seven weeks until we’re back home,” Jake reminded us.

“And then we have all summer.” I grinned. “I wonder what we could get up to.”

“If I’m going on tour with these creeps,” Claudia gestured to Beck, “you’re coming too.”

“Uh-uh, no way.” And I meant it. “I’m spending time with my family and Jake this summer, not parading from state to state as a roadie. Close quarters with Matt? I don’t think so.”

Jake snorted. “I don’t blame you.”

Claud glowered at me. “But you said I should go.”

“And so you should.” I laughed at the horrified look on her face. “You’ll have Beck and Lowe. And Denver’s not entirely terrible.”

“I don’t think that makes up for close quarters with Matt.”

Beck laughed. “She may have a point.”

I chuckled at the way Claudia’s eyes bugged out.

“All right, I’m definitely not going now.” She pinched her lips tight and shook her head.

“I think you’re all underestimating Matt,” I said, trying not to laugh and ruin my defense of him. “I think underneath the frat-boy attitude is a nice, misunderstood young man with awkward social skills. Who knows, Claudia… maybe the one has been under your nose the whole time.”

“Matt? The one? He once asked me if I was shaved.”

“He did what?” Beck looked at her sharply, his tone not at all happy.

Jake and I exchanged a knowing look.

Claudia shifted uncomfortably under Beck’s direct stare. “He was really drunk and being more of an idiot than usual. He did apologize later…” Her voice trailed off at the gathering thunderclouds in Beck’s eyes.

He finally lifted his angry gaze to look at Jake across the table. “Can you believe that dick? What’s the matter with him?”

“You know Matt,” Jake treaded carefully. “He says shit without thinking.”

“Yeah, well, I think he and I need to have a talk.”

“Beck, don’t.” Claudia scowled at him. “It’s no big deal. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“He crossed the line.”

“Yes, and he apologized,” I reiterated for Claud. “And don’t pretend you haven’t done assholey things when you’ve been drunk.”

Beck grunted.

It was time for a subject change. “I was just telling Claudia I told my parents that I’m not taking the LSATs.” I glanced at Jake for his reaction.

His eyes lit up with affection. “Proud of you, baby.”

“Did they hit the roof?” Beck asked.

“They’re not happy, but I think they realize they’re not going to win this one.”

“Well, then…” Beck grinned and lifted his Coke in the air. “To Charley, our future sexy cop.”

We raised our glasses, clinking as Claudia and Jake cheered, “To Charley.”

* * *

We had a fun night even though we got a little lost, walking down one narrow cobblestone street and the next and somehow ending up on the one we’d started out on. Eventually, we ended up grabbing a cab and the driver in his broken English recommended a club called Moog. All wood, iron, and smoke, the place was packed. It wasn’t really our scene, but Claudia wanted to dance her troubles away.

I danced with her while the guys skirted the edges of the room, beers in hand, but we were pretty soon pressed in upon by other guys and girls and before we knew it, Jake and Beck were on the dance floor with us, keeping the wolves at bay. They didn’t dance, just kept their eyes on us and shooed off any guys who attempted to get near us. Claudia didn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think she enjoyed tormenting Beck with the gorgeousness that was a dancing Claudia.

And Beck definitely looked tormented.

I’d feel sorry for him if it weren’t self-inflicted.

We got back to the hotel pretty late, buzzed and full of energy. It was disappointing to be that buzzed and not be able to unravel it all with Jake in private, but I wanted to be there for my friend.

So we went into our separate rooms, and lying in bed, I talked with Claudia about everything and nothing until she fell asleep.

Collectively we’d kept her calm and taken her mind off meeting Dustin for as long as we could. But now, the morning after, as the four of us walked the twenty-minute journey to Dustin’s apartment, Claudia was so quiet. Jake and I were more than competent with a map, so we got there without any wrong turns. But while Jake, Beck, and I soaked in the fact that we were in Barcelona, staring up at the apartments with their wrought iron balconies, on their quaint narrow streets, small boutiques beneath them, Claudia was too lost inside her own head to take notice.

As we stepped onto Dustin’s street, I strode forward and grabbed Claud’s hand. “We’re right here with you,” I reminded her.

Her breathing had grown shallow and by the time we walked up the cramped, dark stairwell to the top floor, she was completely out of breath.

I held her hand a little tighter as we stood outside the door. “Just breathe.”

Her frightened eyes met mine and she nodded slowly, pulling air in through her nose and exhaling. Jake gave her shoulder a squeeze and Beck stepped close behind her, leaning down to press a kiss to her temple.

“You’ll be fine,” he murmured reassuringly.

Claudia stared at the door, a trembling smile on her lips. “Thanks, guys.”

She knocked.

A few seconds later, the door swung open. Staring out at us was an attractive forty-something guy with a dark, graying beard and piercing green eyes. Claudia’s eyes. He wore light slacks and a loose linen shirt rolled up at the sleeves. His feet were bare.