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I looked him over as I slid between Maggie and Jess, looping my arm over Jess’s shoulders, trying my hardest not to show how pissed off I was. I’d never wanted to give in to my darker side as much as I did at that moment.

“There you are. I looked for you earlier, but you must have been hiding.” Annie’s cheeks were tinged pink, but she wore a smile on her face.

“You must not have tried very hard.” I took another drink from my bottle and held it up to show that it was empty. One of the caterers took it from my hand as she muttered under her breath. “So who is your friend?” I smiled as my eyes locked on his. He was wearing a faded blue Pink Floyd T-shirt and ripped baggy jeans. Clearly he didn’t get the memo about a dress code.

“I’m Jake,” he said as he ran a hand over his shaggy hair. I titled my chin up in acknowledgment but didn’t introduce myself. There was no need. He wouldn’t be staying long. The waitress held out a new bottle of beer.

“Thank you, beautiful.” My tone was clipped as I took the bottle and drank a sip.

“This is my brother, Colin,” Annie chimed in.

“Nice to meet you,” Jake said as I whispered into Jess’s ear that her pink lace bra was a good choice. Being taller than most of the girls around here had its advantages.

“I’m sure it is,” I replied as I caught Annie’s pleading stare. I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm from around Jess. “You want a drink?” I asked in the nicest tone I could manage.

“Sure. Sounds great, man.”

I motioned for him to follow me to the kitchen, and we made our way through the crowd.

“Have I seen you around before? Football game or church?” I was feeling him out.

“No. I’m not much of a sports kind of guy, and I go to Dyer Public.”

“Ah…” When I reached the fridge, I pulled open the door and grabbed a bottle of beer. “I wouldn’t think you needed any alcohol. Is your high wearing off?”

“I’m sorry?” he said as he took the bottle from my hand, confusion on his face. Perhaps he had killed any brain cells that should have alerted him to who the fuck I was.

“You will be if you go near my sister.”

“I’m not sure where this is coming from, but Annie is my friend. She’s eighteen and doesn’t need anyone’s permission.”

I stepped forward, towering over him by several inches. I lowered my voice to keep our conversation private. “She always did have a soft spot for the less fortunate. Empathy was never my thing. You should leave.”

“I’ll leave…when Annie tells me to go.” He glared at me before stepping out of the kitchen and back into the crowd. Mouthy little shit. I wiped my hand over my jaw before slamming the fridge door closed. I had to tread lightly with this little prick because of Annie, but that didn’t mean he could do whatever he wanted. One way or another, he would leave her the fuck alone.

Chapter 10 - Jacob

I took a sip from my beer, wishing I could beat the living hell out of Annie’s brother. The piss water he drank made me cringe, but I’d gladly drink it down just to spite him. Whatever happened to good old American beer? I spotted Annie in a group of girls as they laughed, oblivious to our little meeting. My fingers looped around her arm, and I pulled her from the conversation, momentarily distracted by the softness of her skin.

I knew just showing up was a bad idea, but everyone from my school was here, and there shouldn’t have been any problem blending into the crowd.

“What is it?” she asked, a smile still on her face as her eyes searched mine. I realized I would be playing right into his hand if I upset her at her birthday party, but I wasn’t going to let him intimidate me. He may have the wealth, but I had Annie’s attention.

“I just didn’t get the chance to tell you how beautiful you look in the dress.” I glanced down, taking in her slender frame as her hips swayed lightly under my gaze.

“I feel like an idiot, but Colin’s girlfriend got it for me.” She rolled her eyes, putting me more at ease. She wasn’t like Colin or the rest of these people. There was a nervousness about her that inflated my ego.

“The fact that you have no idea makes you even more incredible.” My words were rewarded by her cheeks flushing as she ducked her head and looked up at me through her lashes. “You want to go for a walk or something?” I asked, leaning in for only her to hear. She looked around the party before nodding. I grabbed her hand and pulled her farther from the crowd.

“Come on. I know where we can go.” She tugged me by the stereo system that was in the back of the room. Behind it was a door. She glanced over her shoulder before opening it and waving me through. With a laugh, she followed and shut it behind us.

“I can’t see shit.” I laughed as she flipped on a switch, and I had to shield my eyes from the blinding light with my arm.

“How about now?” She tugged my arm, pulling me into the center of the room.

“Now you’ve blinded me.” I chuckled as I blinked away the spots in my eyes. I glanced around the room, which was full of boxes.

“What do you think?” she asked, worry marring her perfect face.

“It looks like a storage room.” I sighed as I took another look around like I had missed something.

“Not the room. The party. Are you having fun?”

I shrugged as I ran my hand over my jaw and glanced down at the beer bottle Colin had given me. “Of course. Everyone is really nice. Thanks for inviting me, even after I was such a dick. I had no right to flip out on you like that.”

“It’s already forgotten.” Her smile brightened as she leaned against the wall, her hands tucked behind her back. I took a small step closer to her.

“Good, because I’ve been dying to kiss you.” I stepped closer, looping my hands behind her back. “You’re worth it.”

“Jake, someone could walk in.” She laughed as she pressed her lips against mine.

“Let them.” I looked over at the closed door, knowing it was only a matter of time before someone discovered the birthday girl missing, and I hoped it wasn’t that prick Colin. “Maybe you could come over later?” I asked as I scratched the back of my head and stepped back from her.

“I hate these stupid parties.” She slipped her right foot out of her heel and held on to the stack of boxes beside her as she slid off the other. Her purple pumps lay on their side next to her, and she went from matching my height to the top of her head coming eye level.

“You should enjoy it. All of these people came to see you.” My voice trailed off as she stepped forward, and only a few inches remained between us.

“They didn’t come for me. They came to see for themselves how much money my family has.” She shook her head, her wild blond hair framing her face. “They came to judge.”

“I’m here for you.” I reached out, hesitating before tucking her hair behind her ear, my fingertips skimming over the shell as she made a face. “But something tells me you don’t let them see the real you.” My arm froze midair as we stared at each other.

The door opened, and both our heads snapped to look at Colin as his eyes narrowed. His anger wasn’t directed at me, and I instinctively took a step in front of Annie. “I should let you get back to the party,” I called over my shoulder as I looked him in the eye. I turned to face her when he didn’t move from the doorway. “I hope you have an amazing birthday. I’ll see you later? Tonight?” She nodded fractionally. The adrenaline spike that was coursing through my veins escalated as I placed my hands on either side of her face and pulled her lips against mine. It was brief and innocent, but the softness mixed with the undeniable electricity would forever be burned into my brain. I’d kissed many girls, but something about her sweet innocence amplified the emotions that swirled around us tenfold. She was different. I turned back around, glaring at Colin before my shoulder bumped against his on my way out of the door. I hoped that whatever big brother macho test I was being put through, he would respect my ability to stand up to him.