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There was no way to leave his room without being seen. I glanced around, panic setting in, and I was unable to think. I pulled open the shower door and slipped inside, pulling it closed just as they entered. From the mirror in front of me above the sink, I could see two figures enter the room. Colin turned around and was looking behind him. Shit. I had forgotten to close my bedroom door. His door closed behind them with a thud, and my heart beat wildly against my chest.

I watched through fogged glass and darkness as Colin pulled his tan shirt over his head. The female had light hair that faded to brown underneath. She was wearing tight jeans and a tube top, and she was definitely not Amanda. I watched as he shoved her back onto the bed, and she laughed, crawling back farther as he came down on top of her, his mouth on her neck. Her hands crept over his shoulders, and he grabbed them, pinning them over her head and holding them there with one hand. His other slid over her chest and down to her jeans as he undid them and tugged them down over her hip as she bucked against him.

Placing my hands over my mouth to keep from gasping audibly, I watched with wide eyes as he ordered her to keep her hands over her head so he could remove her pants. There were no whispered words and affection. Colin looked down at her like she was his prey and he was ready to attack. He slowly undid his jeans as she gazed up at him.

“Roll over,” he barked, and the girl obeyed without hesitation, pushing up on her hands and knees, her top still in place. Colin didn’t even bother getting completely undressed. He reached inside his dark boxer briefs and gripped himself in his fist, stroking beneath the fabric as he looked down at her. My entire body felt warm as I watched, holding my breath.

He pulled himself free from the confines of the fabric, still stroking as he grabbed her hip and positioned himself to enter her from behind. My hand fell from my mouth, down over my small breast, squeezing it under my palm as Colin leaned over her, his hand sliding over her chest as he whispered something in her ear. She turned her head and smiled, and he straightened his body, pulling open the side table drawer and grabbing a condom. He bit down on the corner of the wrapper, tearing open the package. I watched in amazement as he slid the thin plastic over himself, rolling it down his length. I was shocked at the size of him, and so was the woman. She gasped as he slid inside her, and she cried out with pleasure.

The fogged glass was making it difficult to make out details, and as he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back, I stepped forward to get closer to the glass. The door clanked against its latch, and I jumped back against the sandstone tile, pressing my body into the wall and hiding myself in the shadows.

The gasps from his visitor turned into moans, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh in a steady rhythm filled the air. I only hoped he was gentlemanly enough to walk her to the door when it was over so I’d have a chance to get back to my room without being seen. I stared at the large tiles for what seemed like an eternity, my palms slick with nervous sweat as I waited for them to finish. Finally, with a growl and a cry of pleasure, the room fell quiet.

“I can leave my number,” she purred, and it sounded like she was getting dressed.

“No need,” he replied, and I cringed for her at the rejection. A few more words were exchanged, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying before footsteps grew farther away and the front door opened and closed.

“Are you going to come out, or do I have to come get you?” Colin called out, and I squeezed my eyes closed, wishing I could disappear. I held perfectly still, hoping by some miracle he was talking to some other crazy idiot hiding in his room. “Little one…” He drew out the endearment, and I groaned as I stepped forward and opened the shower door. I ducked my head, unable to look him in the eye as I made a beeline for the door.

“Annabel,” he said, and I froze beside his bed. “Look at me.”

I slowly lifted my chin and looked down at Colin, who was wearing his jeans, button undone, and lying across his bed, arm tucked behind his head. He looked relaxed, and a hint of a smile played on his lips.

“Um…sorry…I was looking for…”

He raised his eyebrow as he waited for me to finish my lie, but I was at a loss as I stared at his body, covered in a thin layer of sweat, the guttural moans still fresh in my mind. “You’re making a habit of this,” he stated, still not looking the least bit bothered as I squirmed.

“Sorry.” I turned to leave the room but stopped. “How long did you know I was in there?” I glanced over my shoulder, and he smiled widely, revealing his perfect teeth, dimples settling into his cheeks. I felt myself turn ten shades of red as I left his room, pulling his door closed behind me.

I sat on my bed and pulled my laptop open and began typing furiously to rid my mind of what had just happened.

I didn’t stop until I was yawning and forcing my eyes to focus on the screen. I saved the document and set my computer on the stand next to my bed, falling back against my pillow.

Colin stumbled in the door of his cabin, and I hurried to his side to help him. I wrapped my hands around his arm, but he pulled from my grasp, angry at me.

“What happened?” I asked. He looked ill, and he was covered in sweat.

“I’m fine.” He trudged over to his bed and lay facedown across it. Long, thick wounds across his back wept blood.

“Who did this to you?” I rushed to his side, my hand hovering above him, afraid to touch his fresh injuries. He groaned but didn’t answer. I hurried into the bathroom and dampened a washcloth, adding soap.

“What are you doing?” he asked, raising his head, but his eyes were hooded, and he seemed slightly disoriented.

“I’m going to take care of you.” I climbed onto the bed on my knees as I looked down at his injuries. Very carefully I rubbed the washcloth over him. He inhaled sharply, his body stiffening under my touch.

“You shouldn’t help me,” he moaned, but he didn’t move, and I continued to clean him until all of the blood was gone.

“What kind of person would I be if I didn’t help you?”

His eyes blinked open. “You would be like me.”

I awoke to the sound of the annoying buzzing of my alarm clock next to my head. I swung my arm out, feeling for it and gasping as my fingers landed on someone else’s. My eyes flew open as the sound ceased, and I was staring up at Colin, who did not look pleased.

“That’s the third fucking time it’s gone off.” I groaned and rolled away from him and felt for the floor below my feet.

“Why are you in my room?” I asked as I stifled a yawn.

“Interesting question coming from you,” he mused.

“Do you need something?” I glanced over my shoulder at him, taking in the stubble along his jaw.

“I need you to get ready so we can leave.”

“You’re going to have to give me some privacy.” I rolled my eyes and pushed from my bed as I made my way to my closet, feeling like I hadn’t gotten any sleep. I pulled one of my uniforms from the hanger and tossed it on my bed.

“Five minutes.” He turned and left the room, leaving the door wide open.

I groaned, mumbling expletives under my breath as I shoved it closed and pulled off my black tank and shorts.

I was ready in ten minutes, and Colin was standing outside my door with his arms crossed over his chest. I finished buttoning my white shirt, leaving it untucked over the gray plaid skirt. I opted for a high ponytail, not wanting to take the time to curl my hair. My bruise was fading, so a dab of concealer and a quick coat of mascara and I was ready to start the day.

“Those uniforms should be against the law,” Colin mumbled as he followed me down the stairs in a white T-shirt and faded jeans. He pulled open the front door, taking my book bag from my hand as he waited for me to walk out in front of him. I slowed my pace as he walked casually to the passenger side door of the 300 and pulled it open for me. I slid in, careful not to expose myself in my skirt, which I had rolled a couple times at the waist so it wouldn’t be as long. Colin shook his head as he closed the door after me, but for once he didn’t scold me for my fashion decision.