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“William,” she laughed, and her hands flew over her eyes as the killer sliced the knife through the victim. “Arghh!” She squealed. My hand slid farther up her thigh as I laughed at her reaction. Emma being afraid was a huge turn on, and my cock grew painfully hard.

“Don’t you want to see him get caught?” She asked as she took a few pieces of popcorn and shoved them in her mouth.

“How do you know he won’t get away with it?” I reached into the bowl in her lap and grabbed some popcorn for myself.

“They never get away with it. Come on. They always leave some sort of clues behind. It’s like they want to get caught. She rolled her eyes as she watched the scene continue to unfold.

“You think that guy wants to get caught?” I pointed at the television. The killer was still in the victim’s house and waiting for her friends to arrive.

“Subconsciously, yes.”

I couldn’t help but smirk at the absurdity of her logic. If the killer felt that guilty, surely he could have just turned himself in before committing the act and saved the girl. Instead, he planned and carried out murder. There is a thrill in the ritual of the act, and it becomes a high to forever chase. You justify your actions. The power outweighs the consequences.

“Stupid does not mean he wants to get caught. It just means he’s not smart enough to do it right.” I knew without a doubt I didn’t want to have anyone discover the things I had done, most of all Emma. I didn’t need to free the demon inside of me; I just needed to learn to control him better.

“Whatever.” Emma threw a piece of popcorn at me, and it rolled down my chest.

“Bad girl.” I flipped my body on top of hers, sending popcorn flying as I pinned her under my weight.

“We’re going to miss the movie.”

I pressed my hips into hers so she could feel how hard I was.

“Fuck the movie.” I slipped my tongue inside her mouth as I slowly lowered her back on the couch. “I want to make you scream like you did a minute ago.” I pulled my mouth from hers so I could take her shirt off and toss it on the floor. I did the same with mine and watched as her eyes danced over my chest. I fell back on top of her. I palmed the weight of her breast, and my thumb and forefinger rolled over her nipple, giving her a small pinch.

“Fuck the movie,” she panted, and I smiled as I quickly unbuckled her pants. I sat up to pull them off her legs along with her panties. I stared down at her perfect naked body as I undid my belt and slid off my own jeans and boxers.

“Stand up.”

She slowly pushed to her feet and stood in front of me. My eyes raked over her naked body before I gripped her hips and spun her around.

“Put your knees on the couch and hold on to the back.”

I grabbed her hips and pulled her ass back toward me.

“Wider.” I nudged her legs apart and took in the view. I pushed the head of my cock against her pussy and she looked over her shoulder at me, her lip pulled between her teeth.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” I bent over her body so she wouldn’t be as nervous. I kissed her cheek as I slid my dick inside of her.

“God, you’re so fucking wet for me.” I groaned in her ear as I slowly began to fuck her. She bowed her back, pushing her ass against me, begging for more. Her fingers clenched the back of the couch as her breathing grew heavier.

I slid my palm over her spine until my fingers tangled in her hair. I fisted her locks as I jerked her head back toward me and slammed into her.

She turned her head toward mine, and our lips where just an inch apart.

“You like it when I’m rough with you?” I asked as she pulled against my grip to kiss me. I held firm, refusing to let her take control.

“Yes,” she moaned. I slipped my free hand around her hip and rubbed my fingertips against her wet clit. “Oh…” she cried, and her pussy began to grip my cock, begging for release. I pulled back from her clit and slowed my strokes until I felt her relax again. I wanted her to know that it was my decision when she came and mine alone. As soon as she stilled beneath me, I rubbed over her pussy as I slammed into her.

“Come for me, Emma.”

She moaned as we both released, and I collapsed on top of her. “I love you,” I whispered as I withdrew from her body. She winced at the sudden emptiness. I sat back in my seat as she still clung to the couch.

“Come on, you’re going to miss the part where he gets caught.” I laughed as I smacked her on the ass. She yelped and spun around quickly, sitting down on the couch next to me.

We finished the movie and fell asleep as I held her against me.

Chapter Twelve

We sat in my car in silence as we stared off at the cemetery. The pain and regret were written all over Emma’s beautiful face. I struggled to find the words to comfort her, but I was at a loss. I couldn’t sympathize with the situation. I didn’t want her aunt to die, but it was not as easy for me to forget what type of person she was. People love to talk about how good of a person someone was after that person dies, and usually it’s a lie. Judy was a bitch, who treated the woman I loved like she was nothing.

I wouldn’t be shedding a tear for her today and wouldn’t give her a second thought if not for Emma. I wondered if she would be this distraught if she knew how hard J tried to get me to sleep with her. Not that I would have ever given in. Desperation wasn’t an attractive quality to me.

Emma cleared her throat, pulling me from my thoughts. I placed my hand on her knee in an attempt to comfort her. She covered mine with her tiny hand.

“I’m sorry.” I was. I didn’t like that because of me she was hurting. Even if she weren’t aware of it, I would spend forever trying to make it up to her.

She nodded and blew out a long breath as tears began to spill down her cheeks. I squeezed her knee lightly and forced myself to get out of the car. I hated funerals. I hated the sadness, and I forced myself not to look bored and uninterested. I quickly rounded the front of my car and pulled open the passenger side door. She looked up at me with sad eyes before placing her hand in mine so I could pull her to her feet. As soon as her body connected with mine, she broke down, and I rubbed my hand over her back as she sobbed into my shoulder. It was a dreary day, and the wind whipped through Emma’s hair. I wasn’t sure the weather would hold out for long, and part of me wished the sky would break loose and I could take her back to the safety of my home, where the world could not hurt her anymore.

Emma pulled back from me and smoothed her skirt before giving me a quick nod that she was ready. For someone so emotional, she was just as brave. One of the qualities I loved about Emma. Fear and sadness did not prevent her from doing anything.

There was a small crowd of people gathered by the burial site, and my heart rate picked up as we neared them. I knew Emma had no more family, so that only left acquaintances. It was then I realized I was far from out of the woods when it came to Emma finding out about who I really am.

“Do you know any of them?” I asked in a hushed tone so no one would overhear us. She looked up at me and shook her head. I relaxed a bit. The people from the club were nothing if not discreet. They wouldn’t be likely to call me out in a crowd and risk exposing themselves for who they were. Still, I didn’t want to spend any more time in their presence than I had to.

Several women smiled weakly, tears in their eyes as we approached. Emma thanked them for showing support, and they offered their condolences for her loss. Their eyes would meet mine briefly, but none said a word. I knew their minds must have been spinning when they saw me with J’s niece. I hoped none would make the mistake of assuming she knew how they all knew each other.