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Then she and Flo went to join the others in the Great Hall, but Will stopped her, his overnight bag in his hand.

“I’m leaving,” he said, his face sulky.

“Good,” Flo said, and went into the Great Hall.

Good, Andie thought at the same time. “Be careful getting out of the drive. It’s really dangerous.”

He nodded. But first, “I have to tell you something.”

Andie looked toward the arch to the Great Hall. “Can you make it fast?”

“Sure,” he snapped. “I slept with Kelly last night.”

Andie swung back to him. “Really? With Kelly?”

“I was just so upset with you, with the way you handled-”

“Yeah, yeah,” Andie said, “it doesn’t matter, we’re done, you can sleep with anybody you want, but… Kelly?”

“It wasn’t my fault,” Will said. “She came to my room. I tried to tell her no, but she said, ‘Andie’s in love with North, and I’m right here,’ and I thought, ‘She’s right-’ ”

“Perfectly understandable,” Andie said, still confused. “Best of luck in the future-”

“There’s not going to be any future,” Will said, sounding exasperated again. “She was weird.”

“I really don’t want to know,” Andie began and then remembered Southie saying the same thing. “Weird how?”

“Cold. Like she wasn’t really there. She wasn’t like you. It wasn’t like us. Andie, if you’d just be rational about this-”

“No,” Andie said firmly, but she thought, Weird?

“So you’re sure,” Will said, sounding annoyed again.

“Absolutely. Be careful on the ride home,” Andie said, and when she’d closed the door behind him, she headed for the Great Hall. Isolde was there, and so were Flo, Dennis, and Kelly, with Bill on camera.

“No camera,” Andie began, and Isolde said, “Let her do it. Sometimes things show up on film. It can’t hurt.”

“It can if she shows the footage on TV,” Andie said.

“It’s just for atmosphere,” Kelly said. “I wouldn’t do anything to make you look bad.

“I wouldn’t trust her an inch,” Dennis said, and Andie realized he was full of brandy. So was Isolde, but she evidently could hold her cognac. Dennis, not so much.

Well, she’d dry him out later.

Southie came in and took his place and smiled at Andie. “Sorry, didn’t mean to delay you. We’re not in any hurry, are we?”

“Did Kelly sleep with you last night?”

Southie looked at Kelly, who said, “I did not,” and then at Andie.

“It’s important,” Andie said.

“Yeah,” Southie said.

“What?” Bill the cameraman said.

“I didn’t,” Kelly said, and she sounded honestly outraged.

“This is interesting,” Dennis said owlishly.

“She slept with you, too?” Andie said to the cameraman.

“You said you were done with him,” Bill said to Kelly. “I’ve had it with you.”

“I didn’t sleep with either one of you,” Kelly said.

“This isn’t helping,” Isolde said to Andie. “Knock it off.”

“No, it’s important, she slept with Will, too,” Andie said to her. “He just told me in the hall.”

“I didn’t!” Kelly’s denial was clear now, outrage and anger but no guilt. “Those were dreams. They weren’t real.”

“Yeah, they were,” Andie said, feeling almost sympathetic. “You were possessed. We have a nympho ghost here, and she hijacked your body and made the rounds.”

Kelly stopped, her mouth open.

“Oh, crap,” Isolde said.

“I don’t remember anything like this in the literature,” Dennis said.

“I slept with a ghost?” Southie said.

“Twice,” Andie told him.

“Wish I’d known,” Southie said. “I’d have paid more attention.”

“That’s insane,” Kelly said. “They were dreams. This is crazy.”

“Welcome to my world,” Andie said.

“Can we get started?” Isolde said. “Harold’s really enjoying this, but he can turn on a dime.”

“Sure.” Andie sat down and a visibly upset Kelly joined her.

“I didn’t sleep with them,” she said to Andie, and she sounded more distressed than angry now.

“You did, you just didn’t know,” Andie said. “And then when you woke up, you were freezing, and then you threw up.”

Kelly’s face was pale.

“There really are ghosts, May really did possess you, and it really would be better if you left before she comes back for more tonight. I’m sorry, I really am. The best thing is for you to go before she tries again.”

Don’t run her off, May said. We need her.

Andie jerked her head up and saw May, twirling in the open space beyond the table, blue and lovely and treacherous, and beyond her two shadowy forms, Miss J and the man in the old-fashioned coat.

Dennis squinted in their direction.

“Hello, May,” Andie said, tamping down her anger. “We need to talk.”

“What are we looking for exactly?” Gabe said when they were in the truck.

“Videotape of the kids, the house, anything.” North looked at the racks of equipment. “You start at that end, I’ll start down here.”

Ten minutes later, they’d found tapes marked with dates, not names.

“This one’s yesterday.” Gabe slid it into a VCR slot and pushed play.

The tape flickered and then the camera focused on Carter, sitting in the window seat, reading.

“So you live here at Archer House!” Kelly’s voice came from off camera.

Carter ignored her.

“What’s it like living in a haunted house!”

Carter ignored her.

“All alone with just a nanny.

Carter ignored her.

“I like this kid,” Gabe said.

“I do, too,” North said.

Kelly evidently didn’t because after three more questions, she quit. There was snow on the tape and a shot of Alice, sitting on a chair in the dining room, looking fairly depraved, her hair sliding down one side of her head, pizza stains on her shirt.

“So you live here at Archer House!”

“Yes,” Alice said. “You have a lot of teeth. Andie says you have to brush your teeth every night or they’ll rot out of your head.”

“What’s it like living in a haunted house!”

“I don’t like nuts,” Alice said. “But I eat them in the chocolate chip cookies and banana bread because Andie says, if you don’t like nuts, don’t eat the cookies.”

“Andie is your nanny, right?”

“No. Andie is my Andie. She says you’re a hag from hell.” Alice smiled serenely as if she were just a cute kid, repeating what some adult had said, but North could see the glint in her eye.

“We’ll edit that out,” Kelly said to somebody, and then asked Alice, “Aren’t you scared to live in this haunted house?”

“Guess what?” Alice said. “Andie says bananas have to be brown before you can bake with them.”

“Alice,” Kelly said, her voice stern. “Tell me about the ghosts.”

Alice rolled her eyes. “There aren’t any such things as ghosts. I can tell you about butterflies. I have a butterfly garden. Andie says I can have a hummingbird garden, too.”

“Alice, people say this house is haunted!”

Alice grew still, and the look in her eyes wasn’t pretty. “Kelly,” she said, and the pitch of her voice was so much like Andie’s that North started to laugh, “people will say anything.

“Forget it,” Kelly said to somebody off camera, and the tape ended.

“You might as well leave that one,” Gabe said. “The kids defeated her.”

“No.” North held out his hand and Gabe ejected the tape and gave it to him. “She’d find a way to cut it or overdub it. I want anything she filmed here.”

“Fine,” Gabe said and picked up the next tape.

“And we should hurry,” North said, “because I don’t know how long Southie can stall a séance.”

“This time I want you to tell me everything that’s happening,” Southie said. “Like where is May standing?”

“Right there,” Andie said, pointing behind him. “May, what the hell were you doing last night?”