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Dennis shook his head, trying to chew the gluey cheese and wipe the tomato sauce from his mouth at the same time. “No,” he said, when he’d swallowed. “I study ESP, telepathy, remote viewing, that kind of thing, which is how I got into poltergeists. Well, not into…” He shook his head, did that little insane laugh thing, and bit into his pizza again.

“So you don’t do ghosts,” Andie said. Damn.

“I’m well versed in general psychic phenomena.” Dennis reached for his Coke and noticed the sauce on his sweater. He dabbed at it with a napkin, making the spot bigger and the sweater uglier. “I have not, however, personally seen any kind of supernatural apparition, nor have I seen any irrefutable documentation.”

“That must be disappointing. I-”

“Not really. It stands to reason. Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler showed that skepticism suppresses psychic abilities.” Dennis gave up on the tomato sauce spot and went back to his pizza. “The very fact that I’m a scientist makes it impossible for me to see that which I most wish to study.”

“So you don’t think they exist,” Andie said. “The thing is-”

“I would doubt they exist except for one thing: Every culture has ghosts.” Dennis took another bite of pizza.

Andie frowned. “I don’t see-”

“Every culture in every millennium has had people from all social classes, all age groups, all degrees of education and intelligence see ghosts. Unless you’re a believer in an ongoing worldwide, millennium-spanning mass hallucination”-he did his weird little heh-heh laugh, which ended this time in an asthmatic cough-“ghosts exist.”

“Yeah,” Andie said. “I know.”

Dennis bit into his slice again, but this time instead of concentrating on the pizza, he was concentrating on her. He swallowed and said, “You strike me as a skeptical kind of person. Not somebody who believes in the paranormal.”

“And a week ago, you’d have been right,” Andie said.

“But now you think you have a ghost,” Dennis said.

At the other end of the long table, Kelly jerked her head toward them, away from her conference with Southie. “What?”

“All we have for breakfast is toast,” Andie said, and caught Alice watching her, looking interested.

“We have cereal,” Alice said. “And French toast, which I will not eat.”

“And cereal,” Andie called down to Kelly, and then she looked at Alice. “Are you finished with your pizza?”

Alice shook her head.

“Then keep eating.” Andie turned back to Dennis. “So you don’t think ghosts exist.”

“Oh, they exist,” Dennis said. “We just don’t know what all of them are.”

“All of them?”

“There four kinds. Like the Beatles.” He heh-hehed again, but Andie was getting used to it now.

“Of course there are,” Andie said, thinking, I had to get an academic who thinks he’s a comedian.

“The most common is the crisis apparition. It appears once within twelve hours of a death or coma or whatever the crisis is.”

“Appears. Like…”

“Like a ghost.” Dennis smiled a tight little professorial smile. “Usually it’s someone who’s just died and needs to say good-bye, more telepathy than apparition. Crisis can activate that kind of skill.”

“Telepathy. For real,” Andie said.

“As real as we can test for, but yes, for real. Crisis apparitions are well documented with anecdotal evidence and fit with what we know of telepathy. They’re often just voices, not really an apparition at all.”

Andie was pretty sure they hadn’t lost anybody in the last twelve hours, so she said, “We don’t have those here.”

“Then there’s the haunting,” Dennis went on. “The apparitions show up in the same place, at the same time, doing the same thing. More like a voice-over.” Heh heh.

Andie thought of May, dancing at the foot of her bed every night. “That kind. Are they dangerous?”

“They’re not even a ‘they.’ The theory is that it’s just leftover energy from some cataclysmic event like a murder. The way you can smell perfume in a room after somebody has left, you can see the energy in the room after the catastrophe has passed.” Dennis kept plowing through the pizza as he spoke, his mind clearly divided between Food and Lecture, which Andie had a feeling was probably the majority of his life.

“Catastrophe,” she said. Archer House was definitely the kind of place that had catastrophes. Still… “I don’t think it’s that kind. At least one of them is more than perfume. We have conversations.”

“Then there are apparitions of the living,” Dennis said as if she hadn’t spoken. “Also called astral projection. The doppelgänger.”

“No,” Andie said. “This one is dead. Let’s go back to that second one again. I think that’s the one we have.”

“Really,” Dennis said. “I would have assumed that you have the fourth one, a poltergeist. A noisy ghost. Throws things, breaks things-”

“It’s really pretty calm here,” Andie said. Aside from the ghost.

“-because you have an angry teenager,” Dennis went on, and then picked up his next piece of pizza. “Poltergeists are caused by telekinesis awakened by puberty.”

“Carter?” Andie said, looking down the table at him.

Carter caught her staring and rolled his eyes, probably at how uncool she was, but possibly about what a pain in the ass Kelly was being since she was trying to talk to him across the table.

Andie turned back to Dennis. “Carter’s not a teenager, he’s twelve. And if he wanted to throw something, he’d just throw it. Carter does not need an intermediary.”

Dennis shook his head as he chewed. “The children don’t even know they’re doing it. Completely involuntary.”

“Carter doesn’t do involuntary. We don’t have a poltergeist. So, the haunting. Is that common?”

“Oh, yes,” Dennis said. “Very common. Borley Rectory in England is probably the most famous, but there are many.” He picked up the last piece of pizza from the box.

“Okay,” Andie said. “How did they get rid of their ghost?”

Dennis looked at her over his glasses. “They discovered that the lady of the house was having an affair with a lodger and faked the haunting to fool her husband.”

“Oh. Well, nobody’s having an affair here.” Andie thought of May. “Although the ghost I talk to is all in favor of it.”

Dennis stopped chewing. “You talk to it?”

“Yes,” Andie said, taking the plunge into crazy. “Either that or I’ve dreamed it. I think Alice’s aunt talks with me. I think she sits with Alice at night in the rocking chair at the foot of her bed. Or it might be the woman out at the pond who was looking at Alice. I’m not sure. This is all really new to me.”

“Alice?” Dennis looked across the table at Alice, now plastered with tomato sauce, strings of cheese on the napkin at her neck.

Alice looked up when she heard her name and stared back long enough that Dennis looked away.

Andie nodded, keeping her voice low. “The housekeeper thinks the ghost that sits with her is somebody who died a hundred years ago. I’ve only seen that one once by the pond, and really, she could have been anybody, a real person in fancy dress. Although why anybody would dress up and hang around a pond is beyond me.”

Dennis put down his pizza. “You’ve seen this.”

“The one by the pond, yes. And the one in my room.”

Dennis pushed his plate away. “No offense intended, but had you been drinking or taking sleeping pills or-”

“No,” Andie said. “Sometimes I have a cup of tea at night with a shot of brandy, but I hadn’t been drinking when I saw the woman at the pond. Look, you just said there are hauntings-”

“I said that was a classification,” Dennis said, serious now. “I said there were stories. I didn’t say they existed.”

“But you said poltergeists-”

“The other three kinds of ghosts aren’t ghosts at all in the popular sense of the word. They’re projections, telepathy or telekinesis, from living people or from people who have just died and are making the transition from one life to the next. They’re ephemeral. The kind of haunting you’re talking about lasts. On anecdotal evidence it can last for centuries, but it’s completely unsubstantiated. The others all have been shown to be real and explainable, but the haunting is folklore or fraud.”