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“I love you so much,” I whispered. “I’ll always love you.”

The single tear rolling down her face caught my attention. I leaned in and kissed it away. I moved my lips to hers.

She whispered, “To the moon and back…forever.”

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I tried to catch my breath as Scott lay on top of me after what was probably the most intense, mind-blowing, toe-curling, sexiest moment of my life. Scott began kissing me gently, and the love pouring from his body brought me to tears.

He rubbed his lips against mine. “I love you so much. I’ll always love you.”

I felt a tear sliding down my cheek, and I saw him look at it. When he leaned in and kissed it, my heart stopped for a moment before I was able to say, “To the moon and back…forever.”

He rolled off of me and pulled me into his body. “Holy shit…I’m exhausted,” he said.

I laughed. It felt like I had just run a marathon. “So am I. I’m so sleepy. I can’t keep my eyes open.” I snuggled into his chest.

“Go to sleep, baby.”

At some point, Scott had turned on the radio, but I just noticed the music. When Blake Shelton’s “God Gave Me You” started playing, I smiled. Scott and I both pulled back and looked at each other for what seemed like forever.

Scott closed his eyes and whispered, “Thank you.”

My heart began beating faster as I watched the expression on his face. He opened his eyes, and they were filled with tears.

“What are you thanking me for?” I asked.

He gave me the sweetest smile. “I wasn’t thanking you, baby. I was thanking God for you and Lauren.”

I immediately began crying as he rolled me over to my back. He gently began kissing away the tears as he slowly made love to me.

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I stood on the balcony and felt the sun shining on my face. My whole body felt amazing. I couldn’t believe how wonderful I felt, especially since I had gotten only about two hours of sleep. I smiled as I thought about him waking me up with kisses and then picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. When he’d placed me into the hot bubble bath, I’d let out a long sigh. It had felt like heaven. Then, he’d crawled in and washed every inch of my body before he’d made love to me again.

“Feel good?” Scott asked as he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me to him.

“Mmm,” was all I could get out.

He kissed the top of my head. “Are you ready to leave?”

I shook my head. “I want to stay here forever and do what we did last night every day.” I let out a small laugh.

“Baby, we can do that anywhere, anytime.”

I turned, put my head on his chest, and took in a deep breath. He smelled like heaven.

“I miss Lauren so much, but at the same time, I just want to stay here with you. I just want to do nothing but lie in bed with you and touch you anytime I want.”

“How does making love on the beach sound to you?” he asked.

I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows. “That sounds…amazing. With a fire?”

He nodded and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. “If you want a fire, I’ll build you a fire.”

I nodded my head. “I want a fire.”

“Then, a fire you will get.”

He grabbed my hand and walked us back into the bedroom. I stopped at the end of the bed and watched as he got our suitcases and took them to the door.

I reached over and pinched my arm. Nope…I’m not dreaming.

He turned, looked at me, and smiled.

“Do you know how long I’ve loved you?” I asked.

He walked up to me. “For the same amount of time I’ve loved you.”

I laughed. “How do you know that?”

“Because the first time I ever saw you…I knew I was going to love you for the rest of my life.”

I let out a small laugh and nodded my head. Yep. That was the same thing for me. I knew the moment I first saw him, I would love him forever.

He held out his hand, and I placed my hand in his.

“Mrs. Reynolds, are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?”

I put my finger up to my chin, looking like I was contemplating his question. I took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know, Mr. Reynolds. Do you promise to always love Lauren and me? Oh! And always make me my favorite meal?”

He laughed. “Fettuccine alfredo?”

I nodded my head. “Yep. If you promise to always love both Lauren and me, make me your fettuccine at least twice a month, and tie me up at least once a week, then you’ve got yourself a deal.”

He slowly shook his head. “I think we’re going to get a late start to the coast.”

“Why?” I purposely licked my lips…very slowly.

“Because I’m tying your ass up again.”

I pulled my T-shirt up and over my head and began to take my jeans off as I watched him strip out of his clothes.

“I think this arrangement is going to work out just fine,” I said.

I giggled as he pushed me down on the bed and began tickling me.

“So do I,” he said. He kissed me and then pulled away quickly as he looked deep into my eyes and repeated, “So. Do. I.”

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Ten Years Later

I watched as Alex, Grace, Libby, and Lauren went running by.

“Where are you girls running to?” Ellie called out.

Alex stopped, turned around, and screamed, “Mom! Luke and Will have lizards, and they’re trying to put them down our shirts!” She quickly turned and took off running again.

Heather laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Josh and Heather had sold their house in Fredericksburg and built a house on fifty acres just down the road from Gunner’s and Jeff’s ranches.

“Hey, don’t look at me. Your child is the oldest, Ari, and according to Will, Luke comes up with all their plans,” Heather said as she looked at Ari, who was flipping hamburgers on the grill.

Ari rolled her eyes. “Pesh. I can’t even begin to argue with you on that one. That child is worse than his father with his grand ideas.”

Ellie laughed and nodded toward the pool. “Look at those three.”

I turned and saw Colt with Maegan and Taylor. He was showing them something that had both of their attentions.

“Good Lord, my son is a player at ten years old,” Ellie said.

“That’s my boy,” Gunner said as he walked up behind Ellie and wrapped his arms around her. “Three boys up against six girls. I think he’s doing pretty good since he has two all by himself.”

Ellie slapped Gunner on the arm.

“Oh, come on, Ells…give me some sugar stamps.”

“Go play with the other daddies.” Ellie kissed Gunner quickly on the lips.

Scott, Jeff, Brad, and Josh were all walking up from the barn. Gunner grabbed a football and threw it to Josh, who jumped up and caught it.

“I want to play!” Will, Luke, and Colt all yelled as they ran up to the guys.

“Hey, we want to play, too,” Grace said as she put her hands on her hips.

Alex walked up next to Grace and did the same thing. “Yeah. We want to play, too.”

Will came up to Alex. “You can’t. Alex, you’re a girl, and you could get hurt.”

“Aww…he’s worried about her getting hurt,” Ellie said as she looked at Heather.

Heather smiled and shook her head. “I swear, I think Will has a crush on Alex. She is all he talks about.”

Gunner walked up. “Don’t be silly, Will. Alex is my daughter, and she’s as tough as any ole boy. Ain’t that right, sweetheart?”

He held up his hand, and Alex slapped it.

“That’s right, Daddy,” Alex said with a smile.

Colt stomped his feet. “Dad, for once, can the girls please just sit out a game? Grace, Alex, and Libby are too good of players.”

Josh and Jeff both smiled as Gunner let out a laugh.

“Well, son, you might actually learn something if the girls play,” Gunner said.