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Bryce took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “Last night, Jessie asked me to make sure you got home ’cause you were drunk. She was going to the hospital. She was panicking about Gramps.”

I shook my head. “I know all this shit. What is all your fault? Cut to the fucking chase.”

“When I got to your house, I saw your phone sitting on your passenger seat, so I grabbed it to bring it in. I saw a BMW parked in the driveway, but I didn’t really think anything of it. Then, as I got closer to the front porch, I saw Chelsea sitting there. She said she’d been locked out of her house, and she had nowhere to go.”

I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach. What in the fuck did Chelsea do? And how was my brother a part of it?

“Anyway, I invited her inside, and we got to talking. Then, we had a few drinks, and man, she started coming on to me like crazy. She got up and said she had to make a call on her cell phone. When she got back, she was naked, and then she began walking toward your bedroom. I was pretty trashed. I wasn’t thinking clearly. We ended up in your bedroom…in your bed.”

I started shaking my head. “You fucked my ex-fiancée, Bryce? And in my own goddamn bed? You couldn’t at least go to another room?”

“Jesus, Scott, I’ve been cursing myself all night. At any rate, Chelsea had the whole thing planned out. She was on top, going hard and fast, and the next thing I heard was Jessie saying, ‘Oh my god.’ Then, Chelsea told her something about waiting on her before we started without her. Chelsea had blocked me from Jessie’s view. I tried calling out, but Jessie slammed the door, and then Chelsea was laughing. I pushed the bitch off and got dressed. I tried to go after Jessie, but Chelsea stopped me, and by the time I got outside, Jessie was gone. I ran back into the house to grab your phone. I remembered setting it on the foyer table, but it was gone.”

Jesus, no wonder she thinks I cheated. Why would Chelsea do this?

Oh my god…Jessie.

“I asked Chelsea if she had taken it, and when she started laughing again, I lost it on her. I grabbed her and began screaming at her, asking her what she did. She ended up telling me that she had just happened to stop by, and she had been waiting for you to come home. When I got there and said I couldn’t find you, I guess she made a phone call to a friend of hers who had been at the birthday party. She told Chelsea that you were trashed, and the last she’d heard, you were passed out somewhere. So, Chelsea sent a text to Jessie, saying you were waiting on her to come home.”

“Motherfucker,” was all I could get out.

“She’d set it all up, Scott, and if I hadn’t been such a prick and fucked her, it would have never happened. My god…I’m so sorry. I’ve been trying to call Jessie ever since she left last night.”

I need my truck. I have to find her. “Bryce, I’m heading home to get my truck. Call everyone you know. Tell them to be on the lookout for her.”

I hung up and turned to everyone. They were all staring at me.

“Well?” Dewey said as he gave me a pissed-off look.

“Short version—Bryce and Chelsea were screwing in my bed, and Jessie walked in. She thought it was me. Chelsea had set it all up. I need to find Jessie. I need to get home and get my truck.”

Drake looked at me and nodded. “I’ll take you home.”

I turned to Gunner and asked him to start calling everyone in case Jessie called anyone. I started to make my way to Drake’s truck. I couldn’t walk fast enough.

“Scott…Scott, let’s calm down and think this through. I’m sure we will find her, and everything will be okay. All we have to do is explain to Jessie what happened,” Drake said.

I turned and just stared at him. “How, Drake? None of us know where in the hell she is, and she thinks I fucked Chelsea. She thinks I hurt her . She has to be devastated, Drake. I have to find her.” I felt tears falling down my face. “I have to find her, Drake. I have to. She’s my whole life. I don’t want to live if she’s not in my life. She’s…she’s…” I started shaking my head. “She’s my whole life.”

Drake nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. “We’ll find her, son. I know Jessie, and she wouldn’t just leave without telling someone where she’s going.”

I nodded in agreement, but something deep down inside was screaming that she was gone and was never planning on coming back.

Jessie…baby, please come back to me. I love you, baby. Please just come back to me.

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I woke up to the sound of Scott calling out for me, begging me to come home. I looked around the plane and grabbed my stomach. I felt so sick. This just didn’t feel right, running away like this, but I couldn’t chance seeing him.

Oh god, Scott, why? Why did you sleep with her? Drunk or not…how could you hurt me like this?

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After the long flight, I was finally walking up to my cabana. I couldn’t help but smile at the thatched roof. The view to the ocean was breathtaking.

Scott would love it here. I felt tears coming again.

Scott had been asking me so many questions about what I wanted to do when we got married. He’d asked if I wanted a big wedding with lots of guests or a small one with just family and where my dream honeymoon would be. I had told him I always wanted to go to Belize. Belize would be my dream honeymoon, and here I was, standing outside a beautiful cabana. I was all alone and totally heartbroken, feeling like I was flying in a free fall.

I took a deep breath and made my way up onto the small porch that looked out to the ocean. I glanced over to the beach and saw a man around my age walking alone. I wasn’t sure why I stopped and watched him, but I couldn’t pull my eyes away from him. He looked up, and our eyes caught. I tried to smile as I gave him a wave, but he must have been able to tell that I’d been crying. He frowned and then smiled as he continued along the beach.

I turned and opened the door. I walked into the room where I was planning on spending the next few weeks…alone. I just needed time to sort through things and figure out what I was going to do now that I wouldn’t be buying the vet clinic in Mason.

Where will I go? What will I do?

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I sat at the small table for two at the Mesa Café and waited on my shrimp burger. I’d tried to call my father’s house to let him know I was okay, but I couldn’t get the stupid phone in my room to work. I just hoped that Amanda and Brad had let everyone know that they had seen me. I didn’t want my dad to worry about me.

Oh shit…he’s going to kill me for running off and not telling him where I was going. Double fuck!

“Long time no see.”

I looked up and saw the same man I’d seen earlier walking on the beach. He was peeking down at me with a drop-dead gorgeous smile. I couldn’t help but notice those deep green eyes, and his dark brown hair had that perfect messy look to it. I smiled back and nodded.

“Hi, um…I just got here today, so you’re actually the first person I’ve talked to…well, besides the hotel staff and the waitress here.” I let out a giggle.

Oh, for the love of God, what is wrong with me? I just made an ass of myself.

He glanced down at the empty chair and lifted his eyebrows. “Tell me why a beautiful woman, such as yourself, is here alone.”

My smile slowly faded before I managed another weak smile. “It’s a long story.”

He nodded and said, “Mending a broken heart?”

My mouth dropped open, and I just stared at him. Am I that obvious? “Um…”

He started laughing. “Don’t be too shocked, love. I’m here for the same reason.”