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My god, she’s so damn beautiful. The thought of her stomach growing bigger with my child sent shivers through my body.

I began kissing her body as I stood up. She had her hands in my hair, and the little noises she was making were making it harder for me to go slow.

“Scott…” she whispered over and over.

I began kissing her gently as I unhooked her bra and slipped it off her shoulders. I cupped her breasts in my hands and squeezed gently.

“Oh god…they’re so tender,” she said as she snapped her head straight and looked me in the eyes.

“I want to kiss them, baby…can I kiss them?” I licked my lips.

She smiled and nodded. The moment I put her nipple in my mouth, I reached my hand into her panties and brushed my fingers against her.

My god, her panties are so wet. I stopped sucking on her one nipple and made my way over to the other one. “Jesus, Jessie, baby…”

“Yes…oh god, yes.”

I slipped two fingers inside her and started gently moving them in and out.

“Scott…my god…I feel like I’m going to come.”

I stopped my fingers.

She immediately grabbed on to my shirt and called out, “No! Please don’t stop.”

“Hmm…I don’t want you to come yet, baby. Lie down on the bed, Jess.”

The look in her eyes was driving me insane. She quickly moved and lay down on the bed. Her whole body was shaking. I began to take off my clothes.


She locked her eyes on mine, and I swore she was peering into my soul. I’d never in my life loved her as much as I did at this very moment. As I took off my jeans and boxers, I watched her eyes move down and lock on to my rock-hard dick. When she licked her lips, I let out a growl, and her eyes snapped back up to mine. I gently made my way onto the bed and hovered over her.

“Scott…I want you inside me so badly. I just need to feel you close to me. Please.

As much as I wanted to just slam myself into her, I forced myself to smile and wink at her. “Oh, baby, don’t worry…I plan on burying myself so deep inside you that you’ll know I’ve been there for the next few days.”

She closed her eyes and lifted her body up to me as she threw her head back. She sucked in a breath of air as she brought her hands up and touched her breasts.

Please. I can’t stand it any longer.”

A part of me wanted her to beg me. I wanted her to know how I’d felt all those weeks when she had left me alone…wondering where she was and what she was doing…and who she was with.

I moved down and kissed right above her clit. She let out a gasp as she put her hands in my hair and began pushing me down. I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

“Oh, baby…have you missed my touch?” I asked.

She began thrashing her head back and forth as I started to blow on her clit. I quickly ran my tongue over it, and she let out a small scream.

“Oh god…Scott. Yes! Yes…I’ve missed your touch and your smile. I’ve missed your laugh. I’ve missed the way you hold me and kiss me. I’ve missed making love to you. Fuck! Jesus…I’ve missed being with you…”

That was all I needed to hear. I placed my lips on her clit and began sucking as I put three fingers inside her.

“Ah…oh…oh my god! Yes! Scott…I’m going to come…oh god, yes! That. Feels. So. Amazing.” Then, she began calling out my name over and over.

The rush of wetness was more than I could take. I pulled my lips away and took my fingers out. I moved up and barely pushed my dick inside her.

“Scott! Please…oh god, please. More.”

I slowly pushed myself into her warm body. I lowered my head and let out a moan against her neck. “Motherfucker…you feel so damn good.”

“Oh…” was all she could say as she brought me in closer to her.

It was like she couldn’t get me in her deep enough. I began moving in and out, and she let out the most amazing noises.

I began thrusting harder in her. “I missed you, Jessie. Don’t. Ever. Leave. Me. Again,” I said with each thrust into her.


I’m not going to last long. Oh god, I’ve missed her.

“Harder, Scott. Please go faster and harder.”

I gave her what she asked for. “Talk to me, Jessie…promise me that you’ll always talk to me,” I said as I slammed myself into her harder.

I wanted her to feel me…to feel how much she was mine.

“I will…I promise. God, I promise you…”

The moment she began calling out my name with her orgasm, I couldn’t hold off any longer.

“Jessie…baby, I’m gonna come.”

“Yes! Scott…it feels so good.”

I swore I could feel every ounce of me pour into her. After I finally caught my breath, I just held myself slightly off her body. I was still inside her, not wanting to move. I just wanted to stay inside her warm body.

“I love you so much. Don’t ever leave me again, Jessie,” I said as I kissed along her neck.

“Scott, oh god, I love you. I love you so much, and I’m so sorry for everything.”

I slowly moved myself off of her, and then I lay down next to her. I rolled her against me, and we faced the giant window overlooking the beach.

I closed my eyes and thanked God for her and for the baby and for finally bringing us together again.

Finally…things are going to be okay because we are together again.

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As I listened to Scott breathing in and out, I was overcome with a sense of relief that we were together again. He had made such sweet, passionate love to me. I reached my hand up and ran my fingers along my swollen lips. I closed my eyes and could practically feel his lips on me.

Then, the sheet of guilt swept over my body. I opened my eyes and looked out to the ocean.

Talk to me, Jessie…promise me that you’ll always talk to me.

My heart started pounding in my chest, and I fought the urge to start crying again. I have to tell him what happened. If I don’t…it will eat me alive.

I slowly moved Scott’s arm off of me and rolled over to look at him. I can’t believe he got his friend to bring him here…on a helicopter of all things! My heart swelled, knowing he had come for me as soon as he’d found out where I had been.

I closed my eyes and thought of Chelsea. I wanted to kill her for doing this to us. She’d pushed me away from him. If I hadn’t been so damn scared, I would have called my father weeks ago, and I would have found out the truth, and I would have never, ever kissed Trey…or let him touch me…or let him make me feel the way he’d made me feel.

Oh god, please let him forgive me. Please.

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I peeked up and saw it was just after six in the morning. Scott and I had made love three times throughout the night. Each time had been so different. The first time was almost a blur. I just knew how much I’d needed his touch and needed to feel his love. The second time was hotter than hell. I had gotten up to take a shower, and the next thing I’d known, Scott had been fucking me up against the wall with the hot water just pouring on us. The third time was the most amazing. I swore Scott had kissed every inch of my body. He’d moved so slow and sweet while he’d whispered the most romantic things in my ear. I’d never had so many orgasms in one night.

I heard Scott’s cell phone buzz on the table. I stood up and grabbed his shirt. I slipped it over my head as I walked over and picked up his phone. I saw it was a message from my dad. I thought about how angry he had been when I’d talked to him last night. Ugh…I’m going to have to hear it from him when I get back. He’s going to lay into me about how I walked away from the vet clinic…and how I could have walked away from the love of my life.

I moved across the room over to the giant sliding glass door and watched the sky light up. So much had happened in the last two months, and at the same time, I felt like my life had been at a standstill. I ran my hand down my body and felt my tender breasts. Then, I placed my hand on my stomach.