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“Ah…god, that feels so good.” I threw my head back.

Just Josh touching me felt like heaven.

We sat there for a few minutes without saying anything. I finally looked at him and smiled. He smiled back and gave me a wink.

“I think Libs and Will had fun on their first Christmas today. Don’t you? I mean, they didn’t really know what was going on, but with all the shit Mom and Dad bought for them, I think their little minds were very stimulated.” Josh said with a chuckle.

I smiled as I slid my right leg up and began moving my foot across his lap. I slowly licked my lips. “I know something that needs to be…stimulated.”

The look in Josh’s eyes dropped my stomach in an instant. He pushed my legs off of him, and then he crawled over and began kissing me.

“Jesus, Heather. You drive me insane with lust, do you know that?”

I smiled as I nodded. “I have surprise number two.”

Josh pulled back and looked at me funny. “What?”

“Do you remember the first time you ever tied me up? I told you that I had two surprises for you.”

He slowly smiled. “Oh yeah…the first one was my parents moving here. I totally forgot about the second surprise. What is it?”

I bit down on my lip, thinking back to that day when Josh and I had played a bit more. He’d tied me up, and he’d even let me tie him up once. I’d had this gift since then, and it had taken everything I had to keep it until Christmas.

“It’s upstairs,” I said.

He reached over and pulled my lip out from my teeth. Then, he leaned over and kissed me so sweetly.

“One more present for me, huh?” Josh raised his eyebrows up and down.

I let out a small laugh. “Yep!” I said, popping the P.

Josh slowly stood and then reached down for my hand. He pulled me up and into his arms, and he began kissing my neck.

“I’ve got one more present for you, too, baby,” he whispered against my neck.

My heart started pounding. Ah…the things he does to my body. I can’t even control it anymore. I’m absolutely his…body and soul.

“You want your present first? Or do you want to give me mine?” he asked with such a breathy voice.

The sound of it practically made me tell him to have his way with me right then and there.

I looked at him. “Depends. Will your gift lead to mad, passionate sex?”

Josh’s smile grew bigger. “Will yours?” he asked with the cutest damn smile ever.

I nodded. “Oh yeah.”

He tilted his head as he closed one eye and stared at me. “Okay…I’m thinking that we just say to hell with my gift and get straight to your gift, princess.”

I let out a laugh and shook my head. “No. I want your gift first.”

He took a step back, and his smile faded for a brief second. He turned and walked over toward the Christmas tree. He reached in and pulled out a small box. I grinned, knowing he must have hidden that there just today. I’d been searching the tree every day since we’d put it up.

Josh took my hand and led me over to the fireplace. It was slowly going out, but he started to sit down on the floor, so I followed him. When he did things like this, it made me feel like a little girl again.

“Today was probably one of the best days of my life, Heather. I loved spending Christmas with Gunner, Ellie, Jeff, Ari, and everyone else. Then, we were able to come home and spend time with Mom and Dad.”

I nodded. “It was the best Christmas of my life. It was our babies’ first Christmas.”

“It’s not over yet, princess. I knew you would be sad with your mom and dad not here, especially with this being the kids’ first Christmas.”

I looked away as I felt tears building in my eyes. Josh took his finger and turned my chin toward him.

“I wanted this gift to mean something for you. I hope you like it, princess.”

As he handed me the gift, my hands started to shake. I carefully untied the bow and then began to take off the wrapping paper. I looked up into Josh’s eyes every so often, and the love I saw there just seared into my soul.

I removed the blue velvet box and slowly opened it. I let out a gasp when I saw the necklace. I reached in and took it out. There were three hearts, and each had writing on it. The biggest heart said, Forever in my heart. One of the smaller hearts said, Will, and the other said, Libby. I moved the smaller hearts to see a small round charm with J & H inscribed on it.

“Look on the back of the one with our initials,” Josh said.

I turned it over to read, I’ll love you for infinity.

My heart didn’t know whether to be sad or happy. I looked up, and Josh gave me a small smile. He leaned over and kissed my tear-soaked cheek. I tried to talk, but my voice caught in my throat as I gazed into Josh’s eyes.

How could I love him any more than I do at this very moment?

“Josh…this is so beautiful, and I don’t even—”

“Shh…just tell me you like it.”

I peeked down at the necklace in my hand and then back at him. “I love it. Oh, Josh, it’s so perfect.”

I threw myself into his arms and started crying. He pulled me onto his lap and held me while I let it all out.

Today had been so hard for me. It was our first Christmas as a married couple, the kids’ first Christmas, and another Christmas without my parents.

When I finally settled down, I felt chills running up and down my back from where Josh was moving his hand. I instantly thought of his gift, and I could practically feel myself getting wet. I pulled back and looked at him with the most smoldering look I could muster.

“What’s wrong, baby? Why are you making that face?”

I rolled my eyes. Epic fail on the smoldering look, Heather. I let out a laugh. “You want your gift now?”

“Hell yeah, I do,” Josh said.

He lifted me out of his lap. We both stood and made our way upstairs. I set my necklace down on the dresser and turned to look at my husband. He was standing there, like a kid waiting to see what Santa had brought him. I grinned at my thought of Santa.

“Okay, go sit down on the bed and give me a few minutes,” I said with a wink.

I walked into the closet and opened up my T-shirt drawer. I pulled out the Santa outfit and smiled. I quickly undressed and started to slip on the red thigh-high stockings. The touch of innocence from the black-and-white bows on the top of each stocking made me smile. I pulled on the red silk panties. The small white trim was perfect on them, and I couldn’t believe how sexy they made me feel. Then, I put on the red bustier. The girl at the store had shown me how to get it on without anyone’s help, but it was still a pain in the ass.

“Heather? What in the hell are you doing in there? Still shopping for it?” Josh called out.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Give me two more minutes.”

I put on the black belt, and then I turned and looked in the mirror. The white trim at the top of the bustier matched the white trim on the panties. I slipped on the red high heels and quickly threw my hair up into a sloppy bun with pieces hanging down. I bent down and pulled the box out from behind the stack of blankets. I smiled as I looked at the perfectly wrapped present.

Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m going to do this.

When I had asked Ari for her help a few months back, I’d thought she would pass out from screaming for so long. Before I’d known it, we had been sitting in front of her computer, ordering a Dare Me Pleasure Set from Lelo.com.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the closet doors. Josh was lying back on the bed with his arm over his eyes. When he tilted his head up, his mouth dropped open. I was standing there in my sexy Santa outfit, holding his present.

“Holy shit, you look…you look…”

I tried so hard not to blush…or laugh at his expression. He was speechless, and I was silently thanking Ari for talking me into getting this outfit.