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I slowly started to enter her body. Jesus, she’s so tight. I said a silent pray, hoping that I would last at least five minutes.

“Talk to me, Heather.”

“Don’t ...know...what…to say...”

“Does it hurt, princess?”

“No…feels good...please don’t stop.”

I moved in, inch by inch, as I kissed her. I saw the pain in her face, and I pulled back out some. She grabbed my back and pulled me closer to her, causing me to go deeper inside her. She let out a gasp.


“I’m fine. Oh god, Josh, I feel like you’re melting into me. Please don’t stop. Please.”

I put my forehead onto hers and quickly pushed myself all the way into her.

Pure heaven. I didn’t even want to move. I wanted to just stay like this while I listened to her breathing.

I slowly started to move in and out of her.

Then, I remembered.

Fuck. I stopped moving and looked at her. I never fucking forgot…ever.

“Heather, I’m not wearing a condom.”

“S’okay. I’m on birth control pills.”

“But I’ve never...”

She looked at me and smiled. I melted on the spot. I smiled back at her as I captured her lips with mine. I started to move again, faster and harder. When I pulled on her bottom lip and bit down on it, she started to call out my name.

Mother fucker. It felt incredible to be inside of her with nothing separating us. I tried to hold off as long as I could, but it felt so damn good. The moment she started to come back to me, I called out her name. There was something about me coming in her that felt so right. She’s mine. She would always be mine, and I would do anything for her.

I stayed on top of her until our breathing was under control. I leaned down and kissed her. I’d never in my life experienced such an amazing moment. As I rolled onto my side, she rolled over to face me.

I looked into those beautiful blue eyes.

“Heather, I’ve never in my life experienced anything like what I just experienced with you. Making love to you was…it was magical.”

I saw the tear slide down her face, and I caught it before it went into her ear. Leaning forward, I kissed her.

When I pulled back, she smiled.

“Can I ask you something, Josh?”

“You can ask me anything you want, baby.”

“Well, it’s kind of two things.”

I laughed and kissed her nose.

“Go for it.”

“Okay…well, um…next time…um, can I be on top? And…how long until you can, um…do that again?”

Fuck me. She’s perfection all around.

I smiled at her and pushed a piece of her hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear.

“I think I’ll only need a few more minutes, and as far as you being on top…baby, you never need to ask permission for that.”

She laughed and pushed my shoulder, causing me to fall back. I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me and she sat up straight. She barely moved and then looked back down at me. She lifted her eyebrow and smiled.

“A few minutes, huh?”

“Looks like I underestimated him.”

Heather laughed and then sat up some. Leaning down, she kissed me from my neck up to my ear.

“Will it feel different with me on top?”

She was barely letting my dick touch her, and it was driving me crazy.

“Yeah…” was all I could get out.

“Like how different?”

“Like...I don’t know…fuller, I think. Shit, Heather…you’re driving me mad.”

With a smile, she bit down on my lower lip right as she sat down, letting me I enter her body all the way.

We both let out a gasp as she sat back up, putting her hands on my chest.

“Oh god…feels so good, Josh.”

With the way she was moving, there was no way I was going to last long. She looked down at me, and her blonde hair fell forward, partially covering her beautiful breasts.

“Faster, Heather…move faster.”

When she did, I could tell she was getting close. Sitting up, I grabbed her and I buried my face into her chest.

Before I knew it, we were both calling out each other’s names.

She moved her legs to wrap around me, straddling me. I wasn’t even sure how long we sat like that before she said something.

“I never want to leave. I just want to stay right here with you forever.”

I closed my eyes and held her tightly.

“I feel the same way, princess. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.”

When I slowly laid her down next to me, she put her head on my chest. The next thing I knew, she was sleeping. All I could hear were the sounds of the Llano River and the slow and steady breaths coming from the girl of my dreams.



Oh. My.God. I was lying there on the bed, panting. Jesus, how does Jeff do that to me? I smiled as I thought about how amazing he’d just made me feel. After two orgasms, I was spent and ready to go to sleep.

He crawled up next to me and smiled.

“Well, do you feel more relaxed, baby?”

When I started laughing, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Holy shit. What the fuck?

“Jeff, will you help me sit up?”

Jeff got up and helped me into a sitting position.

“What’s wrong?”

I looked at him and smiled. “Nothing. I guess I just had a sharp pain in my stomach. It was almost like the Braxton Hicks contractions, but this time it seemed different, stronger.

“Do you want something to eat?”

I nodded my head and slowly made my way off the bed. Grabbing my normal attire from the last few weeks, I threw on a pair of sweat-pants and a T-shirt.

Jeff whipped up some scrambled eggs. Just as I was about to take a bite, I felt another contraction.

Oh shit.

I looked at Jeff with a panicked look on my face. His face went white in two seconds flat.

“Holy fucking shit. Contractions?”

I nodded my head.

“Shit! I didn’t time it…you had the other one like what…twenty minutes ago?”

“That sounds about right.”

“Fuck!” Jeff jumped up and ran into the bedroom. When he ran by the kitchen, I saw he was carrying my bag that we’d packed for the hospital. He never even stopped.

At one point, he just tossed my flip-flops at me and told me to put them on.

One landed on top of the fridge, and the other hit me square in the face. Luckily, I was able to catch it. The one on top of the fridge was going to be a challenge.

I stood up, dropped the one flip-flop I had on the floor, and then walked over and grabbed the broom. I was able to knock the other flip-flop off of the fridge. It landed on the floor, and then I slipped that one on.

I reached for my purse and pulled out my cell. Oh yay! I had a signal.

I sent a text to my mother: Having contractions. About twenty minutes or so apart. Heading to Seton.

Less than a minute later my cell went off.

Mom: OMG! OMG! Dropping Matt off at Melissa’s and heading to Seton. Tell Jeff to drive safe. No! Tell Gunner to drive.

I let out a laugh and replied back with a simple okay. I picked up the land line and called Ellie and Gunner’s place. Ellie answered, and I told her I was having contractions. She screamed in my ear and then screamed for Gunner, saying they had to leave to meet us at Grams and Gramp’s place. Then, the bitch hung up on me.

Okay. I’m the one having shooting-ass pains, and I’m the one that’s about to push a watermelon out of a hole the size of a grape. What the fuck are they all freaking out about? Why am I the only one who is calm?

Gunner would be calm. I could always count on Gunner.

Jeff came running back, going straight by the kitchen, before skidding to a stop.

“Oh there you are, baby! What are you doing? I sent a text to Gunner. We have to meet him at Emma and Garrett’s house. So, um, let’s go. We have a long drive. Have you had another contraction?”

I smiled at him and shook my head.