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Amanda started laughing. Brad’s mother was an OB, and Amanda had started working for her part time, helping out on days she didn’t have classes.

“Ells, I hate to tell you this, but you’re not going to be able to feel the baby yet. Only Ari can at this early stage.”

Ellie shot Amanda a look that should have brought Amanda to her knees. “Well, shit, I want to feel it. What does it feel like?”

“It felt like fluttering or bubbles in my stomach. You know like when you have gas moving through your stomach.”

“Oh Christ, how romantic, Ari,” Amanda said as she rolled her eyes.

“It’s the only way I know how to describe it.” I reached for my phone and hit Jeff’s number.

“I’ll be right back,” I said as I got up and headed outside.

“Hey, baby, you having fun?” Jeff asked.

“I miss you,” I said in as much of a seductive voice as I could.

“Hold on a second.”

I heard Jeff say he was going outside for a second, and I had to smile.

“Jesus, Ari, only you can make me go hard in an instant. Want to sneak away and meet somewhere?”


“Where are you?”

“Maudie’s on Lake Austin Boulevard.”

“Give me fifteen minutes, baby, and I’ll be there.”

“Okay, hurry, but be careful driving.”

I walked back into the restaurant. The spilled drink mess had been cleaned up, and the girls were all eating from a giant piece of chocolate cake.

When I sat down, and all three of them looked at me.

“He’s coming to get you, isn’t he?” Heather said with a wink.

Damn, these girls know me too well. I just smiled and took a sip of my water.

“Ugh, you horny-ass bitch. If pregnancy does this to you, sign me the fuck up,” Amanda said as she smiled at me.

“Are y’all mad?” I asked.

Amanda let out a sigh and sat back. “I’m actually kind of relieved. I know I was all wanting a guy to grab my ass while I danced the night away. Honestly though, with Brad being at his parents’ lake house, there’s a really good book I want to read, and I would so love the peace and quiet in the house.”

“I really am so exhausted from finishing up this semester. All I really want to do is go home and soak in a hot bath,” Heather said as she winked at me.

Ellie was staring at her cell phone with a huge-ass grin on her face. When she looked up, we were all staring at her.

“What does that overly romantic-bastard husband of yours have planned?”

Ellie smiled. “He said he’s right behind Jeff, and he wants to take me on a carriage ride downtown.”

“Good god, where did this man come from? I mean really, he needs to teach a damn class on this shit,” Amanda said as she fanned herself.

Ellie and Amanda laughed.

Amanda looked down at her phone and grinned. Heather, you feel like dropping me off at the lake house? Looks like Brad’s feeling a little lonely.”

Heather giggled as she dug out her keys. “No problem.” Has everyone left him all alone?”

“I guess so. He said Gunner and Jeff just left, and Josh was outside on the deck, probably making plans to leave as well.”

Heather’s smile faded for one brief second before it she smiled again.

“Okay. Well then, let’s head out, and I’ll drop you off. Are you girls okay with us leaving you until your men get here?” Heather asked.

She and Amanda both stood up and started to hug and kiss Ellie and me.

“We’ll be fine. They’re only a few minutes away, and we can talk wedding stuff,” Ellie said as she looked over at me and winked.


After Heather and Amanda left, I looked over at Ellie, who was smiling at me like a damn fool.

“What has you so full of glee, except for the fact that your hubby is taking you on a carriage ride?”

“You. I’m so glad to see you and Jeff finally happy.”

I let out a small laugh. “It sure has been a long bumpy-ass road.”


I sighed as a wedding detail crossed my mind.

“Oh shit! I forgot to call Jenny about the bouquets.” Panicking, I reached for my cell phone.

Ellie reached over and grabbed my hand.

“She called me earlier. I took care of it. That’s what the maid of honor does, you know. Don’t worry. It’s all taken care of, and they’re going to look beautiful.”

“You know I would be lost without you, don’t you?”

Ellie smiled at me and squeezed my hand. “I would be lost without you, too. I love you, baby.”

“I love you, too. In case I haven’t told you in a while, that nose piercing is really adorable on you!”

Ellie threw her head back and laughed. Then, she stopped laughing and looked at me.

“Oh my god, you’re piercing!”

“Yeah, I know. Dr. Wyatt said I need to have it out no later than twenty weeks, but I already took it out. I actually thought Jeff was going to cry when I told him I was taking it out.”

Ellie let out a giggle and rolled her eyes. “He really liked it, huh?”

“Oh yeah, he loved it.” I said, moving my eyebrows up and down.

“Eww. Okay, I don’t need the visual in my head, thank you very much.”

I looked up and saw Jeff and Gunner walking toward us. I smiled, and Ellie turned around.

Jeff came up to me, leaned down, and kissed me. Then took my hand, pulled me up and just turned, leading me out.

He turned back around and looked at Gunner.

“You got the bill, right, bro?”

Gunner just laughed. “Y’all have fun!”



The Wedding Day……

Gunner and I walked around, following Jenny. Everything was set up and ready to go and I was in awe at how beautiful everything was. The Mansion at Judges’ Hill really was the perfect choice for the wedding.

We had the rehearsal dinner here last night, and Ari had never stopped smiling. Her dad had even pulled me to the side and finally told me how happy he was we were getting married. Of course, he had to end it with a threat, saying that not only did I have to make Ari the happiest woman on earth, but I also better be the best damn father to his grandchild.

No pressure.

The reception room looked amazing. Ari and Jenny did an amazing job. I looked around and almost felt like I couldn’t breathe. In two hours, I was going to marry the girl of my dreams.

Gunner slapped me on the back, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Dude, I’m gonna assume by the smile on your face you’re thinking about your future bride.”

My smile grew as I looked at Gunner and Jenny. Jenny smiled back and then looked at her watch.

Immediately, she picked up her cell phone and made a call. “Those flowers were supposed to be here by 9 a.m. Yeah, you better be on your way.” She hit end and then looked back up at me.

“No worries. It’s for the reception. Susan wanted fresh, as in same day fresh, flowers for the tables.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. We walked out to the courtyard. It looked perfect.

“Okay, so if everything looks good to you, Jeff, I need to go and check on the bride. I actually just saw her peeking out the window up-stairs.”

I hadn’t seen her since yesterday morning when Ellie and Heather got to the cottage and practically dragged Ari away, kicking and screaming. They stayed here last night because Sue was worried that Ari wouldn’t be here on time.

I scanned the windows until my eyes captured hers. She smiled and waved at me, and I waved back. Her hair was pulled up, but I couldn’t really see how it was styled. No matter what, she looked beautiful. Then, I saw Ellie as she shot me a dirty look and pulled Ari away from the window.

Gunner laughed as he slapped me yet again on the back.

“Damn, dude, you’re one lucky son of a bitch. She looks beautiful.”

I turned and looked at Gunner as we started to walk back inside. Josh and Brad were talking to Sue and Mark while Matt was climbing all over Josh. I smiled, knowing my little buddy was so happy today.