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I let my eyes travel up and down Jerry. He sure was attractive, and he had a killer smile that made my stomach drop.

Jerry wasn’t as good-looking as Josh, he was damn near close to it.

We talked for a few hours about nothing and everything. It was nice having a simple conversation. I also didn’t have to worry about if he was going to check out the waitress or if she was going to slip him her number. Josh had never done that though. At least, I’d never noticed it.

Josh. I wondered if he was with Lynda. I decided I needed to check up on Ari. I looked at the time, and it was almost ten.

I sent her a text message: How are you?

Ari: I’m reading. Jeff is passed out with his head on my lap.

I had to smile to myself. Thank God Jeff was not the father in that whole Rebecca-baby drama. I sent her another text and asked if I could give her a quick call. I excused myself as I walked outside of Mighty Fine Burgers to call Ari.

“Hey, girl. How was the trip back to Austin?” Ari said.

“It was fine. I ran into an old friend. Do you remember Jerry Ross? He’s my Cousin David’s best friend. Plays baseball for UT.”

“Oh yeah, the one who always wears his damn baseball cap backward. Yeah, I remember him!” Ari said with a small giggle.

I was sure she was trying not to hurt her side or wake up Jeff.

“I’m having a late dinner…well, burgers with him.”

“Really? Huh,” Ari said.

I heard her tell Jeff to go back to sleep.

“What do you mean, huh? I’m not allowed to have dinner with anyone?” I knew I sounded like a bitch. What is with the attitude from her?

“I don’t mean anything by it, Heather. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, between you and Josh, I swear.”

“What about Josh? Is he there or still out to dinner with Lynda?”

When Ari didn’t say anything, my heart started to pound.

“Is he there Ari?”

“Um, no. He actually left a few hours ago to head back to Austin.”

“Really? Did he go back to Austin alone?” Why I even cared was beyond me. I did this to myself. I pushed him away one too many times, and now, I had a feeling I was about to pay for it.

“I’m not really one hundred percent sure on that.”

“I can always tell when you’re not being honest, you know.”

“I overheard Josh telling Jeff that Lynda was going back to Austin with him.”

Oh. My. God. I put my hand up to mouth when almost threw up. He’s coming back to Austin with Lynda.

“Heather, baby, are you okay?”

“I have to go.”

“Heather, wait! Talk to me. I’m so damn confused with what’s going on between you two. You told him to move on. Baby. Did you mean it? If not, Heather, call him. Call him right now before he does something I know you’re both going to regret.”

“No, you’re right. I told him to move on, and clearly, that is what he’s doing. I can’t blame him for that. Listen, sweets, I just wanted to check up on you and see how you’re feeling. Take it easy and give Jeff a hug and kiss for me, will you? I’ve got to run. Jerry is waiting on me.”

“Heather, please call me if you need to talk, and please call Josh, baby.”

“There’s no reason for me to call Josh. I’ll talk to you later.”

As I leaned up against the building, the tears were building in my eyes. I felt so sick to my stomach, and all I wanted to do was scream. Am I really going to just let him go that easily? Looking down at my phone, I found Josh’s number. I looked back into the restaurant, and Jerry was cleaning off our table while talking to the girl who had been working behind the counter. It looked like she was handing him something. I was sure the place was fixin’ to close any second now.

I looked back down at my phone and hit dial.

Then, she answered.

“Hey, Heather! Is everything okay? This is Lynda.”

I was so stunned that I couldn’t even think of any words to form in my mouth.


“Heather, are you okay?”

I could hear the satisfaction in her voice, knowing she had caught me off-guard.

“Yes, I am. I must have dialed Josh’s number by mistake. I was trying to…trying to call Ari to see how she’s doing.”

“Oh, okay. Well we literally just walked into Josh’s apartment, and he’s taking a shower. So should I let him know you called?”

What a fucking bitch. I hate her. “Ah, no. Like I said, I meant to call Ari, so no, that’s fine. Thanks, Lynda. Enjoy yourself.”

“Oh, believe me, we intend to have fun tonight…if you know what I mean.”

I just hung up. I leaned over, and the next thing I knew, I felt Jerry’s hands on my back.

“Heather! Oh my gosh, are you going to get sick?”

I couldn’t breathe. He’s going to sleep with her? Oh god. I pushed him away, and now, he was going to sleep with her. I. Can’t. Breathe.

I looked up at Jerry. His face was filled with concern. He truly seemed to be worried about me. Maybe he’s the one? I didn’t think I’d ever have to worry about him leaving me. He didn’t seem like the type of guy who would play around.

“Jerry, I don’t think I can drive. Can you please take me home?”

Jerry smiled at me and leaned down to pick me up. As he carried me to his BMW, he whispered in my ear,

“I’ll do anything for you, baby.”


The light shining through the window was killing my head. I pulled the pillow over my face and let out a moan. Oh god. I hadn’t felt this bad in months. Holy hell, how much did I have to drink? I started to play back the evening in my head. Jerry had stopped and picked up some beer and the fixing’s to make Italian Margaritas. I remembered drinking…a lot…laughing...kissing and.

I sat up in bed so fast that I thought I was going to puke. I looked down to see that I was naked.

Oh. My. God. No!

Slowly looking to my left, I almost jumped when I saw Jerry sleeping next to me. No. Oh god no. I very carefully tried to get out of bed, and then it hit me. I was sore...down there. When I pulled the sheets back, I saw blood.

I got up and ran into the bathroom. I barely made it in time to throw up. After ten minutes of getting sick while Jerry asked if I wanted a warm washcloth, I sat back against the wall and cried my eyes out. I lost my virginity to a guy I wasn’t even dating…when I was drunk… and I don’t even remember it.

I closed my eyes and pictured Josh telling me my first time had to be special. I’d wanted my first time to be with someone I loved. I wanted it to be with Josh. I had not wanted to be drunk and sick the next morning with no memory of even having had sex in the first place.

I leaned back over the toilet and started throwing up again.

“Jesus, Heather. You’re not much of a drinker, are you?” Jerry said with a small laugh.

Does he even know? How could he not know that I was a virgin?

“I just need a few more minutes. I’m so sorry.” I said.

He looked down at me with pity. “Should I make you some eggs, babe?”

Ugh, he called me babe. “Sure.” It was not lost on me that I was sitting, naked, on my damn bathroom floor. I closed my eyes and felt the tears again.

Josh…it was supposed to be Josh.

I felt something soft land on my shoulders, and I realized he was putting my bathrobe over me.

“Thank you.”

“Heather, if I had known ahead of time, I would never have...”

Oh great…just great. Now, he’s sorry for having sex with me. I looked up at him as I felt the tear roll down my face.

“Baby, please don’t cry. I feel like shit as it is. I wish I could go back and change it all.”

Wow….good-looking and caring…but he’s still not Josh.


After a few more minutes of me sitting on the bathroom floor, rocking back and forth while I tried to remember anything from last night, I got up and made my way into the living room. Then, I remembered I was butt-ass naked, so I started to turn back to the bedroom when my door bell rang. I looked at the clock on the wall. Who the hell would be here at seven in the morning?