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“There’s nothing going on but friendship. Ain’t that right, Heather?” Josh said.

Oh fuck.

“Um…I um.”

“Heather, didn’t you want to talk to Josh about something?” Ari said, her eyes pleading with Heather.

“I, um.” Heather looked over at Josh.

He actually looked pissed. What the hell?

“I think you made your self clear yesterday as well as the other day. Or is there something else you needed to tell me besides to fuck off?”

Ah, shit. This is going south. I looked at Ari, who was staring at Josh in shock. Then, she glanced at Heather, who also had a shocked look on her face. This seemed to be turning into something I was not used to seeing on Heather.

Suddenly, she appeared to be very pissed-off as her hands were balled up in fists. I tried to decide who I was putting my money on.

Getting up from the bar stool, Heather just glared at Josh.

“To think that I even thought.”

“You even thought what, Heather? I know it wasn’t about a relationship with me. ‘The bastard manwhore.’ I believe those were your words to me yesterday.”

“You had just made plans to go have lunch with Lynda, yet there you were, trying to talk to me! Are you kidding me right now, Josh?”

“Okay, hold on a second here, y’all. Let’s just calm down and talk about this,” Ari said as she stood up and walked over toward Heather.

“There’s nothing to talk about, Ari. Heather made herself pretty fucking clear where she stood with me. Isn’t that right, Heather?”

Josh gave Heather a smirk,

Then he glanced over at me. I was completely stunned as to why he was being such a prick.

For a second, it looked like Heather might cry. I watched Josh’s whole body sink when he saw the same thing I did.

Josh said, “Heather, I didn’t.”

“No, Josh you’re completely right. I did tell you where I stood, and you told me if you walked out the door, then that was it. So, we’re done. There’s nothing left to talk about. If you’ll excuse me...”

Heather’s voice cracked as she started to back out of the kitchen.

“I think I’ll get ready and then head up to see if Emma needs any help before the party.”

Heather turned, leaving as fast as she could. Ari looked at Josh and just shook her head.

“She pushed you away because she got scared, Josh. She wanted to tell you she didn’t mean anything she had said, you fuckwad! You just blew probably the best thing that’ll ever happen to you because you had to run into the arms of the first girl you came across.”

“Wait…what? First off, how do you know she didn’t mean any of it? And what the hell do you mean I ran into the arms of the first girl I came across? I haven’t been with anyone in months!” Josh yelled.

“I know because she sat there and cried to Ellie and me about how much she cared about you and how she messed things up with you. But you didn’t let her explain that, did you?”

Ari started to walk out of the kitchen, but then she stopped and turned back around.

“Lynda, you stupid ass. You made plans with Lynda, and she made sure to tell us how you said you would only dance with her at the party.”Ari turned her back to us as she was leaving the kitchen. “I’m going to see if Heather is okay.”

Josh was now leaning over with his hands on his knees.

“Josh…dude, you okay?” I walked over and helped him sit down.

He looked up at me and started to shake his head. “I’m so fucking confused that I can’t even think straight. I never asked Lynda out to lunch yesterday. She kept asking me if I was going to dance with her. I never said I was only going to dance with her. They must have misunderstood her. I don’t…” Josh paused, standing up. “I’m heading up to Garrett and Emma’s place. I know Drake needs help with the tables and shit. I’ll talk to you later, dude.”

As Josh was leaving, he walked right into Heather who was also heading toward the front door. They both just stood there and stared at each other. Josh was the first to move. He stepped around her and headed out. Heather turned to me and gave me a weak smile before she left.

Holy hell. If this is any indication, this was going to be a very interesting party.


Ari walked back into the kitchen a few minutes later. The moment I saw her, I had to catch my breath.

Damn. She was dressed in a white shirt with a pink tank top underneath. She had on a pair of jean shorts and a belt with a buckle that was so damn big and blingy that I just had to smile at her. As I moved my eyes down her body, I noticed the pink cowboy boots. My cowgirl sure the hell knows how to dress.

“Baby, those shorts…maybe you should…”

Ari turned and gave me a look that said I should know better than to say anything about what she was wearing.

“I’m just sayin’ that they’re are kinda short, baby.”

“They are not short, Jeff. These are the longest damn pair of shorts I have that still fit me. I think I’m getting bigger already.”

“Already? What do you mean by that? Isn’t it supposed to be we get married, you get happy, and then start getting bigger because you’re so damn happy with me?” I said with a laugh.

Ari looked like as pale as a ghost.

“Ari, I’m just kidding, baby. You look amazing.” I walked up to her and pulled her into my arms.

She instantly relaxed and started to run her hands through my hair. She pushed her hips into me, and that was the only sign I needed. I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around me as I started to walk her into the bedroom.

“Oh god Jeff. I need you so bad.”

I let her slide down my body while I took her mouth in mine. She let out a moan, and I couldn’t wait anymore. I pulled my mouth away from her to take her shirt off.

Just then, someone knocked at the door.

“Motherfucker!” Ari and I both yelled at the same time.

“Just ignore it, Jeff. Please just ignore it,” Ari said nearly begging.

I pulled her shirt over her head and then put my hand up under the tank top. God, she felt so good. She slowly started to back up to the bed. When she was lying down, I crawled on top of her and captured her lips with mine again. Reaching my hands down, I started to unbuckle her belt. Then, I thought I heard the front door open.

Ari pulled back and whispered,

“Did someone just come in?”

“Jeff? Ari?” Garrett called out.

We heard him walking down the hall-way. Ari pushed me away and rolled over, landing on the floor next to the bed.

I just leaned over and looked at her.

“What the hell are you doing?” I whispered to her.

“Go talk to him! Shit! I don’t want him walking into our room to see me half dressed!”

I was confused because she was still wearing her tank top and shorts. I crawled off the bed, I could hear Garrett in the kitchen.

I adjusted my harder-than-rock-hard dick while I made my way out to see what was going on. I made a mental note to always make sure the front and side doors were locked from this point on.

I walked into the kitchen to see Garrett pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Hey, Garrett, what’s up?” I asked.

“Hey, son. Gunner asked me to come fetch you to help set up the tables and all that shit for the party this afternoon. Your front door was open, so I just helped myself.”

I tried really hard to smile as I made another mental note. The next time I had enough beers in me I as gonna have a talk with Garrett about him walking into the house. While I was making all these damn mental notes, I better make one to warn Gunner.

Just then, Ari came running in through the front door. What the hell? How did she…?

“Hey, Gramps! What’s shaking?” Ari said as she bounced up to give him a hug and a kiss.

He grinned and gave her a look that I didn’t understand. She shook her head, and he gave her a faint smile back.