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I let out a laugh. I could not believe she was fucking serious! Ari looked at me with a confused look on her face.

“What the hell is so funny?” She said has she put her hands on her hips and stared at me.

“YOU! That is a HUGE suitcase and what is with taking off all your nail polish? I’m pretty sure girls who live in the country wear nail polish. Did you pack jeans? Gunner told me to bring plenty of jeans.”

“Of course I packed jeans what the hell Ellie….I’ve been to the country before!”

Just then I heard Gunner’s truck driving and music blaring from it. Christ if he played Truck Yeah I would kill him. We walked over to the bay window and watched them parked. They both got out of the truck at the same time and they were both laughing at something. My stomach took a dive and my heart starting beating like crazy.

“Holy fuck….” Ari and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph no guy should look that fucking hot in a pair of fucking Wranglers and cowboy boots. I think I’m going to have an orgasm just looking at his ass in those things!”

“Shit Ari come on! That’s my brother….eewwwwAAAA!” I said as I hit her in the shoulder.

“Fuck me Ellie do you not see Gunner? Holy shit…..that fucker is hot!”

I smiled as I watched them walk up to the house. Gunner looked hotter than hot. I had to push my legs together to ease the ache that was present….again….from just looking at him. He had on a pair of Wrangler jeans and a white t-shirt. A tight white t-shirt just like the one he was wearing the first day I met him. I could see his tattoo through the white t-shirt and part of it was sticking out from his sleeve. I had yet to see him with his shirt off and I was dying to! I wanted to trace his tribal tattoo with my finger and then my tongue.

ARGH! Ellie stop thinking like that. Oh my god what was wrong with me. I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts.

“Hmmmm YUM….I see Gunner’s tattoo…..sure as shit wish Jeff had on a white t-shirt stupid fucker! I hardly got to look at his tattoos the other morning.” Ari said as she wiggled her eyebrows up and down!

“Shut up you bitch! Come on let’s get going before they see us both drooling all over them!”

Jeff knocked on the front door but then opened it and walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Ari.

“You’re wearing that?” Jeff asked Ari as he looked her up and down and ran his hand through his hair.

Ari shrugged her shoulders and looked at what she was wearing.

“Yeah, why, what’s wrong with what I have on dickwad?

Gunner walked up to me and leaned down and wrapped his arms around me as he lifted me up to give me a kiss.

“You look beautiful Ells. Did you pack enough pairs of jeans sweetheart?” He said as he slowly lowered me to the ground. I loved nothing more than when he did that. To be so close to his body was amazing. I wonder what having sex would be like with him?

Wait….What??? Holy fuck where did that come from?

“Nothing is wrong if you’re going to the beach or I guess the mall or something. For Christ sakes Ari we are going out to a fucking cattle ranch. If you bend over a little I can probably see your ass those shorts are so fucking short.”

Ari looked at Jeff and gave him that signature smile of hers. “Well it’s a damn good thing this ass does not belong to you now isn’t it. You don’t have to worry about it!” Ari smacked her ass with her hand and gave Jefferson a wink.

“Whatever squirt. If you want guys looking at you like you’re some kind of whore that’s up to you. Let me guess the giant suitcase right here is yours?”

Ari smiled and walked up to Jefferson as he picked up her suitcase. She stood on her tippy toes and purred up at him. “Are you jealous that the other cowboys will be looking at me and fantasizing about how good of a rider I might be?”

Jefferson dropped Ari’s suitcase and it almost landed on her left foot. Ari was stilling leaning in close to Jefferson as she gave him a wink.

“Be careful there Jeff…I have very important items in that suitcase that I need to take care of…….certain…...needs…….”

Jefferson looked over at Gunner and me and shook his head as if he was trying to erase an image. He quickly picked up her suitcase and walked out the front door. Gunner started laughing as soon as the front door shut. I mean really…..I think Ari just entertains the hell out of Gunner. I hit his shoulder and looked at Ari.

“Arianna! That was just plain MEAN! You and I both know you do NOT own any such items! And you……Gunner stop laughing. It’s not funny. She is going to give poor Jefferson a heart attack by the end of the week.” I said as I stared at both of them. They were both trying not to laugh but doing a piss poor job of it.

“WHAT!? I have my flat iron and hair dryer in that suitcase! Those are very important items to me. Gesh Ellie….get your mind out of the gutter you perv!”

Gunner reached down and grabbed my suitcase and started to head out to the truck. “Come on ladies….let’s blow this popsicle stand!”

I was so excited I could hardly stand it! I grabbed my purse and stuck my iPod and my headphones into it as quick as I could. I followed Ari out of the house and locked the door behind me! Ari leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“DO NOT make me sit in the back seat with Jeff or I will fucking kill you!”

I started to giggle when I saw Jefferson jump in the front seat of Gunner’s truck. “I think you scared the shit out of Jefferson….he wouldn’t sit next to you even if you paid him to!”

Ari looked over at the truck and then back at me and we busted out laughing. Gunner walked up and picked me up and spun me around. I let out a little yell as he gave me another kiss. He smiled at me and leaned in close to my ear.

“Do you want to sit in the front with me sweetheart? I can kick Jeff into the back seat with the whore!”

I started to laugh and hit his back. “Put me down and no! I’ll sit with Ari in the backseat. I think if Jefferson and Ari had to sit near each other that long they would end up killing each other and that would ruin my first trip out to the country!”

“Agreed! Let’s go baby.” Gunner walked over to open the truck door for me.

Ohhh…..I secretly wished he called me baby all the time. I was not sure why I liked it so much. I mean…the way it came out of his mouth it just sounded so…….

“Fuck its hot when he calls you baby.” Ari said to me with a wink.

“Yeah, it is hot isn’t it?!.”

Ari jumped into the truck and slid all the way behind Gunner’s seat. Gunner held my arm as I got in. Shit the electric jolt that traveled through my body when he touched me was unreal. Would I ever get use to it? He gave me one last peck on the cheek, smiled and shut the door. He jogged around the front of the truck and got in. He looked over at Jefferson and smiled!

“Alright! Let’s get the hell out of the city and get us some fresh country air!” Gunner said with a smile.

Gunner looked back at me winked and smiled.

“We have to listen to a little music to get us in the mood!”

Gunner hit play and “Banjo” by Rascal Flatts started to play. Jeff and Gunner both gave each other a fist bump and said at the same time…..

“Hells yeah!”

I looked over at Ari and she looked at me.

She smiled and just shook her head.

“Men….” We both said at the same time.



G unner……

Christ almighty…….driving for three hours and listening to Ari go on and on was enough to drive me fucking nuts! She got a call from Jason and of course she took it. The minute she said Jason’s name Jeff put on his headphones and didn’t take them off for another hour. Stupid fucker was just going to give up on the girl he wanted.