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**Once again, the ending of this book was probably a bit of a shock.

I’d like to ask that you do not spoil it for others in your reviews.

I want all readers to be as surprised as you were at the end.

Thanks so much for understanding <3

Speaking of reviews . . . If you loved this story, please leave a review wherever you purchased it.

And please don’t upload or share this on the internet. If you want authors to keep writing the stories you love, please respect their work by not sharing or uploading copyrighted material.

And . . . if you need to talk about the ending and the series, or are just suffering from hottie overload, or maybe, in the case of this book, a hottie hangover, please know that there is help.

Join the Keatyn Chronicles Addicts Group on Facebook.

And be sure to check out my website for added content: clothes, playlists, dream casts, merchandise, and sneak peeks.

Other books by Jillian Dodd

That Boy Series

Fall in love with the boys next door.


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That Baby

coming soon

The Keatyn Chronicles

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come and get me

book 6

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The Mystic Series by B.C. Burgess:  A paranormal romance of epic proportions.

     Stretching from coast to coast and teeming with loathed villains and beloved heroes, The Mystic Series is rich with emotion, magic and intrigue. Whether the reader is laughing, crying or falling in love, they'll find themselves invested in Layla's fate through the rich dialogue and emotionally driven characters that weave the web of this fiery tale.

(Book One: Is FREE!)

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     British engineer Piers Chapman and gorgeous Parisian Sidney Roux are forced to work together when a thief dies in their cab. In a novel filled with tension, thrills, and wit, this hilarious pair is about to prove that getting a cab in Paris can be hell. By Nigel Blackwell.

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Did you think high school English sucked the fun out of reading? Form a literature club and put the fun back into learning the classics. Developed by a veteran homeschooler as a means for her dyslexic daughter to complete high school English without tears, The LITClub takes the fear out of teaching literature and adds pleasure to the experience by utilizing themed meals, fun projects and plenty of time to hang out with friends.

(Available August 31st)

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I’m just gonna assume that this book was as tough for you to read as it was for me to write.

But this is Keatyn’s story.

Her story of growth.

Her story of becoming the kind of person she wants to be.

I think it’s easy to get so caught up in the romance that we forget just how often Keatyn is forced to act.

Act like she’s normal.

Lie like it’s the truth.

Pretend to hold it all together when it feels like her world is falling apart.

The theme of this book, obviously, was Keatyn learning to love herself.

To be strong. To not need a boy in her life. To do what is right for her. To stand up for herself.

And, hopefully, you can see how much she’s grown in just the few months since we first met her in Stalk Me.

And while I can’t release any details of the novella, I can tell you this.

I can’t wait to write it!

Because it’s going to be a fun, happy, romantic, relaxing-on-the-beach book.

All the characters in the series are growing and changing.

And I can promise you this.

Keatyn will get her wish.

At the end of the series, she will be on the beach with her perfect boy. And I know you will all love him as much as she does.

So if you are along for the ride, thank you. Thank you for reading my stories. Thank you for telling your friends about them. Thank you for reviewing them in a way that will not spoil them for others. And thank you, so much, for not uploading them to the internet.

A huge thank you goes out to The Keatyn Chronicles Addicts group. You ladies bring me joy every single day. Just the fact that these characters are stuck in your head and you want to talk about and analyze them is almost hard for me to believe. When I sat down and wrote my first book, that’s all I wanted. For my writing to affect you. It’s so hard for me to believe that less than a year ago the group started with about five people. Thanks to Melissa and Mireya for being amazing moderators and making the group fun and welcoming! And special shout outs to contest winner for the Name the Rivalry and Name Vincent’s film company contests: Nicole for the Compass Cup, Pernille for the Westerfield Cheetahs and the Pussy Bowl, and Melissa for A Breath Behind You Films.

As usual, thanks to my amazing beta readers, the bloggers who constantly support my books, and all the readers and authors that I have been blessed to meet. Jen, Rebecca, and Molly, you ladies are everything I aspire to be.

And I couldn’t do any of this without my family. Scotty, thanks for somehow knowing the perfect moment to bring me wine. Thank you for not having me committed when I sit at my computer typing and crying. Thank you for not complaining that we eat out all the freaking time.  Kenzie, sweetie, I couldn’t function without you and am not sure how I’m going to stand you being away at school. Like Keatyn, you are growing into an amazing young woman and I’m so incredibly proud of you. Connor, the inspiration for Bandit Publishing, you can always make me laugh. I’m going on record as saying that I promise to cook you dinner at least three, uh, maybe twice a week this next year. Like, I’m pretty sure-ish.

About the Author:


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Jillian Dodd grew up in Nebraska, where she developed a love for

storytelling, Husker football, and Midwestern boys.

She currently resides in Texas with her family.

 Follow Jill on her website and blog:

Glitter, Bliss, and Perfect Chaos.

Sign up here for Jillian’s newsletter.

Photo by Natalie Knabe of Natalie K Photography.

Flower Mound, Texas