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              Who the hell is this guy?

              “Don’t cry, Princess. You know what they say. You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince.”

              I recognize the voice of Tattoo Guy right away. I turn around to tell him where he can stick it, but he’s already walking away from me.

              Screw him.

              Screw Gregory.

              And screw anyone else who tries to shove me aside. I’m fine on my own. I’m going to that party tonight and I’m going to prove them all wrong.



              When Adrian said the frat guys were having a party, I was definitely down. Crashing pretty boy parties is always a good time. Plus, it’s a good chance for me to make money. Frat boys are some of my best customers. Let’s not forget I also get to meet girls—both things that are high on my list.

              Before I head out I stop by Mom’s house. She sounded like shit when I talked to her on the phone today. I get a knot in my gut every time I think about seeing her and then I feel like a pussy because I’m her son and she’s dying. I should be able to handle it better than that. For her.

              For some reason, my heart jackhammers when I step inside the apartment. I run a hand through my hair, which annoys the shit out of me. I hate nervous habits like that.

              “She’s sleeping, Colton,” Maggie says from the kitchen.

              I make a turn and head toward her. “How’s she doing? How’d her appointment go today?”

              Maggie sighs. Her gray hair is tied back in a bun that disappears when she turns to face me. “They’ve added another medication. It’s stronger to help with the nausea and vomiting. Also more pain meds.”

              I lean against the table. “Fuck.”

              “Do you kiss your mama with that mouth?”

              I know she’s trying to make me smile, but I can’t right now. “Not in the mood, Maggie.”

              She walks over to me, a sad look in her dark eyes. I know this is almost as hard on her as it is me. She’s the best friend Mom’s ever had.

              “How much, Maggie?”

              “You don’t want to know, Colton.”

              “And the lease is up in two weeks. You know they always raise the rent when it’s time to sign a new lease. Hospice will take care of the meds, I’m more worried about rent and bills.”

              Will she need a new lease? As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I feel like the world’s biggest prick. She will. She has to.

“Fuck,” I ground out again. Does it ever stop? Jesus, she’s done nothing but try her whole life. She’s been there for me, worked her ass off and when she could have easily left me behind like Dad did. She didn’t. Not when Dad was in and out of jail. Not when we ate Top Ramen every day.

This is the payment she gets?

              “I’ll pick up some more hours. Maybe do some odd jobs or something.” Maggie touches my hand and I say, “I should have gone. I was wasting my time in a stupid classroom today and I should have been with her.”

              “You know she wants you in the classroom. You’re going to live her dreams and that’s what matters to her.”

              I don’t reply to that, but say, “I’m gonna go in and see her.”

              I make my way to Mom’s room. She’s lying in bed so still, looking ghost white. My heart drops somewhere to my feet. Holy shit, she looks dead. She can’t fucking be dead, can she?

              “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” Mom’s eyes flutter open. I let out a heavy breath.

              “My mom tried to teach me manners, but they didn’t stick so well,” I tease as I walk into the room.

              “Yes they did. You just like to pretend they didn’t.”

              I pull up a chair beside her bed. It’s so different when they know you’re dying and they can’t do anything about it. No hospitals. All there is to do is wait. And medicate. Always medicate.

              “How you feeling?” I’m not in the mood to pretend to be happy.

              “Happy to see my son. What are you doing tonight? Have big plans with your friends?” There’s a small smile on her lips, but they’re dry. Too dry.

              I pick up the cup from beside her bed. “Let me help you get a drink.” I put the straw by her mouth, but she shakes her head and a shaky hand grabs the glass.

              “I can do it, Colton. I don’t like you having to take care of me.”

              Someone should. She deserves it. It’s not like she hasn’t done it for others.

              “I thought I’d hang with you tonight. Maybe watch a movie or something.”

              Mom takes a small sip and I grab the cup from her, putting it back on the bedside table. “You’re not saying with me tonight. You go have fun. I’ll still be here tomorrow.”


              “There’s nothing going on,” I lie.

              “Liar,” she tosses back at me and her attitude does make me smile. “You’re covered in too much ink.” She slides her fragile finger down my arm. “You’re too handsome to be so covered up.” I open my mouth to reply, but she cuts me off. “Go out tonight. I’ll be fine. I want you to have fun. If you try to stay, I’ll make Maggie kick you out.”

              I know her well enough to know she’s not screwing around. “Mom…”


              I shake my head at her. “I love you. Get some rest, alright?” I push to my feet. Mom smiles and it makes that knot it my gut multiply. Still, I listen to her and go.


              Two kegs are in the living room—both with lines behind them, but in one line, everyone has cups and the other, they’re doing keg stands. Adrian’s bouncing on his heels beside me, his dark hair hanging in his eyes.

              “I’m ready to get my party on. Find me a rich girl or two to have my way with.”

              I try to laugh at him. “Multiples now?”

              “There’s a first time for everything.” Adrian holds out his fist and I hit it.

              “I need a drink.” We head through the room. I have a flask in my pocket, but I’d rather drink their shit than mine. The kitchen is our first stop. The fridge is packed with anything we could want to drink.

              Bottles in hand, we go back toward the living room. My eyes scan the room looking for, hell, I don’t even know what. That’s when I see Princess walk in with two other chicks. The girls are holding hands and you can tell Princess is trying to keep some space from them. She obviously doesn’t want it known she’s here with them, but then I can’t help but wonder why she is.

              Dollar signs pop into my head as she walks through the room, her head high with those slender legs. Her skirt is short. Her dark hair long and straight, but somehow looking like she spent hours on it. I think she’s Indian or something. Whatever the fuck she is, she’s gorgeous. And she offered me money that would probably help pay for my mom’s shit. Rent. Everything else.

              Hell no. What am I thinking? I couldn’t go through with that. She’d drive me up the fucking wall.

              “What ya looking at, man?” Adrian asks. I nod my head toward Princess. “Day-um.”

              “No shit. She’s a spoiled brat though. She was doin’ that frat boy we got into it with.”

              “Greg or whatever the hell his name is?”


              Which is another reason I can’t deal with her. I have too much on my plate to deal with a spoiled princess and her douchebag ex.

              “I fucking hate that guy,” Adrian yells.

              Him and me both.