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not going to read it with you watching me.

That’s weird.”

“You’re in my room, Beth. You walked a

half mile to get here. On a Wednesday. In the middle of the night. Uninvited.” I should define for her what weird is.

“Do you want me to go?”

“No.” I don’t. Somehow nothing has ever

felt more right.

That evil smile slips onto her face. “Am I the first girl to be in your bed?”

Yes. I take a deep breath and return to the computer. I’ve dated girls. Been exclusive with a few and I’ve been respectful enough to

proceed slowly to each base. There are some bases I have yet to reach. A girl in my bed being one of them. If she’s determined to be here, I’m determined to be okay with it and not let the nerves show. I guess my zombie found a girl he likes and wants to throttle at the same time.

“THIS IS GOOD, RYAN.” Beth’s distant voice snaps me out of the story and my hands stop tapping on the keyboard.

“Thanks,” I say. Beth lies on her stomach, propped up on her elbows. Her cleavage is HC TITLE-AUTHOR


beautifully exposed. My eyes avert to the floor.

“No, really. It’s good. Like this could be in a bookstore good. I totally get this guy.”

Yeah, so do I. “I finaled in a state writing competition.” The words come out naturally, as if I normally tell the world this sort of thing.

Beth flips through the pages. “I can see why.

Whoever judged the winner must have been on meth not to choose you.”

I glance around the room, waiting for the lightning to hit. Did she pay me a compliment?

“The winner hasn’t been announced. There’s another round of competition in a couple of weeks.”

“Oh,” she says. “Then I’m sure you’ll win.”

My stomach hollows out as I turn off my

computer. Yeah, I’m writing the short story, but I still haven’t signed up for the competition.

How can I? I’ve got games that day and Dad…

My thoughts trail off. I’m bowing out of a competition—an event I could win. Would the rush of winning the writing competition be the same as winning a baseball game or a dare?

Guess I’ll never know.

When I turn back, Beth is stretched out on HC TITLE-AUTHOR


her back with her head against the pillows.

She’s kicked her shoes off and folded her hands on her stomach. The belly button ring sparkles in the light. She stacked my story neatly on the bedside table.

We’re dating. Friends who are dating and

who will eventually kiss. Four days could be considered eventually…yeah, I’m not stupid enough to believe that.

“I’m going to bed,” I say, giving her the opportunity to leave.

“Do you normally sleep in all your clothes?”

she asks.

No. I usually take off my shirt. “This is safer.”


Okay. I flip off the light and climb into bed.

Taking a cue from Beth, I stay on top of the covers. The heat from her body warms mine.

She’s right. She can lie in bed without

touching. I inhale and her sweet scent envelops me.

Last year, our science teacher dispelled the myth that sex crosses the minds of guys every seven seconds. I’m going to have to disagree with him on that. My fingers itch with the need HC TITLE-AUTHOR


to caress Beth’s soft skin. I want my lips whispering against hers.

“So, I have this friend,” she says into the darkness. “Isaiah. You’ve met him.”

“Yeah.” My muscles tense and the images of her body moving against mine disappear. I understand that dating means I’m leaving open the possibility that she can see other guys, but I’m not fond of her discussing said guys while she’s lying in my bed.

“He betrayed me and I don’t know what to

do. In Louisville, he was the only friend I had and when I came here he bought me my phone.

We talked every night or texted or both and he still calls every day and texts me a million times. I refuse to answer him and I think our friendship is over and then I talked to Scott tonight and the conversation didn’t go as I planned and I don’t know.…”

My skin prickles. It’s more than Beth being so close to me. It’s more than the need and attraction raging in my body. Beth is on the verge of telling me something. On the verge of stepping outside her wall. I urge her on. “You don’t know what?”

“Everything was so much easier in



Louisville,” she says softly. The sadness in her voice is hard to miss. “I miss easy.”

“After my game, I’ll drop you off.” I hate the thought of it, but I’m determined to win her over. “Then afterwards, we’ll go to dinner and then maybe a movie. What do you think?”

I hear her swallow. “I think I’d like that.”

I inhale. The clean, full intake of air feels as if it’s the first breath I’ve taken in days.

“Sometimes,” she says, then pauses. It’s a heavy pause and her struggle for words makes me want to comfort her. “Sometimes I just want…”

What does she want? I know what I want:

for her to trust me, for her to feel what I feel.

But what I really want right now is for her to be okay. I extend my arm across the bed in Beth’s direction, careful not to touch her. “I’m here if you need me.”

One heartbeat. Another. Beth stays so

perfectly still in the darkness that part of me wonders if this entire evening was a dream.

Her body scratches against the comforter as she moves. One inch in my direction. A

hesitation. Then another inch. My blood tingles with anticipation. This moment is huge—no HC TITLE-AUTHOR


doubt. I’m asking her to lean on me and

Beth is actually considering it.

Come on, Beth, you can trust me. Finally, in a swift movement, she lays her head on my chest and curls the rest of her body around me.

Needs slams into me and if her hand shifts down three inches, she’ll know. I want to touch her, but do I dare? Her breath tickles my chest as she whispers, “I like you, Ryan.”

I close my eyes and celebrate the words. She likes me. “I like you too.” A lot.

I want her, but I refuse to let my lower body make the decisions. Slowly, purposefully, I wrap one arm around her and lay my other

hand on my stomach right next to hers. This is my best attempt at friends-who-date touching.

Parts of me want to caress the warm blush that appears on her beautiful skin when I look at her with desire. Those same parts imagine me placing a hand on her chin and tilting her head up so I can kiss her. Those parts are currently trying to talk “logic” to my brain.

Kissing could be good. I loved kissing her full lips and I loved her soft moans. I could kiss her until she forgets Isaiah. I could kiss her until I forget that I’m a virgin. My grip on her



shoulder tightens. She’s killing me. I’m

killing myself. “Sandy Koufax was left-handed like you. He was the youngest pitcher inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.”

“That’s possibly the most screwed-up thing I’ve ever heard you say,” she mumbles.

True, but it keeps my mind off kissing her.

“I’m not the one that talks in code.”

“You have me there.”

Beth’s body relaxes and molds into mine.

The silence stretches from seconds to minutes to longer and I wonder if she fell asleep. Part of me wishes I could sleep. Then I wouldn’t fantasize about touching her or kissing her or touching her some more. But then I also want to stay awake. I like this—holding her.

“Ryan?” she whispers.

“Yeah?” I whisper back.

“Can I stay? I set your alarm for four so I’ll be back before Scott misses me.”

I absently rub my hand up and down her

back and she shifts closer to me. “Yeah.”

Beth nuzzles her head against my chest like a cat curling into a ball for sleep. Her arm presses into me and I let myself cheat for one second when I bunch her hair in my hand and HC TITLE-AUTHOR