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“He says we’re friends, but I’m not sure I would put it quite that way. We’re in business together. I’m surprised you didn’t know, or at least asked me sooner.”

“What sort of business?” Caleb asked. His curiosity was piqued.

“This and that, it doesn’t really matter, Caleb. I was only surprised you never asked the question. I suspect Rafiq never cared for questions. Are you truly going to give him the girl?” Felipe lifted an inquiring brow.

Caleb narrowed his eyes, “I don’t have much a choice, do I?”

“There’s always a choice, Caleb.”

“What do you want, Felipe? You say you’re in business with Rafiq, why are you so interested in me and what I’m doing?”

“Can I trust you?” Felipe asked with a smile.

“I’m trusting you, to keep quiet about everything you’ve seen on your nasty little cameras. The most trustworthy relationships involve collateral.”

Felipe chuckled, “Well, I have enjoyed watching you. Why not take the girl and run?”

“What do you want?!”

“I want Rafiq out of my business,” he swallowed his bourbon, “permanently.”

“I could kill you for saying that,” said Caleb.

“You could. Then you’d never know the truth,” Felipe countered. He sighed, and waited for Caleb to reply, when he didn’t, Felipe said, “I’ve waited a long time for you to come forward to me with your past. I’d hoped we could be friends.”

Caleb stared across the bar at Felipe, stunned, “You know my past? Wait…no. You heard me on the camera.” He glared at Felipe with murderous intent.

“I know you were in Tehran. You never said that, on camera,” Felipe said.

Caleb’s vision was blurry and his heart was racing, “Rafiq could have told you. You could have overheard our conversations.”

Felipe became gravely serious, “Collateral, Caleb. Tell me a secret. One you’ve never told anyone and could cost you your life.”

“Why the fuck would I, Felipe? You’re not making any goddamn sense,” Caleb growled. The world shifted beneath his feet, or so he thought.

“What I could tell you would change everything you have ever believed and I need to know you can be trusted to do the right thing,” Felipe said ominously.

Caleb didn’t want to know. Whatever Felipe had to say, wasn’t going to be good, but he had to know. It was Eve and the apple all over again. Knowledge was the forbidden fruit and once tasted, it could damn ones soul, but it was in mankind’s nature to bite. “Felipe,” Caleb choked out, as anger came to the surface. His body shook and his skin burned.

“A secret, Caleb,” Felipe whispered and leaned forward.

There was nothing left to lose, except the girl, “I can’t.”

Felipe shook his head, “Then I can’t help you. Goodnight, Caleb.” He turned to walk away and Caleb grabbed his shoulder.

“Tell me,” he growled.

“You first,” Felipe gripped Caleb’s hand and flung it off his shoulder.

“I…assure me the girl will be safe,” Caleb said and it felt like yet another betrayal. The implications alone were a death sentence for him and Livvie. Of course, Felipe already knew what she meant to him.

“What would you do for the girl, Caleb? Would you die for her? Would you kill?” asked Felipe in a whisper. He looked around the room and Caleb did the same. They were alone.

Caleb’s heart thundered in his chest, “Yes.”

“Would you live? Could you live knowing your entire life has been a lie?”

Caleb was one second away from throttling Felipe and forcing him to talk. He still had his knife tucked into his pants and already, he was thinking of his plan of attack, “Tell me…now!”

Felipe sighed, “Follow me into the dungeon. I’ll tell you everything, but you won’t like it.”

“Where’s Kitten?”

“Upstairs and unharmed. If you care for her as much as I believe you do, I would suggest you keep your wits intact. If all goes as I hope it will, the both of you can leave this place together and never return.” Felipe said.

“Why? Why now? All this time and you’ve never dangled information in front of me,” Caleb said through gritted teeth. Felipe wanted Caleb to do something. It meant he couldn’t be trusted. Caleb’s mind was already churning with ideas on how to get rid of him. Still, Caleb wanted to hear what Felipe had to say. Perhaps he could use it to sway Rafiq.

“I’m a business man, Caleb. One does not achieve my level of success without first being able to spot an opportunity. Twenty years ago, I saw an opportunity to stop being a lieutenant and become a general. Rafiq was useful then. Six years ago I saw an opportunity to expand my business by eliminating my competition. I own half of Mexico now and do business around the world. Rafiq has become…less useful, and as I said, he insists on a lot – too much. You provide me an opportunity, Caleb. In exchange, I can give you the truth about whom you are and where you come from.”

“Admitting you want Rafiq out of your way doesn’t give me a reason to trust you,” Caleb said in hushed tones. “Why would you need me to do your dirty work?”

“Appearances, Caleb; they’re everything. I’ve had plans to get rid of Rafiq cleanly, without inciting the loyalty of our mutual friends. However, I’ve been watching you…and the girl. I know what love can do to a man and I know how desperate you are.”

“Fuck you! I’m not desperate!”

“Aren’t you? I wasn’t sure at first. When you allowed the girl to play at my party, I thought your loyalty to Rafiq knows no bounds. But I saw how it affected you, how jealous you became. I know you took her virginity. Did you think you found all the cameras?” Felipe smiled smugly. “I didn’t have to come to you, Caleb. I’ve put myself and Celia in a compromising situation and I don’t do it lightly. I’m offering you vengeance. I’m offering you a chance to live out your days with Kitten. Do you want it, or not?”

Caleb thought about everything Felipe said. Felipe knew everything between him and Livvie and hadn’t said a word. Caleb knew nothing about Felipe’s plans until now and the fact he’d offered the information himself only solidified his trustworthiness. Caleb had nothing left to lose and everything to gain. “Lead the way,” he said.

As Caleb followed Felipe down the dark wooden stairs, he contemplated pushing him. However, he’d made up his mind to hear what the man had to say. He could always kill him after. Caleb reached for the light and turned it on as they descended.

He thought of the last time he had been down here. He’d strapped Kitten to an exam table and watched her play with her pussy. He smiled to himself.

When they arrived at the bottom, Felipe pointed to a chair near the wall. “I’ll need you to sit there and I’ll need to tie you up.”

Caleb’s steps faltered and he reached for his knife. He held it out in front of him, blocking the stairs, “You’ve lost your fucking mind if you think I’m going to let you tie me up.”

“Don’t be a child! Your anger makes you stupid and I don’t need you acting rashly. What I have to tell you is going to boil your blood and I can’t have you loose in the house!” Felipe shouted.

“Tell me what you have to say! Or you die now! I’m tired of your games, Felipe,” Caleb said.

Felipe’s eyes shone with fury as he held up his hands and backed away from Caleb. Abruptly, he reached behind him and pulled out his gun. “Sit. Now.”

Adrenaline surged through Caleb’s veins, but he knew he was at a disadvantage. He’d played directly into Felipe’s hands. He weighed his options and was horrified to discover they were few and ended in his death. His only true concern was for Livvie.

“Swear to me the girl is safe,” Caleb whispered and he realized it sounded like a plea. It had been a long time since Caleb had begged for anything.

Nothing left to lose, Caleb. Fuck your pride.

“I swear it,” Felipe said evenly.

Caleb swallowed, “You can keep the gun on me. There’s no need to tie me up.”