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I remained still as he completely unlaced my corset. My breath caught with its removal, and I heard the heavy intake of breath from the others around me through the ringing in my ears. A blindfold was slipped over my eyes. Both clamps were released from my breasts and my nipples burned as blood rushed into the starved areas. Caleb released me and I stood feeling alone and exposed.

Where is Caleb?

My pride dropped away and my heart filled with sadness while my head filled with embarrassment. The stillness in the room was palpable, punctuated keenly by the lone sound of my anxious breath. There was a soft rustle, then the feel of smooth fingers rolling one of my silk stockings down my thigh. I desperately fought my urge to resist.

This is what he wants. Be brave.

My sex pulsed as my left stocking was rolled down my leg. I reached my hands out to feel and gasped when they were quickly gathered up between my breasts. My body was hoisted into the air. I kicked out with my legs, but someone grabbed them firmly. They placed me on a hard surface, which I knew instinctually to be one of the linen covered dining tables.

I panicked and at once Caleb’s voice was in my ear telling me to obey. “Steady, Kitten. I won’t let him inside you. I won’t let anyone inside you.” Through my panic, I almost missed the possessive nature of his words, but the part of me that thought of him as mine wanted to recognize it as an admission. I relaxed by the barest of degrees.

My wrists were tied together and held over my head. Within moments, soft feathery touches along the top of my silk panties assailed my senses. Despite my apprehension, a shudder ran through me. Those hands, those warm, trembling, and wonderful hands, activated something. A charge ignited within me as my panties slipped down and away. My head swam in the smell of lust, the taste of it. I suddenly wanted satisfaction. I needed it.

Muscular thighs, pressed between my legs. Palms pushed against both of my inner thighs, splaying my legs wide and opening my pussy. My hips rose off the table and a finger slid down and back up my crevice. My hips rose higher, begging. A moan and a sob fell from my lips. My hands were pushed harder into the table.

Hands cupped my buttocks from between my legs and lifted my hips higher, pushing the plug in my ass right against my throbbing sex muscle. Another moan left my lips. I was panting.

Without warning, a tongue, so masterful, thick, wet, and slightly rough, licked and lapped my nether lips. The mouth on my pussy, pulled me in, sucking until another moan left me breathless. The tongue spread me apart, laying me open. A gentle nip on my clit ignited a thousand flames within my body.

Other hands massaged my breasts, rolling my sensitive buds between fingers. Please be Caleb. Waves of fire begged to be released inside me, my body trembled with need. The concentrated sucking and licking on my swollen clit swept me over the edge. Panting turned into screams and a flood of sensation carried me away.

My butt was placed back on the table and I lie there spent, tears wetting the blindfold, my legs still trembling and splayed open. The room filled with applause.

“If this enthusiasm is any indication, I see no reason why we shouldn’t have a second course of dessert,” Felipe said, breaking through the applause in the room.

I’m dessert? Nice of Caleb to make me part of dinner. Bastard!

I struggled to raise myself, pulling my legs together and bending my knees up so my ankles hid my swollen sex. My back remained stuck to the linen cloth. My wrists stayed pinned to the table over my head.

Caleb’s voice filled my left ear, “It’s your turn to reciprocate, Kitten.”

What the hell does he mean?

My body was pulled up to sitting. Again, the plug shifted. A spasm shot through my pussy, making me gasp. My wrists were loosed, and my hands placed on Kid’s loin cloth. The blindfold remained in place. His upper body heat reached out to me. He smelled sweet, but unnatural, as though someone had covered him in something scented. I preferred the way Caleb smelled.

I moved one hand around to feel Kid’s position. His knees stuck out in front, his buttocks sat on his ankles. I slid my hand down his muscled arm to find his wrists had been tied behind his back. My fingers traced his chest and released the clamps from his nipples, tossing them away. His heavy exhale moistened my face.

So, this is what I’m supposed to do? Perform?!?

I was apprehensive in the extreme. I had only done this twice before, and only with Caleb. I couldn’t believe he was going to let me do this – make me do this. I could feel my lip tremble. I could feel the tears waiting in my throat, but then I thought about Caleb and his night with Celia.

I remembered my jealousy and my rage. I wanted Caleb to feel those things. I wanted him to watch me give to someone else what I felt in my heart had been reserved only for him. If he cared for me at all, I knew this was a sure way to find out. I took several deep breaths and prepared myself for what I was about to do.

I guess you do want revenge,” Ruthless Me, whispered.

You bet your sweet ass, I do.

Kid’s chest pounded beneath my trembling right hand. His hardness throbbed against my left palm. I slid my legs underneath me and raised my upper body to meet his. I pressed my breasts against his chest and his breath caught. My left palm felt a shift, a thickening, his cock barely contained. I licked his chest, his nipples, as far up as I could reach on his neck, until he bent down to me.

Our lips touched ever so gently. The taste and smell of me lingered in his mouth as his tongue slid between my lips. I shuddered, and he pressed his chest harder into mine, our lips taking in each other.

We were only kissing for a few seconds before my head was snapped back by my hair and Caleb’s voice filled my head in a growl against my ear, “No kissing on the lips.” He pinched my buttocks so hard I couldn’t help but cry out.

I jerked into Kid and nearly tipped us both over. Kid’s strength steadied me. I paused, resting against him, before I slowly resumed kissing him. I let my mouth travel along his chest, shoulders, arms, and nipples before making my way up to his neck. I felt him bending his head down toward me and I pushed him back with both hands against his chest.

The kissing show is over, buddy!

Kid’s hips rutted against mine, his loin cloth totally deformed. My arms went around his waist, my fingers followed the thong of the loin cloth, and my breasts molded against his belly. It tied in the back, which only took seconds for me to untie. The thong immediately opened and released his penned-up cock. My hands felt its throbbing length and width. His balls rest against the pouch of the loin cloth. I carefully pulled the cloth away.

We froze. Am I really going to do this? I couldn’t believe how far I’d come. Over the course of a few months, I had gone from being afraid of sex, to performing a sexual act with a stranger in front of an entire room of derelicts. Kid groaned and pressed his warm cock against my hand in a wordless plea for me to set him free from his sexual purgatory. How well I knew the feeling.

Kid sucked in his breath when I kissed the tip of his cock. He tasted different than Caleb, but it probably had more to do with the fact he had been prepared. He tasted sweet, as if someone had covered him in some sort of spicy cinnamon concoction. It wasn’t unpleasant. I spread a bead of precome with my lips and tongue and he became both salty and sweet in my mouth. As I slid my tongue down the length of him, Kid’s body shuddered. He let out a deep breath and moaned. His hips rocked toward my mouth.

Is this what you want, Caleb? I hope you’re watching you son of a bitch. I want you breathless with want. I want you to see how I please a man. Will that make you want me?