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I took the watch and carried it in my pocket all the time, showing it off to my friends at every opportunity. I had a lot of things that money could buy but Turner’s watch was more important than anything I owned. It was a gift from the only man in my life who gave a damn about me, which made it priceless.

But a few months into my junior year of high school, I accidentally dropped it. Horror filled my eyes as I watched the antique watch plummet to the ground and shatter into pieces. It was the only thing of value I was ever entrusted with and I had been careless with it. The pocket watch never worked again and I felt so ashamed.

I had broken something that was precious to James Turner.

I never had the balls to tell him about the watch, though, fearing the disapproval I’d surely find waiting in his eyes. But I kept it, broken pieces and all, because it was the greatest birthday gift I’d ever received. I still carry it in my pocket to this day.

I glance across the car at Kayla. I can’t believe that the same man who entrusted me with his family heirloom would abandon his daughter on her birthday.

“There must have been some kind of misunderstanding,” I say. “I’m sure your dad wanted to be there for your birthday.”

She sets her jaw. “Oh yeah? Then maybe you can explain why, after my birthday, it just got worse. He never called—or returned my calls. He never answered my e-mails,” she continues, no longer talking to me but sort of ranting at the windshield as she drives. “I mean, he stopped sending me birthday cards, for God’s sake. The smallest of gestures and he couldn’t be bothered. Then he cut my mom and I off, so we had no money. But the worst part was that he no longer wanted me to come stay with him over the summer. He didn’t want me around.” Her voice cracks. “It was like he was trying to erase me. And in a way, I guess he did.”

I watch the pain in her eyes and shake my head. “That… doesn’t sound like him.”

The pain morphs into icy contempt. “Well neither does stealing a little boy’s baseball cards, but hey. Sometimes people suck.”

I want to ease the hurt in her voice and assure her that her father wasn’t the jerk she thinks he was, but the sharpness of her tone warns me off. She doesn’t want comfort. She wants to be angry. So I stay silent.

Turner never really spoke about Kayla. And the few times her name came up, a look of sadness would cross his face before he’d hurriedly change the subject. Back then, I figured it was because Kayla was some kind of tyrant teenager. But now, seeing the heartbreak on Kayla’s face, I wonder if maybe there was more to it.

But how could a good man like Turner call me family and neglect his own blood? It doesn’t make any sense.

Kayla and I don’t speak for the rest of the trip. When we finally turn onto Milly Manor Drive, I sit up and look out the window. I haven’t been here for almost a year, but everything looks the same. The same cracks in the sidewalk. The same trees.

Kayla slows down and parks in front of the large estate.

Staring up at the impressive home made of red bricks and trimmed with white, I can understand why the town of Copper Springs takes such great pride in the place. Rich ivy coats the outside of the house, sprawling up to the pitched roof and around the brick chimney. And bright green grass blankets the front yard, crawling up to the wooden white steps of the wraparound porch. The grounds are unkempt and heavily overgrown, an obvious sign that Turner never hired a replacement when I stopped caring for his yard, but even with all the unruly vegetation it’s a nice place. And with its location being so close to the town square, I’m sure it will make a great museum—or whatever else Copper Springs might make of it.

“Home sweet home,” Kayla mutters dryly.

I glare at her. “God, you’re bitter.”

Her hardened gaze drops to the steering wheel and becomes soft as snow in an instant. “Not usually,” she says quietly. Then she looks back at me with raw honesty in her eyes. “I’m sorry. This whole thing is just… hard for me.”

“Right. No. I get it,” I say, nodding as, once again, my defenses drop to the floor at the vulnerable look in her eyes.

Why the hell does this girl affect me like she does? One minute, I’m pissed at her for hating her father, and the next I want to comfort her and feed her cookies and shit. I’m a nutcase around her.

She turns the car off and we exit the vehicle the same way we got in, but this time I follow her out of the driver’s door. I can’t help but grin as I watch her butt wag in front of me as she tries to clamber out of the car with a grown man attached to her. She really does have a perfect ass. And the way it’s bobbing up and down in front of me is enough to make a man beg.

She catches me eyeing her and glowers. “Pervert.”

“You’re taking up my whole line of vision.” I grin. “What am I supposed to do, close my eyes?”

“Yes,” she snaps.

I snort. “Right.”

With a huff, she turns and drags us up the front steps of the porch. At the front door, she stops. Her gaze bounces around the doorknob, the mail slot, and the potted plant beside the welcome mat with sentiment and anger warring in her eyes, but she swiftly masks the battle with a look of indifference.

“Do you have a key?” I ask.

“Crap. No.” She puts a hand to her forehead. “I didn’t even think about the key. I should have asked Eddie back at the office.” She curses. “Now we have to drive all the way back.”

“No we don’t.” I walk back down the steps, pulling her along through the side gate. She fumbles after me, trying to keep up with my long strides, and more blonde hair falls loose around her face.

She swats a bug away from her face with a scowl. “Where are we going?”

I lead her to the garden against the back wall, where dozens of white roses grow. “Here.”

The red dirt at the base of the plants sticks to my shoes and I smile. When I first started taking care of the rose bushes, I hated the rare red topsoil because it got everywhere. My clothes, my shoes, my skin. But Turner insisted on using it, year after year. I inhale through my nose. Damn, I’m going to miss him.

I crouch—forcing Kayla to bend down a little—and pick up a small boulder at the base of the plants. Then I start digging through the red soil beneath.

Kayla’s cuffed hand flops around beside mine as she stares at me like I’m crazy. “Why are you clawing through the dirt?”

“Because…” I pull out a shiny silver key and grin. “I know where the spare key is.”

11 Kayla

Daren knows where the spare key is? Come on!

“How did you know that was there?” I say as we stand up.

He dusts off his hands and shrugs. “Your dad told me.”

I go to cross my arms, realize I can’t with our attached wrists, and settle for propping my free hand on my hip instead. “He just told you where the key to his million-dollar estate was buried?”

“Actually, he asked me to find a good place to hide it. So technically, I told him where it was buried.” He tilts his head with a smile. “Why do you look so angry?”

“I’m not angry.” I drop my hip hand and swallow back my jealousy. “I just find it hard to believe that he trusted you so much.”

His lips form a tight line. “That’s because you don’t know him as well as you thought.”


He shakes his head and mutters, “Whatever,” as he starts pulling us back through the yard and toward the front door. “Let’s just finish this.”

I stumble up the porch steps behind him—damn these high heels—and wait at his side as he sticks the silver key into the lock, then swings the door open.

Dust flurries float through the air, lit up by the sunlight spilling in from the doorway as we step inside.

The house smells the same as I remember. Like vanilla pipe tobacco and cherries. It’s a smell I associate solely with my father and for some reason my heart squeezes and my eyes begin to burn as I breathe it in. I close my eyes to keep the stinging at bay.