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“I’ve got a fucking message for them; I’ll fucking kill ‘em.” My pulse was racing to the point where I thought steam would come out of my ears. No one would take this woman away from me. Ever.

“There’re no worries there son; he’s already dead for hitting up Pops’ place. But his crew has grown over the years, and it won’t be pretty. We also have an issue with runs through his territory. We’ll need to find a different route for the time being.”

“We can’t let him dictate where we go!” I yelled, not even trying to control it.

“Calm your ass down,” Pops said, slamming his hand on the table catching everyone off guard. He’s normally the calm one when situations arise. This one must cut too close to home. “He’s not. We need to think about this short term and long term. Right now, no one else is in danger but Princess. She’s gonna be pissed, and we all know what she’s like when she’s pissed.” Groans echoed throughout the room.

Diamond cut in. “We’re gonna go on soft lockdown for everyone except for Ma and Princess. They must stay here unless escorted by a brother.”

“She’s gonna be pissed,” G.T. said, rubbing his face up and down.

“Yep. But she’s a good woman. She’ll do what’s right.” Diamond eyed me. “She your girl?”

“Yes, sir,” I said not skipping a beat. But G.T had more to say.

“She ain’t your fucking girl!” G.T. jumped up from his seat sending it flying to the floor behind him.

Standing from my seat, I met him stare for stare, his outrage dripping off his body. I’ve never wanted to punch my brother more than this moment. I wanted to beat the living shit out of him. “Shut the fuck up!”

“Stop it, now!” Diamond’s stern voice had us both sitting back in our seats. “Then… you keep her here. If she goes out, you make sure someone is with her. She’s your responsibility.” He smiled as the rest of the room chuckled. Damn, I knew I had my work cut out for me, and I sure as shit didn’t need any lip from my brothers.

“She ain’t gonna let you five feet in front of her. Good fucking luck!” Irritation seeped through my pores, but I knew it wouldn’t help a damn thing right now to react. And I knew I had my work cut out for me. G.T. was probably right, not that I’d let that stop me.

Ma banged on the church doors in a panic screaming, “Pops get out here, now! Princess!”

Jumping out of my seat, I rushed to the clubhouse taking in the scene, in front of me. Princess swung a pool stick at a blonde-haired woman’s face, hitting her hard against her nose sending blood flying everywhere as she screamed. Danny, a patch member from the Clayton chapter, was getting ready to charge Princess when my voice boomed. “Danny, stop!”

Danny looked at me, “You gonna let this bitch beat up my ol’ lady?”

Narrowing my eyes, I thundered, “This bitch is my ol’ lady. There must be a fucking reason she wants to rip your girl’s head off right now.” Moving closer to her I called out, “Princess, you okay?”

“I’m fucking fine. And I’m not your fucking ol’ lady. ” Her voice was cold, icy, and detached, not really something I enjoyed.

“Danny back off!” Pops boomed. “Princess, what’s going on out here?” His voice calmed as he talked to her, the gentleness of a father taking over.

“You remember that whole two year in jail thing,” she said sarcastically, gripping the pole in her hand so tight you could see the wood bend. “Well, this bitch here… is part of Babs’s, crew. She was part of it.”

“Shit,” was heard collectively throughout the room.

“Brother, I suggest you get her out of here if you want her whole,” Pops clipped to Danny.

“Oh, Pops,” Princess’s sarcasm coming back, “I think this bitch needs a lesson before she goes.”

“Not here. Not under this roof,” Pops growled as Princess turned to him, her hands clenched into fists. Nodding her head, she backed away from them, throwing down the pole crashing it to the floor, but the fury was emanating off of her body.

“Brother, she doesn’t hang out with her anymore. Babs is part of Rabbit’s crew.” Shit. Damn Danny, you just couldn’t keep your fucking mouth shut.

Princess stopped in her tracks, coming around to stand beside me, not quite making it to Pops. “What?” she asked, covering her mouth as if she didn’t mean to say the words aloud.

“Mindy’s not part of Babs’s crew anymore. Babs is Rabbit’s ol’ lady.”

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Princess growled under her breath walking over to Pops. “That’s who shot Ma. I’m the reason why.” Damn this girl was smart and caught on way too quick for her own good. And dammit, it made my dick hard as steel.

Pops rested his hands on her shoulders, “Princess, the club will handle it.”

From the stiffness in Princess’s body, I knew she wanted to argue, but all she did was nod and walk away. She didn’t stop to look at me. She brushed past me as quick as she could, heading towards the hallway. Shit.

Chapter 6—Harlow

Shit. Shit. Shit. What the fuck was I thinking going out to the main room. Not only was that bitch Mindy there, but fucking Cruz. Why in the hell does he have this magnetic force about him that just pulls me to him, making him hard to resist.

I couldn’t have him. It’d just turn into the same shit I’ve seen a thousand times over and over again in here. A brother starts seeing a woman, fucks her a thousand ways to Sunday, gets tired of her, and then passes her on to the brothers. I won’t be that girl. I may spread my legs, but not to these guys… at least until Cruz. What the fuck was I thinking?

I knew… I was horny. Plain and fucking simple. Why does he have to be… well, Cruz? Power just emanates off of him, beckoning me, engulfing me. I swear that man short circuits every brain cell in my head just by his smell. Then, being in the same fucking room with him, my body throbbed craving his. This didn’t happen with the brothers, never. It had to be just because of my two year dry spell.

If it weren’t for this fucking lockdown, I’d get the hell out of here and wipe my memories of Cruz… or at least I would try to.

Fuck. Throwing open the door to Pops’ room; I found Casey sitting on the bed. “Where the fuck have you been?” I barked. She didn’t look at me but fidgeted with her hands.

“I slept in the spare room downstairs.” Casey turned towards me. “So one night and you’re someone’s ol’ lady. What the hell happened?”

Sitting on the bed, I explained, “I’m not…” Running my fingers through my long dark hair, I shook my head. The last day had been a rollercoaster ride. I knew coming back to this life would make things interesting; I just didn’t realize how much.

“Thought we didn’t fuck brothers,” she said twirling her hands in her lap.

“I know. He’s just so damn overwhelming, and I couldn’t say no, I didn’t want to say no.”

“Is this an ‘I needed a dick thing,’ or is it real?” she asked, puzzled.

“For me… a dick thing. He says it’s the real thing, but he’s a brother. I’m not stupid. Anyway, even if I thought it was real, and it didn’t work out; I’d be fucked.” Knowing if I left him, I’d be out, out of the club, out of the life, yet another reason to be scared shitless about him. It didn’t matter that I was the VPs daughter or a sister to a member. Once I was an ol’ lady, my status with the club would change forever, and there’d be nothing I could do about it. Club rules. This has been my family, my entire life. I was not ready to give it up.

“I think Cruz is a good fit for you.” Her voice was low but serious.

I stared at her as if she grew three heads, not recognizing the woman sitting next to me. Of all the people, I would have never thought those words would come from her. We’ve always talked about the women of the club and how each had their places. And one of those places was the club momma. These women get passed around from brother to brother as free pussy, and for some reason they loved it. It’s the one role that we vowed always to steer clear of.