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I rolled my eyes as I stood in a designer dress and Jimmy Choos. I felt incredible. I grabbed my phone and sent Connor a quick text.

“Hi it’s me Ellery, thank you for the beautiful dress, but it is too much and I do not feel right accepting it.” Seconds later he replied.

“You’re welcome and it is not too much, see you at 6pm sharp.”

I smiled at Camille, “I like this one,” I said as I ran my hands down my body. She snapped her fingers signaling the other women to pack up the other dresses.

“Mr. Black will be immensely pleased you chose his favorite,” Camille smiled as she walked out the door. I stood in the middle of the room trying to figure out what Camille meant by his favorite dress. Did he go to the store himself and pick a bunch out for her to bring to me? Then I wondered if this was a habit of his for all his women.

“You’re overthinking Elle,” Peyton said as she unzipped the back of my dress. “Go put your other clothes back on; you do not want to ruin this before tonight. I’m going to call Roger and see if he’s available to do your hair and makeup, he owes me a big favor.”

I went to the bedroom and put on a pair of jeans and a tank top with a sick feeling in my stomach. My phone rang, and that familiar number was calling again, I ignored it and sent them to voicemail.

Peyton and I took a cab to Color Me Beautiful, a hair salon our friend Roger owns. We walked through the doors of the luxury salon as Roger spotted us instantly. He walked over and embraced me tightly.

“Oh girl, I heard about you and Kyle and I think he’s an asshole.”

“Thanks Roger I think he is to,” I lightly smiled. He turned to Peyton and gave her a warm hug.

“Now, tell me where you are going tonight and with whom.”

Peyton jumped in, “She’s going to a charity event with Connor Black.”

The Connor Black? Hot and gorgeous millionaire Connor Black?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yes Roger, that’s the one.” He looked at me seriously.

“Elle, you do know about his reputation right?” I looked blank because I didn’t know anything about Connor except his one rule about sleepovers and that he didn’t like relationships.

“We are friends, nothing more.”

Roger waved his hand in front of his face. “Girl, Connor Black doesn’t have female friends; he has sex slaves, not friends.” I gulped and didn’t want to hear anymore. Peyton could tell I was feeling uncomfortable.

“I don’t care what he has; I’m going to this benefit tonight as his friend and nothing more.”

“Come on Roger, work your magic and fix up our girl so every guy at the event will be begging her to take them home.” I smacked Peyton’s arm as we followed Roger to his station.

I met Roger through Peyton. He used to work at the art gallery part-time while he was trying to launch his salon. He was a handsome man with brown spiked hair and just the right amount of facial hair outlining his oval face. He cut hair and did makeup like nobody’s business. He once worked as a hair stylist for Miranda Lambert, but gave that up to stay in one place and build a life with his partner George. I sat in the chair while Roger worked his magic on my hair and face. I never felt more beautiful as I did that day.

I stepped into my designer dress and Jimmy Choos and looked in the mirror at my lightly made up face and elegant curly up-do. For the first time, in a terribly long time, I forgot about all the bad in my life. I glanced at the clock, and it read 6:00 pm. I rolled my eyes as there was a knock. As promised, he arrived at 6:00 sharp. I opened the door as Connor stood there staring at me and taking in a sharp breath. The butterflies in my stomach started to flutter, and my heart started racing as I looked at him in his black tuxedo.

“Were you afraid I’d get mugged between my door and your car?” I smirked.

“Very funny Ellery,” he said.

I was surprised that he came to the door himself instead of sending Denny. I bumped my shoulder against his, and he managed a small smile. We got into the back of the Limo and Connor poured us a glass of champagne.

“You look beautiful Ellery; nice dress.” I looked at him, stomach still fluttering and heart racing.

“Thank you Connor I was hoping you would like this one,” I winked as he smirked and we held our glasses up to one another.

Chapter 11

The charity was for the Autism Speaks Foundation. It was to support the biomedical research for the causes and treatments of autism in children and adults. Denny opened my door as Connor came around the other side to meet me. He held out his arm and looked at me.

“Do you think you can behave yourself tonight?” I put my arm in his and smiled.

“I don’t know; I cannot make any promises.”

We walked to the entrance and stepped inside. The ballroom was breathtaking as were the people who attended. Connor led me over to a reserved table with his company’s name on it. I sat down taking notice of the pilasters around the room as well as the beautifully carved ceilings. The walls were painted in a beige color with mahogany trim as were the chairs that sat at each table.  A band and dance floor sat in the middle of the room. Off to the side was a large wrap around bar that was complimented by the same mahogany wood and marble tops.

Connor went to the bar to get our drinks. Apparently, he didn’t have the patience to wait for the waitresses and waiters walking around the room with drinks on their trays. He came back with a glass of white wine for me and a scotch for himself. Even as beautiful as the ballroom was, Connor was the most beautiful person there, and I could not help but stare at him. He lightly grabbed my elbow and escorted me over to a couple who were staring our way. Even the slightest touch of his hand sent my body into convulsions.

“Good evening Connor,” the older gentleman said as he shook his hand.

“Hello, Robert, I would like you to meet Ellery Lane, a friend of mine.”

He took my hand and lightly kissed it, “You have beautiful friends Connor.”

I gently smiled at his comment and looked over at his wife who was eyeing me up and down.

“This is my wife, Courtney,” Robert smiled.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled at me.

Courtney was extremely attractive, and she was about 25 years younger than her husband. Robert put his arm around Connor and walked him over to the side whispering so we could not hear. Connor shook his head, and the two of them came back to where we were standing.

“What was that about?” I asked.

 He looked at me at strangely for even asking, “Just business.”

He lightly put his hand on the small of my back and escorted me back to the table while he excused himself to the restroom. I was taking in the beautiful sound of the band playing soft melodies as Courtney came over and sat next to me.

“So, you’re Connors new toy,” she remarked. I looked at her trying to absorb what she meant.

“Connor and I are nothing more than friends.”

She shook her head, “Right, well I’m only saying this for your own sake, woman to woman because you seem like an innocent and nice person, stay away from Connor Black.”

I narrowed my eyes at her then looked around to see if Connor was on his way back. “Why would you say something like that?” I asked.

“Because Connor will use you till he emotionally breaks you down and physically wears you out; then he will toss you to the side like a piece of trash.” She got up from her seat and put her hand on my arm, “Just some friendly advice.”

She walked away and left me sitting there pondering her words. The way she spoke led me to believe that she was a victim of Connors. I did not want to think about it as I got up and headed to the bar for another glass of wine. I glanced over to the side where there was a small hallway and raised my eyebrow when I saw Connor talking to the same woman who slapped him at the club. His eyes looked angered as he grabbed her arm and led her out of sight. My stomach tied itself in knots, what the hell was I doing here? I don’t even know anything about this man I was with.