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I am as intrigued as Celia. More, I think, but I won’t give her the satisfaction of confirming that.

So I divert. “I don’t believe you’re going to see the results you believe you are.” Especially after spending time with Alayna. Every minute in her presence I’m more convinced that she’s stronger than she looks.

Celia chuckles. “We have different hypotheses. That only intrigues me more. You know that.”

I do know that. I also understand it. A memory flashes into my mind—a similar situation, a similar conversation. The subject was a woman who worked for one of Celia’s design accounts. Her fiancé had flirted with Celia, rather innocently, at a company party. It was enough to interest Celia in a game. We devised a scheme where I told the subject that her betrothed had been unfaithful. It was my theory that the subject would forgive the indiscretion. Celia believed otherwise.

The scam had very little interest to me except for the difference in our theories. We fabricated proof that I presented to the woman. It was believable. In the end, the subject did forgive her fiancé.

But she also let me fuck her against the wall of the ladies bathroom.

She either didn’t much value fidelity or it was a revenge fuck. Either way, I was pleased—my hypothesis had been correct. Celia’s had been wrong.

Letting Celia know I differ in opinion about the predicted conclusion has only increased her invested interest in the experiment with Alayna Withers. It was a mistake, I realize now. I’m usually not so sloppy. Is it because I’ve been so long out of the game? Or is it Alayna that throws me?

I really have no idea.

A beep in my ear indicates a text has come through on my Blackberry. “Celia, I have a matter I need to take care of.” Whatever the message is, at least it’s an excuse to get off the phone. “I’ll see you Sunday at the event.”

I don’t wait for her goodbye before ending the call. Then I check my texts. The message is from Jordan, who is now officially driving Alayna rather than simply tailing her. He’s just picked her up and is bringing her to my building now. Bringing her to me.

I prepare for her the best I can, brushing my teeth and removing my suit jacket. Inside, I’m a ball of nervous energy. I don’t remember the last time that I looked forward to sex with this much eagerness. College, maybe? High school?

No, I don’t think I’ve ever been this anxious. That realization stops me in my tracks. Not wanting the situation to get out of hand—or to scare Alayna off—I decide that I’ll go slow. When she arrives, I’ll keep my contact to a minimum until we both have a chance to settle in. I’ll order dinner first. We’ll take our time moving to the bedroom.

I pace the floor by the front door in anticipation of Alayna’s arrival. Minutes before I expect her, my phone rings. It’s business—Roger Kingsley, a board member at Plexis. He wouldn’t be calling on a Friday afternoon if it weren’t important. “Roger,” I bark as I answer. “What’s going on?”

Roger proceeds to apprise me of the situation emerging at Plexis. Profits have been down, and some of the other board members are interested in selling. A sale would result in the dismantling of the company. A lot of jobs would be lost.

“The board is seriously considering this latest offer,” he tells me.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath. I loosen my tie and unbutton the top of my shirt, attempting to relieve the stifling feeling that’s overcome me. This news upsets me. One of the few things I care about is my corporation. I do not want my employees screwed like this.

“It’s not going to get better, Pierce,” Roger says. “I know you’re coming on Monday, but Grant and some of the others are planning to take a vote over the weekend.”

I’m about to deliver another string of curse words when I hear her knock.

She’s here.

I open the door and there she is—gorgeous and flushed. Her outfit is on the modest side compared to the other things I’ve seen her in, though her striped shorts could be a little longer. Her legs are lean and toned, and I’m already imagining them wrapped around me.

Suddenly I don’t give a damn about Plexis. I only care about her.

Somehow I pick up on my cue to speak in the phone conversation. “Roger, I don’t want to hear that we lost this company because my staff wasn’t able to foresee the possibility of separation.” I hold the receiver away from my mouth. “Come in,” I whisper to Alayna.

She enters, and I shut the door behind her. I turn to look at her. She’s devouring me with her eyes and it sparks my own want. The energy that passes between us is thick and palpable. Jesus, I thought I was excited before. Now, I’m desperate for her.

Roger’s in mid-sentence, but I’m done with this call. “Take care of it, Roger. I expect this to be resolved before I arrive on Monday.”

I toss my phone on the table, my eyes still pinned to Alayna’s. Silence blankets us. It’s not uncomfortable, necessarily, but it’s heavy.

“Hi,” she whispers. She can’t take the anticipation. She’s nervous. And adorable. And sexy as all fuck.

I can’t help but smile.

Then she’s in my arms, her mouth crashing against mine. For the barest fraction of a moment, I remember my plan to go slow. And I quickly abandon it. She tastes too good, her tongue licking into my mouth, swiping across my teeth. She’s as desperate as I am, and I’m determined to meet her needs.

I’m also determined to touch her. My hands find their way under her shirt, and soon I’m caressing her breasts. They’re firm and perfect. Her nipples are already pebbles under her bra. I need her undressed so I can touch them and suck them. I need her underneath me.

But then that strange desire returns, the one from yesterday. The one where I want to make her feel good more than I want to find pleasure for myself. It’s so intense that I forget the aching need surging through my veins.

I force myself to push her away. “Jesus, Alayna. I want you so bad, I’m not behaving.”

“Hudson.” Her voice is breathy and full of want. She steps toward me. “If this is misbehaving, please don’t stop.” She slides my shirt off my shoulders—damn, I hadn’t even noticed she’d worked open the buttons—then leans forward and licks my chest.

Involuntarily, I groan. “At least let me take you to a bed. If you keep this up, I’m going to fuck you against the door.” Now I’m thinking about fucking her against the door. Which would be goddamn hot as hell, but so not what she deserves.

“That doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world,” she murmurs as I lead her to my bedroom.

I put door-fucking on my mental to-do list. “No, it doesn’t.” At the bed, I pull her into my arms and bury my face in her neck. “But I won’t be able to savor you properly and I’ll forever regret it.”

And I want to savor her. I want to make her feel good. I know she’s never been pleased the way I’ll please her. Not because I think I’m a better lover than she’s had—though that’s probably true—but because I won’t let it be any other way.

Now, I need her breasts in my mouth.

I pull her shirt off, my eyes widening at how fuck-hot she looks in her black lace underwear. But I want her naked. I unclasp her bra and toss it to the ground. Alayna pushes toward me, seemingly wanting to hide. I can’t have that. I have to feast on her with my eyes. I hold her so I can see her.

God, she’s perfect.

“I imagined you’d have beautiful breasts, Alayna. But I had no idea…” I can’t even speak. My eyes glued to her tits, I push her to sit on my bed. Then I kneel in front of her and feast with my mouth. Cupping her breast with a hand, I tease my tongue across her nipple. She takes a shaky breath, but this isn’t going to do it for her, I realize. She wants it rough.

Thank fuck.

With a growl, I take her pink peak into my mouth, sucking and tugging, first one breast then the other. She cries out, gasping and clutching my hair. I could probably make her climax just like this. She’s so fucking sexy with her sounds and her scent that I’m about to come in my pants.