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The only thing stopping me is that it’s also where she works. It wouldn’t be fair to her, so I must control myself.

But as uncomfortable as it promises to make me, I’m not ready to end this heated flirtation. So I don’t. “Let’s table my proposition to hire you for a moment and discuss this other thing further. Please understand that they are very separate from each other. I’d never want you to think my sexual desire for you was in any way part of a sham for my parents and their friends.”

“I’m—I don’t know how to react to someone stating they desire me.” She’s flustered. Surprised.

I’m at a loss. I frown. “Has no man told you that before?” Surely she knows how attractive she is. Her beauty goes beyond her physical looks—it’s her aura, her carriage, the way her eyes shine and the way her forehead creases with worry. She is a combination of strong and weak—like a beautiful vase that has been shattered and glued back together so perfectly that you can only see the cracks when looking very closely. She epitomizes the rising of the phoenix from the ashes. Many a man must have burned up in her presence.

She fumbles with her glass. “Not in so many words. Actions sometimes. Certainly not so bluntly.”

I almost curse at her admission. “That’s a shame.” How has no one recognized the preciousness of the gem before me? She doesn’t recognize it in herself, even. It’s disappointing. Heartbreaking, if I were the type who had a heart.

Without meaning to, I find myself reaching across the table for her hand. I stroke my thumb across her unbearably soft skin. “I plan to tell you every chance I get.”

Now where the hell did that come from? But no sooner are the words out of my mouth than I know they’re true. I’m breaking all my rules with this woman, acting outside my very nature. Maybe other men have survived her flames, but I fear I’m already burning.

She pulls her hand away. “Oh.”

I see the wheels turning in her head. She’s retreating. Fast. “I, uh, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. I need to go. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

She stands and I do too. I don’t want her to leave. My pulse speeds up and there’s sweat on my brow. Is this panic? It’s an unfamiliar sensation, and I feel like I’m spiraling out of control.

I practically plead to Alayna to stay. “I wish you wouldn’t. But if you must…”

She won’t meet my eyes. “I’ve got to get to work.”

She heads for the door, and I follow. Just as she places her hand on the knob, I press my palm on the top, preventing her from opening it. This is not in my script. This is not on my agenda. All I know is that I cannot let her leave.

I lower my head to her ear and it takes all I have not to nibble on her lobe. “Wait, Alayna.” My cock stiffens as I breathe her in. Her scent is shampoo and bodywash and sweet musk—none of those flowery perfumes cover up her natural aroma.

Without premeditation, I speak, letting the words flow naturally. “I apologize for overwhelming you. That wasn’t my intent. But I want you to know that whether or not you decide to help with my situation, I will continue to seduce you. I’m a man who gets what he wants. And I want you.”

Then I can’t help myself anymore—I do nibble on her ear. She gasps and leans her head to the side. With her neck exposed, I am a kid in a candy store. I nip and lick along her neck. She grabs my arm and that’s my invitation to wrap my other arm around her. I palm her breast. She leans into my hand, and I feel her nipple pebble through her dress. All I can think about is sucking on it, pulling it with my teeth.

I squeeze her tit and nuzzle my face into her hair. “I should have told you earlier—you look absolutely beautiful tonight. I can’t keep my eyes off you. Serious and sexy wrapped into one package.” This isn’t the most appropriate place for this, but I can’t fucking stand to wait another minute longer. “Kiss me, Alayna.”

Slowly, she turns her head toward me. I’m there to meet her. I take her mouth with mine, sliding my tongue in to tangle with hers. Her lips are soft and silky, but she meets my greedy ardor with equal fervor. I’m demanding, needing her to understand that this is how it will be with me—I will take the lead, I will dominate. Even when I’m as out-of-control as I am at the moment, I will guide us through the physical.

And her taste…

It’s incredible. It’s addictive. It’s delicious.

I want to taste her everywhere. Want to trail my tongue along her navel. Want to suck on her clit. Want to lick the slit of her cunt.

We shift together, turning until our bodies are lined up. I grab her ass, drawing her closer, and she wraps her hands around my neck. God, I want her. I want her like I’ve never wanted anyone. I know I can’t take her here, and yet I’m not sure I can stop. Especially when she starts grinding her hips against my cock. She’s the matador waving the red flag, and I’m the bull about to charge.

But nothing about this is right. The location, the timing…most of all, the circumstances. This night is about the game. I don’t want the taint of that overshadowing the glory of being buried inside her. Celia does not get an invitation into our bed.

Thoughts of Celia make it easier to push Alayna away. I keep my hands on her shoulders, though, keeping her at a distance. It would take only the brush of her body against mine and I’d change my mind about fucking her right now. We pant in unison as we recover our breathing, my eyes never leaving hers.

I see it when the disappointment and concern settle in. Wanting to ease her, I brush a hand down her cheek. “Not here, precious. Not like this.” I wrap my other hand around her neck and press my forehead to hers. “I will have you beneath me. In a bed. Where I can adore you properly.” This promise is the only thing keeping me gentlemanly. I won’t have her tonight. But I will have her.

I trail my hand down to her bra where I know she keeps her phone. I feast on the curve of her breast as I remove her cell. I swipe her screen and call my own phone. I hang up as soon as it rings. I already have her number, of course, but I want her to see that I’ve gotten it legitimately. “Now we have each other’s numbers. I expect you to use it.”

I replace her phone inside her bra, my eyes lingering once more on the swell of her cleavage. My dick is so hard it hurts. It’s a risk kissing her again, so I simply brush my lips across hers. “Call me when you’re ready.” Except I’m afraid she won’t be ready as soon as I’d like, so I add, “Tomorrow.”

I kiss her chastely and rush out. I will definitely need a turn with my hand tonight. Even two turns may not be enough to relieve me.

Chapter Eight


I drove myself to the Brookes’ party. Usually if there was a chance I might get drunk, I would have relied instead on a driver. But I needed full control that night—that required no drinking and an easy escape route. After the shaky ending to the previous evening, I’d decided it was time to wrap the Celia experiment up for good. I’d made it clear there would be no us until she broke up with her boyfriend. If she didn’t offer to end things with him at this point, then I’d have to change my conclusion. Maybe her silly attachment was stronger than I thought. Maybe I was wrong.

But I doubted that.

I arrived after the sun had set and the party was in full swing. I wanted Celia waiting for me by the time I showed up. Part of me was surprised that she hadn’t tried to call me to make sure I was still coming. Though, with the way she’d left things the night before, I bet that she was giving me space. I also bet it was killing her.

I parked my car far from the house so I’d be sure to not be blocked in. As I walked up the long drive, I noted that Celia’s car wasn’t there. It didn’t mean anything. She could have been driven. She likely figured I’d give her a ride home. That wasn’t in my plans.