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He didn’t tell Cal where he was going when he was finished for the day. Nor did he bother to shower or shave.

Cal had just ridden in when Glen was ready to leave.

“Did Ellie mention anything about the wire cutters I ordered?” Cal asked, stopping him.

Glen froze at the mention of her name. He might as well get used to it. She was as much a part of his everyday life as this ranch.

“I’ll ask her if you want,” Glen said.

Cal looked as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated. Then, “I didn’t mean...I forgot.”

“Don’t worry about it. Frasier’s has been our supplier for a lot of years and I don’t think we should change things now.” He was man enough to accept being rejected, or he’d like to believe he was, anyway.

Ellie, ever sensitive and thoughtful, was probably worried about him. That would be just like her. Glen didn’t want her to think her decision had ruined their relationship. They could still be friends. Sort of. Not the way they’d been in the past but...friendly.

Glen headed for the Weston place. He found Richard loading supplies into the back of Grady’s pickup when he arrived. The other man looked mildly surprised when Glen sought him out. He stood there with a case of canned goods balanced on his shoulder, his stance defensive.

“You wanted to talk to me?” Richard asked.

“I came to congratulate you.” No need to hedge. This wasn’t a conversation he relished having, and the sooner he’d finished the better.

“Congratulate me?” Richard echoed. “Did I win the lottery and someone forgot to tell me?”

Glen didn’t appreciate the joke. “In a manner of speaking.”

Richard leaned forward and dumped the box onto the open tailgate. “What’s up, Patterson?”

“It’s about you and Ellie.”

Richard scowled. “What about us?”

“I understand you asked her to marry you.”

“What of it?”

“I also understand that she’s accepted.”

Richard had started to remove his gloves, one finger at a time. His head snapped up at Glen’s statement. “Ellie’s a hell of a woman, isn’t she? I didn’t realize she’d decided to let the word out.” He nudged Glen with his elbow. “But then, that’s just like my Ellie.”

My Ellie. The words hurt like alcohol on a cut, and Glen flinched before he could hide his reaction. Recovering quickly, he forced a smile. “I couldn’t agree with you more,” he said. “Ellie’s one of a kind.”

Richard slapped him hard on the back. “I guess you could say the best man won.”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Glen answered, clenching his teeth.

“I don’t suppose she happened to mention a wedding date, did she?” He laughed. “Seems the groom’s always the last to know.”

“Can’t say as she did.”

“It’ll be soon, if I have anything to say about it.” Richard hopped onto the tailgate, his legs dangling. “The wedding will be a small intimate affair right here in Savannah’s rose garden. Family and a few friends. You’re invited of course.”

“Thank you.”

“Hey, no problem.” Richard began whistling; Glen might not have much of an ear for music; but he recognized the “Wedding March.”

He tried not to let it distract him. “I want to wish you both every happiness,” he said formally.

“That’s good of you, Glen, and I appreciate it. I’m sure Ellie will, too.” Richard thrust out his hand. “I realize it was difficult for you to lose her, but I want you to know, I plan to make Ellie happy. The two of us would like to consider you a friend.”

“I hope you will.” This was what made Richard so damn difficult to understand, Glen mused. One minute he was a jackass; the next, he was a regular joe. “If you need anything, give me a call,” he offered.

“I will.”

Glen climbed back into his pickup. Despite his dislike of Richard, he felt better for having cleared the air between them. Although he’d dreaded talking to the guy, he was glad now that he had.

He hoped everything would go as well with Ellie.

The ache in his gut intensified as he drove into town. When he entered the feed store, she was ringing up a sale for Lyle Whitehouse. She didn’t notice Glen until she handed Lyle his package. Her hand froze in midair and she gaped at him as if she couldn’t believe her eyes. Recovering quickly, she released the bag.

Lyle turned around, and when he saw Glen, he grinned broadly. Then he winked and gave him a thumbs-up as he walked out of the store.

“Hello, Glen,” Ellie said tentatively.

“Ellie.” He nodded once. “Cal wanted me to ask you about those wire cutters he ordered.”

“They won’t be in until Monday,” she said, sounding oddly breathless.

“I’ll tell him.” He felt awkward and tongue-tied again, the way he had when he proposed. He waited a moment, just staring at her. “I have a few things to say. Is now a good time?”

“As good as any,” she said stiffly. She remained on her side of the counter while he stayed on the other.

Damn she was beautiful. That wasn’t the kind of thing he should be thinking, he told himself, and glanced away. “First, all I really want is for you to be happy.”

“I am happy,” she said a little too loudly.


Ellie moved out from behind the cash register and started restacking blocks of salt.

“I was hoping we could remain friendly,” he said, moving up behind her.

“I was hoping that, too.”

Glen raised his hands to place them on her shoulders, the need to touch her almost impossible to resist. He paused, then with unprecedented determination dropped his arms to his sides. He had no right to touch Ellie anymore. She was engaged to another man.

“You’ve been my closest and dearest friend,” she whispered, and turned to face him. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you when Dad was so terribly ill...and since.”

Glen wasn’t sure if she’d come toward him or if he’d stepped toward her, but all at once they were standing mere inches apart. Their eyes avoided meeting, but their slow labored breathing seemed to keep pace.

“I needed you,” she whispered, “and you were there for me.”

Again he reminded himself that she was engaged to Richard, and yet all he could think about was kissing her one last time. Just one kiss, to tell her goodbye, to wish her well.

Everything within him yearned for her. It seemed natural to stand this close; it seemed even more natural to hold her, but he managed to resist. He mustn’t feel these things any longer, mustn’t allow himself to look at her this way. Mustn’t kiss her again.

His heart went wild when Ellie stepped into his arms. When she raised her lips to his. Her kiss nearly buckled his knees. It began as a simple, almost chaste touch, her warm mouth on his. Unfortunately it didn’t stay chaste long. Glen slipped his arm around her waist and against every dictate of common sense, urged her closer. If this was to be their last kiss, then he’d make sure it was one they’d both remember.

The kiss spoke far more eloquently of his need and love for her than any words he’d ever uttered. Ellie moaned and he cradled her face with both hands. The kiss grew molten-hot and would have grown hotter had they continued. Abruptly Glen released her, trembling with the restraint it demanded to pull away.

She stared at him, wide-eyed, then pressed the back of her hand against her mouth.

“I suppose you’re waiting for an apology,” he said, knowing that kiss should never have happened. “I’ll give you one if you insist, but it’d be a bold-faced lie. This is only the third time we’ve kissed, and it’s the last. It has to be.” He reached out to stroke her hair and whispered, “Be happy, Ellie. Be very happy.”

Looking as if she’d been struck dumb, she continued to stand there, staring up at him.

“Richard doesn’t deserve you,” he said, his voice gruff with pain, “but I don’t, either.” He touched her cheek, loving the feel of her skin beneath his fingertips. Then he turned and walked out of the store.