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‘I’ve got to go now, Mum,’ she said, gently wriggling out of her mother’s arms. ‘If you need help any time, call George. It comes to something that I’ve got to start a new job with a black eye, but I’ll keep that in mind if ever I start to weaken and think Dad wasn’t all bad.’

Two days later, on Saturday, at six in the evening, Molly arrived at the hostel in Gower Street. She’d created a picture in her mind of an almost prison-like place, with bare wooden floors, garret-like rooms with no home comforts and a refectory-type dining room like you’d find in a Dickensian workhouse. But to her shock and surprise it was nothing like that; in fact, it could have been taken for a smart hotel, with its thick carpets, polished mahogany staircase and fancy lighting. She was greeted warmly by Miss Weatherby, the matron, a portly woman in her fifties who was wearing a light-grey dress with a white lace collar and cuffs.

‘Oh, my goodness! What has happened to your face?’ she asked solicitously.

‘I tripped on the stairs the other day and banged into the newel post,’ Molly lied. ‘It looks worse than it is.’

Miss Weatherby touched it gently with her fingertips. ‘I’ve got some arnica, which is good for bruising. I’ll put a compress on it for you now, before showing you your room. You’ll be sharing with Dilys Porter. She’s the same age as you, but she’s been here for over a year now and she’ll show you the ropes. Dinner will be served very soon, so we won’t waste any time. I’ll see you again at ten tomorrow to explain all the rules and answer any questions you may have.’

Fifteen minutes later, holding a pad of cotton wool soaked in some kind of potion to her bruised cheek, Molly met Dilys in the room they were to share.

Dilys Porter was a small, blonde, blue-eyed girl from Cardiff, and she seemed very open and friendly. She, too, commiserated with Molly about her bruised cheek, and told Miss Weatherby she’d take good care of her new roommate.

The room was far nicer than Molly had expected: twin divan beds, a chest of drawers each, a shared wardrobe, a washbasin and a couple of easy chairs. The bathrooms were further down the hall. There was no view from the window, as it opened on to a well-like void at the centre of the building, but that didn’t bother her at all.

‘Unpack after dinner,’ Dilys suggested. ‘I’m not going out tonight, so we can get to know each other better, and I’ll introduce you to some of the others.’

A further shock, but a good one, was the dining room. It was vast, and all the tables were laid with silver and glasses, just like in a first-class restaurant. They even had waitress service. Molly could hardly believe it.

‘It’s good, isn’t it?’ Dilys giggled at her new friend’s astounded expression. ‘Hundreds of people work for the company, and it believes in treating and feeding its staff well. Lots of people say it’s more like a hotel than a hostel. We have lots of laughs, too – us girls go out on the town quite a bit. I never expected it to be like this. I used to work in a chemist’s in Cardiff, all old folk coughing and wheezing and complaining about everything, then home on the bus in the cold and wet. Then I get here and it’s like paradise. In winter its lovely and warm. I tell you, Molly, you won’t catch me going back to work in Cardiff.’

Molly had reported her father to the police the night he hit her, and they had issued him with a formal warning that if he was to attack her again he would be arrested. She had stayed for two nights at George’s house and, during the day, he had gone back to the house with her to collect the rest of her clothes. That morning, he had driven her to the station to see her off.

But Molly put home and her father out of her mind that evening as she tucked into a lovely dinner of steak-and-kidney pie, followed by rice pudding. She met some of the other girls on her landing and found out a little more about the job. From what she gathered, all the girls had to toe the line in the store, as the senior staff watched them like hawks and no one got away with anything. The girls complained that it was tough being on their feet all day, being nice to customers who were often very rude, and it could also be boring when the shop wasn’t busy.

‘You always have to look busy,’ Dilys said. ‘Putting clothes back in size order on the rails, folding sweaters and blouses, polishing up glass surfaces. You daren’t get chatting to another member of staff, not unless you want to be out on your ear.’

Molly thought she could cope with all that; after all, she’d had to do just about everything in her father’s shop. But whatever the daytime hours were like, the evenings and days off sounded like fun. The girls went out dancing together. Once a week they could get a late pass till midnight, but on other nights they had to be in by ten thirty.

Because of her bruised cheek, Molly was put to work in the store room for her first three days. Staff rang down when they were running low on stock of something, and Molly and the other staff had to check to see if they had more there, and send it up to the appropriate department. Molly thought it was probably very useful to her, as she learned which departments upstairs were busiest, which managers were difficult and which were pleasant. Most of the store-room staff felt that they were looked down upon by the shop assistants, as did all the staff that worked in housekeeping or the kitchens. It seemed to be a triangular structure, with department managers at the top, then senior shop assistants, then the junior ones, right on down to the bottom, to the lowly porters who unloaded goods from the delivery lorries. There was a similar hierarchy with the office staff. They tended not to mix with the sales-floor staff at all.

On her fourth working day, the bruise on her cheek now faded, Molly was sent to work in Haberdashery. Dilys commiserated, saying all the girls hated that department because it was all little sales of buttons, reels of cotton, zips and ribbons, and the customers expected the sales girls to be very attentive and knowledgeable, but Molly liked it. She had always made her own clothes, and she enjoyed being kept busy. When she wasn’t serving anyone she opened up the drawers and cupboards to find out more about the stock.

Miss Bruce, the department manager, was something of a fusspot, and convinced that no one could ever know as much about haberdashery as she did. But after working for a tyrant like her father, Molly found the woman easy enough to get along with.

Another advantage of working in Haberdashery was that the other girls didn’t feel that she was a favoured one. Apparently, Miss Maloney, who was the Fashion manageress, did have favourites and gave them plum jobs. Those girls were viewed with suspicion by everyone else.

The part of the day Molly liked best was the evening, not necessarily going out with the other girls but sitting around the table having their evening meal, all chatting away about their day. Then they’d go back to their rooms, and quite often some of the girls would come in to Molly and Dilys for more chat, usually about make-up, clothes and boys. Molly had been a bit too young when Emily had left home to talk about such things, but she had loved having her older sister in the bed next to her, the little chats in the dark, the cosiness of it. Sharing with Dilys brought that back.

On her second night in the hostel she and Dilys had got into their nightdresses and were having a cup of cocoa when Molly told her new friend about Cassie and Petal.

‘Jeepers!’ Dilys exclaimed, putting her hands over her face. ‘Fancy finding someone who’s been murdered! You think that only happens in films. Did you scream the place down?’

‘I think I must have, but there wasn’t much point, considering where the cottage was. No one would’ve heard me. But I was sick in the bushes!’