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If she didn’t get some good boots, and soon, her ass would be grass. Correction. Her ass would be snowbound.

“Sorry I’m late, Mom. We had a little accident in town. This is Natalie Duncan, the new third-grade teacher. Natalie, my family. There are too many names for you to even try to remember them all,” Hawk said with a wink.

“As much as I love my son, I know his failings. Ignore him, dear,” a tiny woman said as she took Natalie from her son’s arms and rushed her inside. “What in the world are you wearing, my child?”

That was the question of the hour. Or maybe the last day and a half. “I . . . um . . . wasn’t prepared for the cold here.”

“I’m Maggie, Hawk’s mom, and I’ll get you introduced to the rest of the gang real soon. For now, we need to find you some better clothes. You must have ripped your pants in the accident, and those shoes just won’t do.” Maggie was talking so quickly that Natalie was having a hell of a time keeping up.

“I didn’t realize it was Thanksgiving, so I went looking for a place that sold boots . . .”

Maggie just stared at her as Natalie trailed off in embarrassment. Damn.

“Oh, darling,” Maggie exclaimed. “No one should forget Thanksgiving. You look about the same size as my daughter, Taylor. Let’s go raid her closet.” She took Natalie’s hand and dragged her up an extrawide staircase to a room with a large sign on it that said, ironically enough, Do Not Enter.

“What size shoe do you wear?”

“I’m a seven, but really, I can wait until tomorrow and go buy some appropriate apparel.”

Natalie’s protests were clearly falling on deaf ears—Maggie was already digging around in the closet.

“Aha! I knew you were about the same size. Here’s a brand-new pair of UGG boots, size seven,” she said triumphantly. “I bought them for her two years ago, but Taylor disdains any article of clothing without a Fox label on it. She races dirt bikes.”

Natalie’s mouth dropped wide open. “Your daughter races?”

“Yes, and she’s very good at it. This is the first Thanksgiving in years that she hasn’t been home. She made it to the finals. It breaks my heart, but I understand.” Maggie’s sudden sniffles belied her final words.

“Doesn’t that scare you?” Natalie asked.

“Oh, it can if I let it,” Maggie said, “but I’m very proud of my daughter. Her two brothers, on the other hand, are constantly preaching to her about how unsafe racing is. They don’t realize that the danger makes her that much more competitive. Someday they’ll learn, but I fear it won’t be anytime soon.” The woman kept pulling out clothing.

As the pile grew higher and higher on the bed, Natalie shifted on her feet. “I really shouldn’t just borrow her clothes without her permission.”

“Nonsense, darling. Taylor would want you to have them. You can wear what you want now, and then we’ll bag the rest of the things up for you before you leave.” And apparently the woman was just like her son, because she didn’t listen to any further protests, but instead just walked from the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Natalie’s knees suddenly turned weak and she found herself sinking down onto the neatly made bed. She was so exhausted. But she couldn’t help looking around Taylor’s room. Pictures of dirt bikes and Fox racing gear lined the walls, and there was a floor-to-ceiling shelf with so many trophies on it that Natalie couldn’t count them all. Taylor was apparently really, really good at racing.

Knowing that if she went back downstairs without changing, there was a very good chance that Maggie would march her back up and dress Natalie herself, she picked out a nice pair of jeans and a thick sweatshirt.

When she slipped on the fur-lined boots, she had to admit her toes wiggled in warm appreciation. Okay, maybe the boots were worth the slight guilt she was suffering from taking clothes from a stranger’s closet. And they probably made up a little for the torture of feeling out of place, of knowing that she’d essentially barged in on this nice family.

Although she wasn’t happy about facing the crowd again, she couldn’t hide in this bedroom all night. So she took a deep breath and moved to the door.

She opened it, and then fell backward with a squeak. Hawk was standing right in front of her, and the smoldering embers leaping from his eyes sent a shiver of anticipation deep into her core.

Heat invaded her system, and she found herself wanting to find out exactly why that was.



Hawk stood in the doorway staring at Natalie and couldn’t move. At least she was now far more decently dressed for the cold Montana weather, but she might as well have been naked by the way he was gaping at her. He didn’t understand the hold this virtual stranger had over him.

This woman was messing with his head and causing him to feel emotions he couldn’t fathom—emotions more suited to a teenager than a grown man. He’d been with his share of females, and there had been nothing to elicit any real feeling at all beyond the simple exchange of physical pleasure. Not that there was anything wrong with that . . .

“You look better.” His curt tone made him shudder, but he couldn’t seem to do anything to stop it. She took a startled step backward, and he felt like a complete tool.

“Um . . . thank you,” she finally murmured, casting her eyes to the floor.

No. That wouldn’t do. He needed to look into her eyes, and he needed for her not to hide from him, though he didn’t know why. So he stepped forward and, placing a gentle finger under her chin, tilted her head up.

“Sorry. That came out wrong. I meant you look warmer,” he said, purposely making his voice softer. “We’ve really gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m not a bad guy. I’m just a bit . . . gruff sometimes.”

Her eyes widened at his words, but she quickly looked past him. Yeah, he wasn’t making the situation any better. He should take his hand away. And he would . . . in just a minute.

“All right,” he told her. “Let’s just scratch everything that’s happened from the moment we laid eyes on each other.” He finally removed his hand and took a step back so he could think properly. “My mother is an incredible cook. Let’s go have some dinner,” he said, offering his arm and waiting, afraid he might spook her if he moved any closer.

“That sounds nice,” she finally said, reluctantly accepting his arm.

As they descended the stairs, Hawk looked out to find every last person staring up at them, some of them with knowing grins on their faces.

“Ah, you look wonderful, Natalie,” Maggie said as she came up to them holding his niece close to her heart. “I hope you have a healthy appetite, because I’ve been cooking for two days straight. Well, okay, to be honest, I’ve been mostly directing this year as I can’t seem to put my granddaughter down.”

Natalie didn’t even get a chance to reply to Maggie because suddenly she was surrounded, everyone attending Thanksgiving dinner wanting to speak with her. That’s how his family and friends were. There was no such thing as strangers; everyone was simply a friend they hadn’t met yet.

When he sat down, Hawk found himself directly across from Natalie. “Where did you move here from?”

“I grew up in Southern California,” she answered after a beat.

“I guess it’s just a bit warmer there,” he said, giving her his most trustworthy smile. He knew he should just back off, but what his brain was telling him and what he was doing were two entirely different things.

“Yeah. It’s not like I’m stupid. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting quite this much . . . cold,” she said with a nervous laugh as she accepted the large bowl of potatoes passed to her and took a small scoop.

“I’ve done a lot of traveling, or I used to, at least. I’ve always enjoyed the beaches in California.” See, he could be friendly, have a normal conversation with this woman. He’d have patted himself on the back if he were able.