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She waited until the ambulance arrived. Unwilling to take Henry out of his mother’s sight until she had to go. And then made one last promise.

“He’ll be waiting for you,” she said.

And knew that she’d do whatever it took to see that it happened.

So much for second chances. Ted Burbank be damned.

* * *

BRETT WAS IN bed in a hotel room in Wisconsin Tuesday night when he read the report. Nora Burbank had been treated and released into the care of Lynn Bishop, the nurse practitioner at The Lemonade Stand. Her son, Henry, was with her. Both were in protective custody. Meaning that until Ted Burbank was found, Santa Raquel police were stationed at the Stand, guarding Nora’s cottage. Off-duty police. Volunteering their time in four-hour shifts.

Ella’s name was on the case.

He read it all.

And noticed one thing more than anything else.

Throughout the entire episode, High Risk team member, Nurse Ella Ackerman, had been accompanied and aided by Dr. Jason Everly.

Brett wanted to hate the man.

But couldn’t.

He didn’t hear from Ella, not that he’d expected to.

But as soon as he was back in town at the end of that week, he went to his mother’s house. Lights were on. House lights, not the timer ones. She was in there.

He texted her to let her know he was out front.

No response.

Out of his car, leaning back against it in case she looked out, he waited. And half an hour later, texted her again.

I have to see you. To talk to you.

This time, his phone buzzed a text. Brett’s hands were sweating as he opened the message.


Why couldn’t she ask if something was wrong? Wonder, at least?

I’m not feeling well.

His fingers flew over the tiny keys, and his thumb punched Send. It was bunk. And shamed him. But he needed her, dammit. She was the only one who would understand.

You’re fine. I saw you leaning against your car.

So she was watching him through the window.

Ella’s seeing someone. A doctor, he typed.

I hadn’t heard.

Why should she have? Did she think a date would come through on a High Risk team report? She was just blowing him off. And he knew it.

I’m struggling with it. Don’t know what to do.

He was a powerful businessman. Known and respected across the nation. And here he was, standing outside his mother’s house, feeling lost and unsure of himself.

Dammit. He was what he was, incapable of having a normal relationship, in part because of her. She’d raised him in that home...

No. Brett climbed back in his car as his thoughts deteriorated. He didn’t blame his mother for anything his father had done. Or for keeping them in that home. She’d stayed because as long as she was there, his father looked for jobs and eventually found work. Those jobs had not only eventually provided the insurance that paid for Livia to have the best care, but it had also allowed his mother to be a stay-at-home mom, there to care for Livia 24/7. And not once had his father inflicted his violence on Livia. Not once. His mom had stayed for Livia. And Brett would have done the same.

He turned the key in the ignition. And his phone buzzed.

Would you marry her again if you could?

He read the question twice.


His answer to her was unequivocal. She’d understand that, too.

Because it hadn’t just been his father who’d broken the vow to keep violence out of their home. She’d broken it, too.

Then you have to let her go.

Just as his mother had let him go.

Because she was afraid she’d take her anger out on him again.

As she had the last day he’d seen her. The day of Livia’s funeral.

The day any hope of a happy life for him had ended.

He just hadn’t known it yet.


BRETT HADN’T HEARD from Ella at all since he’d told her that nothing had changed.

Nor had he tried contacting her, other than a brief call to finalize Jeff and Chloe’s meeting plans.

As his mother had said, he had to let her go.

And still he hoped, as he flew into LA and drove home to Santa Raquel the following Thursday in time to meet Jeff at his place, that when Chloe showed, Ella would be with her.

“What time did she say she’d be here?” Jeff paced from the living room to the formal dining room and back again, his heels sounding on the hardwood floor with each step. Still in black pants and a white dress shirt with small black pinstripes, he’d taken off his tie.

And looked...wrinkled.

Jeff knew the designated time. But Brett told him again anyway. “Seven.” After dinner at the Stand, but Jeff didn’t know that, of course.

Chloe was a couple minutes late.

“She could be caught in traffic,” Jeff said now. “You know what LA traffic is like at rush hour.”

He did know. He drove in it a lot. And commiserated with his friend. More than Jeff knew. Loving a woman you couldn’t have—for whatever reason—was difficult.

“She’s bringing Cody with her, right?”

“That’s what she said.” Or rather what Ella had said when she’d spoken with him briefly to finalize meeting plans. He hadn’t actually spoken to Chloe. “She wants you to see him.”

He knew the mistake of his words as Jeff swung around, a look of horror on his face. “I thought...hoped...with Thanksgiving coming up and all...but if she’s bringing him so he can see me, that would imply that she’s not planning to come home.” He flopped down on the couch. “Where he’d see me every day.”

“You don’t know that,” Brett said. But he’d drawn the same conclusion. “Could be she didn’t want to leave him wherever he’s staying. Could be that she wants to ask for just a little more time.”

All Ella had told him was that Chloe needed to speak to Jeff.

A car turned in, coming up his drive. Ella’s car.

Was she with them?

“You sure we can talk in your bedroom?” Jeff stood, dangling his hands at his sides, rubbing them together and dropping them again, as though he didn’t know what to do with them.

“When you’re ready, I’ll take Cody into the living room, turn on the TV while you two talk. There’s a conversation alcove in the suite, and you’ll have privacy there.”

It was the only place he could think of where the couple could talk without being overheard. The walls in his house weren’t well insulated, and sound traveled through the old register ducts.

And the fact that there was a bed in the room, if they needed it...well, he’d changed the sheets.

* * *

ELLA DIDN’T SHOW. After playing with his dad for half an hour or so, Cody had fallen asleep on the blanket Brett had laid on the wool rug in the family room, watching a Blu-ray about a dog named Blue. Something Chloe had brought with her.

Jeff and Chloe had been in the bedroom for over an hour. With the little one asleep, Brett could concentrate on his agenda for the next morning’s meeting in Phoenix—a fifty-page booklet of motions—and research every item on it.

He was more than a quarter of the way through when he thought he heard his bedroom door opening.

The knob was old—had a bit of a squeak to it. Saving his work, he set his laptop on the coffee table, turned off the television and reached to eject the disc so that he could pack up the bag Chloe had brought with Cody’s things in it. The boy had fallen asleep before he’d had the graham cracker snack his mother had brought for him.

A snap and he turned. Had that been the door closing again? He heard a thump and, disc forgotten, Brett moved across the family room, through the kitchen to the hall leading back to the master suite. “Let me go, Jeff.”

Brett heard the words as he started down the hall. Chloe’s tone was firm. Not frightened.

“Chloe, wait! Just give me a second. I listened to you. I heard everything you had to say. I just want you to understand my perspective...”