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“Abram.” She could barely think. All she could manage was forcing herself to breathe through the pleasure and the thougt of Tariq’s touch becoming even more intimate.

“I want to watch his tongue part your pretty pussy lips, watch it lick and stroke your slick cunt.”

As he spoke, Tariq drew his lips back from her nipple and stared up at her. “Is this what you want, love?” As he spoke, Abram’s fingers whispered over her clit.

A low, desperate moan escaped from her at the touch. Her clitoris seemed to swell further. It ached with a pleasure and pain she found agonizing and ecstatic.

“Paige, answer me, love.” Tariq leaned closer, his lips lowering to hers as she felt Abram’s fingers part the juicy folds between her thighs. “Tell me,” he demanded against her lips. “Do you want me to eat your pussy, Paige?”

The sudden, furious thrust of two broad male fingers into the clenched, creaming depth of her cunt had her hips jerking, eyes widening, and a harsh cry tearing from her lips as they met Tariq’s in a first, juicy, desperate kiss.

Between her thighs Abram’s fingers worked inside her pussy. Stretching the tight depths, fucking past tender, ultrasensitive tissue then arcing his fingers for a too-loving stroke of incredible pleasure at the inner flesh located behind her clit. Tariq’s tongue pushed past her lips to find her tongue and tangle with it erotically.

Loyal to the quick, forceful thrusts inside her, Paige fought to keep her senses and lost.

There was too much pleasure, as Tariq’s head lifted, his lips moving along her jaw to her neck, her eyes opening to find Abram.

“How sensual you are, little cat,” he groaned, his fingers pushing deep again as Tariq’s lips moved along her neck to her shoulder. There he nipped at her flesh erotically.

“Answer me, or we stop.”

Abram’s fingers stalled inside her. Still stretching her as her juices gathered around them, his fingers were a destructive pleasure even as they did no more than possess her.

“Don’t stop,” she begged desperately, her hips wrestling with his fingers. “Fuck me.”

“Answer me,” Tariq growled. Both men stared down at her, their expressions assuring her they wouldn’t allow her to ignore the question further.

“Is this what you want?” Tariq repeated. “My lips and tongue feeding from your juicy pussy?” He caught her fingers and drew them to his heavy erection. “My dick sinking into it?”

“Yes!” Her fingers curled around his cock, stroke and caressed the satiny silk over pure heated iron as her pussy clenched around Abram’s fingers.

“I want you first.” Her fingers tightened on his cock. “Let me taste you, Tariq.” Her head lifted as he gave a harsh groan.

Moving to his knees he knelt beside her, leaned closer, and pushed his cock into her mouth.

It was incredible. Small delicate fingers gripped and stroked his length as her other hand cupped and caressed his balls.

Tariq felt the roaring flames of pleasure tearing through his system.

Of all the women he had shared with Abram, of all the women they had seduced together, Paige was the one he had dreamed of, the one he had fantasized about the most. And now he knew why. As he watched his cock head sinking past her lips, stretching them, he realized the incredible pleasure was only beginning.

If he didn’t move, if he didn’t pull free of her, he’d come. He’d fill her hot little mouth with a load of come like nothing he’d spilled in any other female’s mouth.

“Enough.” He pulled from her, drawing back as Abram pulled his fingers from her.

Moving between her thighs, his hands holding her still as his head lowered to the swollen flesh of her pussy.

Abram watched. Stretching out beside her he caressed her perspiration-slick flesh, held her to him, and watched his cousin part the lush slick folds with his hungry tongue.

Paige strained beneath the feel of Tariq’s tongue as it lashed against the folds of her pussy. She wasn’t being asked to pleasure them, though she would have, gladly. Instead, they were completely, totally focused on her pleasure.

Abram’s hands stroked from her breasts to her lower stomach, his head lowering to allow his lips to caress, his tongue to taste the curve of her breast.

Tariq’s hands pushed beneath the curve of her rear, lifting her closer, tilting her hips to allow his tongue to move lower, to flicker against the opening of her vagina, teasing, sensitizing as her hand burrowed into Abram’s hair, clenching as Tariq flicked his tongue just inside the flexing, clenched entrance. His moan liberated against her flesh, causing her breath to catch on a broken moan.

Abram’s head lifted again, his lips moving to her ear.

“Is he teasing you, love?”

“Oh God, Abram, it’s killing me.” She tried to thrust against his tongue, to force it deeper inside her. “Let me come,” she begged, feeling the desperation she knew they heard in her voice. “Please, Abram, I need…” A shocked moan of intense pleasure ripped from her lips as she felt Tariq move his fingers through the cleft of her ass to tease and press firmly at the tiny, hidden entrance located there.

“Abram,” she gasped, her gaze meeting his as his head lifted, his eyes black fire as he caught her gaze.

“Relax, love,” he crooned gently. Tariq’s fingers drew back as his tongue pushed forward. “Just relax for us. We stop whenever you need us to,” he promised. “Whatever you want, baby.”

“More,” she moaned brokenly as the feel of Tariq’s fingers returned to the clenched opening. Cool, slickened with lubricant, he began pushing his finger inside her as Abram reached down, gripped beneath one knee, and lifted it.

An erotic shiver raced through her body and her lashes fluttered over her dazed eyes.

She felt Tariq’s finger sink slowly into the nerve-laden depths of her anus.

Paige’s fingers clenched at Abram’s shoulders, locking onto him, holding onto his gaze as Tariq’s tongue ate at her pussy decadently while his fingers lubricated, stretched, and accustomed her rear entrance to the slowly increasing width of more than one finger.

Abram held her knee back, his gaze never leaving hers, holding her steady, keeping her senses focused when she knew she would have shattered otherwise.

Broken, desperate moans escaped her lips as she fought for release, feeling that edge of oblivion just out of reach as it teased her with the coming ecstasy.

“Abram.” She gasped his name as she felt Tariq stretching her further. “Please, please make me come.”

Weak, pleading, the hoarseness of her own voice shocked her.

“Are you ready for us then?” A grimace tightened his face. Paige felt her lashes flutter closed again before she forced them open.

Ready for both of them?

She knew what he meant, just as she had always known what was coming once she became his lover.

To accept not just Abram and his possession of her, but Tariq, or whoever his third would be, as well.

“Yes,” she whispered desperately as her lips continued to surge against the slow, easy thrust of pleasure/pain pushing into her rear. “Oh God, Abram,” she moaned. “Please.”

If she didn’t come soon she would never survive the sensations increasing inside her.

Pleasure/pain and heated erotic hunger attacked every sensory receptor in her body and in her mind. She couldn’t bear to be without touch. If they stopped, if they didn’t continue to push her toward that precipice waiting ahead, then she wouldn’t survive the desertion.

If she didn’t continue the erotic journey to what had to be a coming orgasm, then she would lose her mind in the search for it.

“Come, love,” Abram whispered despite her cry of desperation as Tariq’s fingers and his torturous tongue deserted her.

As Tariq eased back from her she found herself being lifted, turned, and eased into Abram’s arms as he reclined on the bed.