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He decided against it.

Dominance rose inside him. The need, the overwhelming hunger for her sexual submission rushed through him like a tidal wave of epic proportions.

Need beat at his brain. Control disintegrated. Only instinct remained. The instinct of a primal animal, determined to fully possess his woman on every physical level that could possibly exist.

He tugged at the strands of hair he tangled his fingers in. Just enough pressure to drag a moan from her lips and have her arching into his hold.

This was her acceptance of him and her acceptance of what she had to know was coming from him.

He wasn’t her lover, and easy had never been a part of him.

Sliding one hand from her back to her buttocks, his fingers curled around her firm, wounded globes as he lifted her off her petite feet, turned, and all but stumbled to the large bed at the far end of the room.

He paused only long enough to strip the hated throb from her body. If he never saw another of those hated garments shrouding the perfection of her body then it would be far too soon.

“Lay down,” he growled as he stripped himself. The loose tunic and trousers came off, along with the even looser white underpants and the custom-made hiking boots he had worn.

She didn’t move to obey him, rather she stared back at him defiantly, her breasts rising and falling quickly, tight, hard little nipples beckoning him.

“You lay down.” Breathless, heat filling her voice along with the defiance. The sound of it had the head of his dick throbbing imperatively.

He almost allowed a smile to tug at his lips.

“Do you think it works that way?” he asked silkily. “Oh Paige, precious, it doesn’t work that way.” She was pushing at him, defying him and expecting to get away with it.

Turning his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head back and took the taste of her hunger with his lips again.

She tasted innocent. Her lips moved beneath his with just a hint of hesitancy, as though she hadn’t kissed in a while. As though she had never been kissed by a man intent on drowning out her deepest hunger.

A hunger he would have, no matter the lengths he had to go to.

Jerking her against him until his cock pressed firmly into the flesh of her belly.

The heat of her body seared the sensitive head of his cock, drawing a pulse of precome from the bloated head.

Sinking his tongue past her lips to possess the sweet nectar of her hunger.

It wasn’t submission she gave him. As his tongue pressed against the seam of her lips, they tightened, and pushing forward past their resistance he found her teeth locked tight to him.

Her fists were unclenched, her nails rasping against his shoulders like a little kitten kneading in pleasure.

Removing his hand from her hair he gripped her jaw instead, his thumb and two fingers pressing into the back of her jaw to force her teeth and lips to part.

A ragged little groan left her throat as his tongue forged inside to stroke against hers and to taste her need. It was there, the hunger and heat meeting his and flaming out of control.

Her nails pricked at his flesh as he arched her closer to him. The demand in his cock was beating through his body, thundering through his bloodstream.

Damn her. She nearly had his knees trembling from no more than her kiss. No more than her heated body arching, her stomach stroking against his dick.

Pumping his tongue into her mouth he nearly groaned as she suckled at it, hungry, sweet dreams of her heated mouth that had his cock jerking and throbbing from the engorged crest along the heavy thick shaft.

He wanted her mouth there. He wanted to stare down at her, watch her take him, watch her suck him, watch as her hot little tongue licked around it.

He pulled his head back, the breath rasping from his chest as he watched her eyes slowly flutter open.

Pleasure reflected in the brilliancy of her emerald eyes, the flushed features of her face. Her tongue peeked out to flutter against her lips, the sight of it drawing his balls tight with desire.

“Suck my cock.” The demand had her face flushing further and lust deepening in her gaze.

He stroked his hands up her shoulders, pressing against them to ease her to her knees, the demand imperative, the need clawing at his spine.

Not that she did as he expected. She didn’t go immediately to her knees. She didn’t suck his cock into the fiery furnace of her mouth.


She destroyed him.

She tore aside the fragile illusions of cynicism.

She used that ragged wound growing in his soul.

She broke him.

Then lick by sweet lick down his body she began to remake him.

Paige could barely breathe.

Heat raced within her chest furiously, nerves and desire, fear and excitement making her entire body tremble.

As his hands pressed against her shoulders her lips moved to his shoulders, her tongue tasted the salt and male flavor of his flesh.

Her hands moved down his sides as he caressed down her arms, back up, along her back. His head lowered, strong teeth nipping at her ear in retaliation.

Then she retaliated back. Her teeth scraped over his shoulder and she nipped hard, then lowered to the heavy muscle at his chest, then the male point of a nipple.

Abram jerked, groaning in surprise and in pleasure as her hot little tongue rakeer his nipple, and sent heat spinning through his senses.

Damn her, she made him want things, made him want things from her that he was certain weren’t good for either of their emotional health.

“My emotional health is not inexhaustible,” he groaned as her tongue licked and strolled down his chest to the tight, clenched muscles of his stomach.

The closer she got the harder his dick pulsed and swelled. The flesh was tight, so hard it was painful, so damned sensitive he swore he could feel the air around it.

Her nails scraped down his abs to his thighs as she kissed, licked, and nipped her way down until she was only inches from the heavy, engorged head.

And he was sure as hell doing his best to encourage her to lower, faster.

Damn if he wasn’t ready to fucking explode from the need tearing through him.

Slender, graceful fingers curved around the side of the shaft, but there wasn’t a chance of them fully encircling it. But she was touching it, and those pouty lips were coming closer by the second.

His fingers were buried in her hair again, clenched, and he grimaced as he felt her heated breath against the engorged, throbbing head of his dick.

He watched, his gaze on her flushed features, closed eyes, and her pink little tongue as it suddenly licked over the darkly flushed head.

She licked and tasted, each stroke of her tongue like a lash of painful ecstasy. Once she got her lips around it and sucked him inside, he wouldn’t last seconds.

Then her lips were there, slowly, so damned slowly, enveloping the head of his cock and sucking it into the tight, hot depths of her mouth.

He watched. Watched as her lips closed on him, as her tongue began to lick and rub against the underside of his dick as his fingers tugged at her hair, pulling and releasing as she moaned against the overly sensitive crest of his cock.

Holding onto his control was hell, not releasing the heavy tension invading his balls was becoming the most ecstatic torture he had ever known in his life.

Her tongue was lightning and rapture, her fingers silken heat as she began stroking the heavy shaft, her moans vibrating along the nerve-laden crest as he began thrusting slow and easy, fucking those sweet, pretty lips as he’d only fantasized about for many years.

And he wasn’t going to survive this much longer. The tight suction of her mouth, her tongue lashing at it.

His hands tightened.

He could feel the perspiration easing down his temple as his control began to fray to the point that he could feel his balls tightening violently.