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Except in her dreams, Khalid hadn’t been there. She pushed it away. There was no fear in Khalid being there, no shame. Chase would be there, and the pleasure they would give her would add to the memories she could hold to herself later.

She wasn’t fooling herself. She was rather pathetic. Even before she married Drew, Chase Falladay had been her fantasy. Even before she knew he shared his women, she had known she would do anything to spend a night in his arms.

After her marriage she had pushed those fantasies aside until he came to her with a request and a promise.

She lifted her head from his shoulder and stared back at him. He didn’t raise his head. Their lips were close, the slightest movement on her part and they would connect, and there, in front of all the brightly clothed guests at this outrageous ball, she knew, they’d attempt to devour each other.

“I’d leave with you in a heartbeat.”

So easy. She was being too easy perhaps. Hadn’t her mother always warned her that a man didn’t want to keep what he didn’t have to work for?

She didn’t care. Keeping him was only the most hidden fantasy anyway. It wasn’t even a hope, the idea of it was so far-fetched.

He stopped, pulled back, and took her hand. “Are you ready to go?”

She simply nodded and let him draw her through the crowd. She was aware of others watching. Of course, they would know what was going on, knew she would end up spending the night with Chase. The erotic pleasures he would give her they couldn’t imagine, though.

Even she couldn’t have imagined the pleasure before she experienced it. The feel of both Chase and Khalid touching her. Of having the courage, the strength, to reach out and take both men, even as she knew she risked the most painful of broken hearts.

Falling in love with Chase would be the height of idiocy. It would be the supreme mistake of her life.

As he led her from the ballroom and accepted his coat and her cloak, Kia knew it was a mistake she was risking with her every breath.

“You look like a princess.” He tucked her hair beneath the silken hood of the matching cape and closed the heavy clasp between her breasts.

He made her feel like a princess. A very naughty, very brave princess, and he was the knight challenging her to step from her throne and be naughtier.

She did so willingly.

Her hand settled in the crook of his arm as he moved through the hotel lobby and into the frigid air outside.

Khalid’s limo awaited, a rather tame one compared to the Hummer of the previous week. She slid into the luxurious interior and didn’t protest as Khalid lifted her into his arms and stretched her across his lap.

The door closed and Chase was pushing the skirt of her dress above her thighs, spreading them as Khalid’s fingers released her cloak and his lips covered hers.

Magic surrounded her. Magic and pleasure, Stardust and star-bursts as the pleasure began.

And she reminded herself, it was just for the pleasure. Not because she ached for one man. Dreamed of one man. And when she came, it would be his name on her lips.

And there were others who saw her surrender. Eyes that watched from a hidden corner of the lobby, filled with malice and rage as the door to the limo closed on the sight of Khalid lifting her to him.

Drew felt the anger pouring through him, clenching his teeth and his fists at the knowledge that Kia was giving to those two bastards what she had denied him.

The fucking whore. Whore. She was tramping herself with that half-breed Middle Eastern whoreson and that son of a bitch who had dared to warn him away from Kia.

Kia was his wife. She had come to his bed a virgin, and he would keep her. One way or the other. And he had plans to make damned certain he got his way.


Kia arched and cried out against Khalid’s lips as Chase’s lips found her sex. He tore her panties. She felt the delicate lace rip. The air in the limo seemed to burn bright with heated lust.

Khalid’s lips lifted as he stared down her body, but it was Chase’s expression that held Kia spellbound.

He had her legs spread wide. One high heel was propped on the opposite seat, the skirt of her gown bunched at her hips as he stared at the slick, bared folds of her pussy. The swollen lips glistened with her juices, the bud of her clit peeked out, throbbing with arousal, with the need for touch.

She lifted to him, uncertain why he had stopped, needing him.

“Chase.” She whispered his name, uncertain now. Had she done something wrong?

His eyes lifted to hers. His face was flushed, his eyes glittered, and when he licked his lips she thought she would pass out from the arousal.

“You waxed.” His voice was hoarse.

“I thought you wanted…” She broke off, hating the feeling of vulnerability, the fear she had turned him off when she had so wanted to turn him on.

“Wanted?” He reached out, his fingers running through her juices and causing her to jerk, to flinch at the incredible sense of pleasure that tore across her nerve endings. “God, Kia. You’re going to make me crazy.”

His voice didn’t sound disapproving. He sounded hungry. He looked hungry. He looked desperate for the taste of her. He licked his lips again, inhaled audibly.

“Have we seen anything so incredibly beautiful?” Khalid groaned then, his hand smoothing down her torso, heading for the slick flesh Chase’s lips hovered over.

Kia’s eyes widened as Chase’s fingers snapped over the other man’s wrist, his eyes glittering with something she told herself she couldn’t convince herself was possessiveness.

“As you wish, my friend.” Khalid eased his hand back up along her body, hooked his fingers on the rounded edge of her bodice and pulled it over her breast.

Sapphire lace encased it. The half bra revealed the nipple of the exposed mound as Chase watched, hard fingers rasping over it.

“'We’ll be at her apartment soon,” Khalid warned him.

“Too soon,” Chase whispered, his breath blowing over her, causing her hips to jerk in reaction, driving the flesh of her pussy closer to his lips.

“Chase, please.” She had waited, she had longed for this. She had needed it like she had never needed anything.

She watched, mesmerized, entranced, falling into a well of sensuality as his tongue distended, tucked into the folds, and licked up.

His eyes stayed on hers, but all she could see was his tongue, parting the slit, gathering her juices, and finally stroking softly, too gently, around the engorged bud of her clit.

“Chase.” His name was a wail of pleasure as Khalid’s fingers enclosed the bared nipple and tightened.

Twin sensations. Violent upheaval. The twisting flames ripped over her nerve endings, centered in her womb, and drew every muscle tight throughout her body.

She was close. So close. Pleasure was tearing through her as she fought to hold on to her senses. Fought and knew she didn’t want to. She wanted to collapse into it, let it expand and explode through her until there was nothing left of her but the sensations building inside her.

“Chase, we’re near her apartment now.” Khalid spoke again, his hand cupping her breast before he eased the material back over it.

Chase didn’t stop. His tongue licked, his lips closed over her clit as her fingers tangled in his hair, her legs closed on his head, and the flames began to whip through her. Just Chase, just his lips.

“Yes,” she cried out. “Suck it. Oh God, Chase, suck it. Make me come. Make me come now.”

Her back bowed and the orgasm that slammed through her ripped through her soul. Brilliant, white-hot heat, sparks, and explosions until she could see the whiplash of it behind her closed lashes and feel it racing through her body.

And it wasn’t enough.

When he jerked back, her eyes opened, a whimper leaving her lips at the sight of him licking his lips, tasting her further, his eyes darker, his expression suffused with lust.