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She opened her eyes, staring into his. They were barely discernible in the dim SUV. His face was just a shadow but she could make out the shape of his eyes. His thumb circled her clit, causing her to jerk as the climax continued to roll through her. She grabbed at his wrist, just needing to touch him.

He pulled his fingers from her clit and lifted his hand away from her mouth. “Sorry. There’s someone on the roof of the hotel and you looked about ready to scream. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She lay spent, trying to catch her breath. Her legs were spread open and her skirt was bunched around her waist. Smiley lay half over her while her sprawled position took up most of the bench seat. She hoped he couldn’t see her face any better than she could see his. Heat rose to her cheeks. The desire to close her legs and shove her skirt down to cover her exposed pussy was strong but she couldn’t muster the strength to do it.

“I’m sorry I got aggressive.”

She winced. “Me too.”

“It’s the drug. Go ahead and pull my hair, tear my shirt and bite me all you want.”

It sank in that she’d done all those things as memory surfaced. She released his wrist and reached up, feeling the front of his tank top. It was torn open and she felt his warm skin.

“I’m so sorry.” She tried to see his neck where she’d been kissing him, wondering if she’d done more than lightly nip him, but couldn’t make it out. “I bit you?”

“You can’t hurt me, Vanni. It felt good.”

Her gaze lowered between them but the shiny ring on her left hand snagged her attention. Reality bitch-slapped her. “Oh my god, I’m engaged.”

The sound Smiley made was a growl and groan combined. “I saw the ring but hoped it was just jewelry.”

She closed her eyes. Carl would never forgive her for what she’d done with Smiley. He’d be furious and hurt. It wouldn’t matter why it had happened or that she hadn’t meant to fool around with someone else.

Chapter Three


She looked at Smiley when he shifted over her. He rose enough for some of the light in the alley to reach his face and she could make out his gorgeous brown eyes again. She hated the sad look in them.

“We can ride this out without me entering you. I can handle myself and take care of you while we suffer the effects of the drug. Just don’t be offended. I’m in serious pain.”

“You are?” She felt stupid and selfish hearing that. “I forgot that you’re drugged too.”

“Yes. I need release or I might snap. I respect your status with another male and don’t want you to hate me. I just don’t want you afraid when I free my dick. I’m not going to force you to take me. Don’t look.”

He’s going to masturbate. No guy had ever done that in front of her before. She averted her gaze when he sat up and unfastened his pants. He lifted off the seat to shove his pants down enough to get them out of the way. Curiosity was strong but she resisted. He sat back down and his bare skin rested against the side of her leg, which was between him and the seat. He turned a little and cleared his throat.

“You’re safe with me.”

She braved looking at his face. “I understand.” It was probably the most awkward moment of her life. She was half naked and he had his lap exposed. They were practically strangers. Her clit started to heat up and her nipples beaded. She was learning the signs.

“It’s about to happen again.” Her breathing increased, her stomach muscles quivered and a dull pain began to build between her thighs. “When will this drug leave our systems?”

“It could be hours.”

“I won’t survive it.”

“You will.”

His hand caressed her thigh and she bit her lip. “That feels good.”

“May I enter you with my fingers? I’m afraid you’re going to hurt tomorrow if I continue to only touch you here.” His thumb brushed across her sensitive clit.

Instant pleasure shot through her just from that light touch. She nodded. The damage was done. She’d already cheated on Carl. She reached up and gripped the edge of the seat, fighting the temptation to squirm under his thumb to keep him stroking her. The pain returned with a vengeance.

“Smiley,” she panted, “it’s getting bad.”

He drew circles with the pad of his thumb across the bud of her sex and she adjusted her thigh to keep her legs open. The seat under her moved a little when Smiley turned toward her.

“Look at me, Vanni.”

She locked gazes with him and moaned when he turned his hand enough to brush his fingers against the folds of her pussy. He cupped her there and his fingertip gently breached her pussy. She arched against him, wanting more. It was incredible and she moaned.

“You’re so tight.” His voice deepened. “My dick is envious.”

She turned her head, unable to fight the temptation anymore. It took some twisting on the seat but she stole a glance at his lap. It was in shadow but she could make out his cock. He was big and his other hand was wrapped around the base. It fascinated her and she couldn’t look away.

He inserted his finger deep inside her and she cried out. Amazing. His motion changed from drawing light circles across her clit to rubbing up and down while he fucked her with his thick digit. She rolled her hips, straining to meet his slow pace. The sight of him fisting his cock and stroking it to the same tempo as his finger turned her on more.

“Faster,” she urged, wanting to come fast and hard.

“I don’t want to be too rough.”

Vanni let go of the seat and reached down and grabbed his wrist. She bucked her hips wildly, riding his finger. His thumb slipped off her clit but it didn’t matter. The feel of him inside her, any part of him, was enough to have her thrashing and moaning, lost in fervor.

He responded by groaning deeply and she grew excited watching his hand pump his cock faster. It was hotter than hell to her and she wished there was better lighting. His cock looked thicker and bigger than any guy she’d ever slept with. She imagined what it would feel like to have him stretching her pussy and she climaxed, crying out his name.

Her vaginal muscles seized around his finger, twitching strongly enough that she was aware of every one. Smiley tore his wrist away, withdrawing his finger abruptly. He grabbed his cock with both hands. She watched him wrap his fingers around the shaft. He threw his head back, eyes closed, mouth open. He didn’t make a sound but his entire body jerked and she looked down, watching him shoot his release. Thick streams of semen jetted out before he wrapped the head of his cock within his palm and turned away on the seat. It left her staring at his wide shoulders. He quivered a few times and his breathing was erratic.

Smiley recovered faster than she did. He straightened in the seat, his back still turned, and pulled his torn tank top over his head. She guessed he used it to clean up. He finally faced her and their eyes met.

“Are you okay?”

It stunned her that he was concerned for her. “Yes.”

“Don’t be afraid.”

She wasn’t. Not even when he shifted on the seat and came down on top of her. He braced his arms on both sides of her and his face hovered inches above hers. He was close enough to kiss. Her vision must have adjusted to the dimness because she could make out his features a lot better than before.

“I don’t have lotion.”


“You’re soaked, babe. I need to rub against you to coat myself or I’m going to be sore tomorrow.”

It took her a few seconds to understand what he meant. She felt her cheeks heat up and hated the way she blushed so easily. “Oh. I understand.”

He shifted a little more and she was surprised when his cock rubbed against her pussy. He’d just come but he was still rock-hard. He didn’t even need to use his hands but instead adjusted his hips to slide the shaft along her slit. Her gaze locked with his and she again realized just how sexy he was. The streetlight coming in through the front of the SUV illuminated his face clearly.