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“Isn’t the male her boyfriend?”

“It’s complicated.”

Smiley arched an eyebrow.

Vanni struggled for a way to explain it. “She really likes spending time with him but she’s not in love. I know they were sleeping together last year and I thought it was getting serious but then she called it quits. She said he wanted more than she was willing to give. Now they go out every once in a while but she doesn’t want to hurt him by leading him on.”

“To what?”

Vanni grinned. “To thinking she’s serious about building a future with him when she isn’t.”

“Oh.” He ate some of his food. “She just wants to share sex with him without bonding.”


“I’m glad you’re not like her. I’d never be able to give you up.”

“I’m glad too.”

They smiled at each other before finishing breakfast. Smiley rose to his feet. “I’m going to make a few calls to make certain everything is arranged at Security and that they are ready for us to visit.” He held her gaze. “You know you don’t have to go with me.”

She placed her napkin on the table and stood. “I’ll regret it if I don’t. I’ll feel like a coward. I need closure.”

“I just don’t want you upset.” He glanced down at her stomach, then up.

“In case I’m pregnant?”

“It crossed my mind. I won’t deny that. I want to protect you either way.”

“It’s not like I’m going to get into a physical altercation with anyone.”

Smiley made that deep rumbling sound and his hands fisted at his sides. She inched closer to him.

“You’re so hot in a sexy way when you get angry.”

He relaxed. “I am?”

“I think it’s so romantic that you want to kick someone’s ass over me.”

He reached up and brushed her hair away from her cheek, caressing the side of her face with his thumb. “I’d do anything for you.”

Her belly quivered and her nipples tightened. “Now you’re just turning me on.”

He turned his head and looked at the clock on the wall. “They are expecting me to call.” He appeared undecided. “We could stay here rather than go.”

“You have your heart set on kicking a little ass.”

“You’re more important.”

“I know, but this is too. We both have some questions that need to be answered.”

“Exactly.” He reached down and took her hand. “And I want to punch them.” He smiled. “A lot.”

She laughed. “Make your calls. I’m going to use the bathroom. We’ll leave in a few minutes.”

“Hurry.” He released her.

Vanni used the bathroom and washed her hands. She stared at her reflection in the mirror over the sink while taking a few deep breathes. She wasn’t sure how she’d hold up to facing Carl, his father or that horrible Bruce. Part of her was tempted just to stay at the hotel but she stiffened her spine. The other part of her knew she needed to be there with Smiley. The Woods Church and her ex-fiancé had thrown them together. She wanted the satisfaction of telling them how that had worked out.

Some of the queasy feeling passed. She reached down and touched her stomach. A little excitement rose at the prospect of being pregnant. The idea was growing on her. It was a long shot but there was always next month or the one after. She had stopped taking her pills since she’d been kidnapped. She hadn’t even remembered that until Smiley had told her she might be pregnant. A little guilt surfaced. She should have told him about it when she realized.

“Tell him later. After this ordeal,” she muttered and exited the bathroom.

* * * * *

Smiley positioned Vanni in a chair facing the glass wall. The occupants about to be led into the next room wouldn’t be able to see her. He’d made her aware of that fact so she felt totally at ease. He crouched down, studying her eyes.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”


She was brave. He knew the next moments weren’t going to be easy on her. His gaze drifted to Jericho. The male nodded grimly. He’d promised to stay with Vanni and tend to her if she became emotionally distressed. Smiley trusted the male with his mate. He looked at Vanni and leaned in closer, taking her hand.

“You can leave at any time. Jericho will be here with you. You just tell him whatever you want or need and he’ll make sure it happens.”

She held his gaze and tried to smile. “I know. You told me. I’m good. Stop worrying about me.”

“I might hit them.” He wanted her prepared. “I know you are tenderhearted about violence.”

“Not as much as you think. I’ve grown as a person since this has happened.”

He wasn’t sure what that meant. She seemed to understand his confusion.

“I bashed Bruce over the head with a glass bottle after assaulting him with makeup products. It felt good. I’m not as fragile as you seem to think.”

She amused him. “Okay. Just tell Jericho if it becomes too much.” He glanced at the male again.

“I’ll take care of her,” Jericho promised.

Smiley brushed a kiss on the back of her hand and released her. He stood and left her there, allowing his temper to build as soon as the door closed. The first male was being led into the room when he reached it. The sight of Carl Woods in person stunned him. The male really was puny. He wasn’t very tall and had almost no muscle.

Torrent shoved the male into a chair but there were no restraints placed on him. Smiley closed the door, glaring at the thin blond human. He stared back but showed no fear. It irritated Smiley.

“I’m a lawyer,” Carl stated. “I’ve made a mental list of every one of my civil rights the NSO has violated.” He crossed his arms over his chest and his chin rose in stubborn defiance. “I can’t wait to get you assholes in a court of law. You can kiss your asses goodbye.”

Torrent flashed his fangs in a grimace and his leather gloves made a slight noise as he fisted both hands and then flexed his fingers. “Believe it or not, this is the least annoying of the bunch. He’s not wailing or pretending he’s Species.”

Smiley knew his eyebrows shot up.

Torrent nodded. “A few of their security staff wanted to have a snarling contest. Literally. I think they figured the one with the loudest growl got to play alpha. It was so pitiful it wasn’t even humorous.” He glared at Carl. “This one just makes threats with human laws no matter how often he’s been corrected.”

“This asshole isn’t listening. I assume you’re in charge.” Carl addressed Smiley. “I demand to speak to my lawyer or to a representative of the US government.”

Torrent sighed. “Again, there isn’t one inside the NSO.” He fixed his gaze on Smiley. “Make it stop. Please? I’m not allowed to hit him unless he strikes me first.”

“I’m not in charge.” Smiley drew closer to the human. “You should be familiar with me though. You had to have seen me on television with Vanni.”

It gave him satisfaction when the human paled. His eyes widened too and he sat up straighter in the chair.

“That’s right. I’m the one who was drugged with her in that hotel bar.” He lunged and grabbed the male, hauling him out of his seat. He strode to the nearest wall, close to the glass, and slammed him against it. Carl grunted but didn’t try to fight. He was docile for a male. It disgusted Smiley and he glared down at him.

“Finally,” Torrent sighed.

Smiley ignored him and lifted Carl a few inches off the floor. The male appeared terrified but he hung limply, not even struggling. He’d wanted the male to fight but he didn’t even grab at him. His arms stayed at his sides.

“Hit me,” Smiley taunted.

“No. You’re a bully.” Carl whispered the words.

Smiley dropped him on his feet and stepped back. “It would be like hitting a female.”

“I’d still do it if I were allowed,” Torrent muttered. “Just wait and listen to him. You’ll change your mind.”

Carl smoothed out some of the wrinkles from his shirt but stayed against the wall. He stared up at Smiley. “That’s another violation. Brutality.”