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She didn’t care at that moment. She lost the ability of thought and then she was being crushed from her center outward as she climaxed. Her body jerked violently with each spasm and her hand couldn’t muffle the noises that came out of her.

Smiley released her thighs and climbed up her. He shoved her hand out of the way and his mouth covered hers, smothering her cries. He kept his weight off her so he wouldn’t crush her under him. She continued to twitch until she stopped coming.

Vanni kept her eyes closed, trying to regain some semblance of reality. Smiley continued to kiss her. His kiss was more aggressive than her more sluggish response. She still reeled from what he’d made her experience. Her limbs felt heavy. She realized her legs were still spread apart and his jeans were pressed firmly against her inner thighs. She managed to reach up though, and wrap her arms around his shoulders.

Smiley broke the kiss and groaned. That opened her eyes and she stared at him. His expression seemed a bit harsh. She studied him and knew it wasn’t from anger. He looked hungry and a little wild. His breathing was almost as erratic as hers.

“I need you. Say yes.”

She nodded.

He shifted a little and reached between them. He had to lift his hips away to get the zipper of his jeans down. It was a distinctive sound in the room. He wiggled a little and then lowered.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

She bent them up and her calves rested on his ass. He shifted closer and she couldn’t look away from him when his cock nudged her sex. She was wet but he felt so big as he pushed against her. The sensation of him entering her made her moan.

“So damn tight,” he rasped. “So wet. Your pussy is clamped around me almost painfully.”

No guy had ever spoken to her that way before but she liked it. It made her feel sexy and she loved watching the way his beautiful eyes narrowed and his lips parted, showing his fangs. The tips of them reminded her of when he’d nipped her shoulder. She turned her head a little to give him access to her neck if he wanted it.

“Relax, babe. Your muscles are still clenched. I don’t want to have to fight my way inside. I’m afraid I’m going to tear you.”

She had to force her body to do as he asked. He slid in deeper, filling her more. She felt stretched to the limit but he wasn’t done. Smiley rolled his hips and sank more of the thick girth of his cock inside her body. She closed her eyes, enjoying the way they fit together. He withdrew a little and pushed back in, riding her slowly.

“Oh god.” She clutched at his back, finding bare skin around his tank top. Her nails dug in a little but she tried not to draw blood. He just felt too good.

“I have control.” He took a deep breath. “I have control. I have control.”

“I believe you.”

He buried his face against her neck. “I’m convincing myself. Slow and steady.”

That was how he moved on top of her. She moaned and lifted her legs higher, digging her heels into his firm ass. The muscles flexed with every thrust and he adjusted his hips, hitting a new spot. She moaned louder, clinging to him.

“Fuck,” he groaned.

He brushed kisses along the column of her throat and then he bit down on her shoulder. It didn’t hurt but the slight bite had a wonderful effect on her body. The pleasure built until another climax struck. It wasn’t as intense at the first one but it left her moaning his name and twitching.

Smiley released her neck from his teeth and sucked in a sharp breath. He snarled something she couldn’t understand then drove into her faster. She felt him come, his shaft pulsing like a heartbeat against her vaginal walls. He stilled his hips and panted with her.

Smiley’s hand brushed her cheek and she opened her eyes to find him staring at her.

“Did I hurt you?” He kept caressing her.


He smiled. “We’ll work this out.”

“Work what out?”

“Breaking you of your shyness.” He laughed. “You liked showing me your sex, didn’t you? Do you see what you’ve missed?”

She tried to look away but he moved his face with her. She had no choice but to meet his gaze again. He waited for an answer so she gave him one. “I liked that a lot.”

“Liked? I’ll have to try harder. You said you only want a male to touch you when you feel love. I’ll get you there.”

She closed her eyes. He wanted her to love the sex but she was afraid she was going to fall in love with him. Her heart and body were connected. It was a package deal with her.

“Vanni? Look at me.” He kept hold of her face but stopped brushing his thumb along her cheek.

She couldn’t resist. His smile had vanished and the seriousness of his gaze held her full attention.

“That was apparently a bad joke. I meant to put you at ease. As I said, we will work this out. I want it too. There’s something powerful between us.”

“Your muscles?” She could try humor too.

His lips twitched. “You look tired.”

“I didn’t sleep much last night.”

“Nor did I. We need a nap.”

She nodded.

He slowly withdrew from her body. She hated the separation. The second he was off her though, she frantically shoved her shirt down to cover her lower half. Vanni sat up and reached for the edge of the couch to stand but Smiley gripped her hand instead. She looked up at him. He’d tugged his pants up but they weren’t zipped. The V of skin showing was an attention getter.

He pulled her to her feet and then surprised her by letting her hand go as he bent. One of his arms wrapped around her back and he hooked her behind her knees, just scooping her up as he straightened.

“I’m sleeping with you.” He turned with her in his arms. “We just shared sex and all I want to do now is strip us both naked and hold you close.”

She put her arm around his neck and didn’t protest. He carried her down the hallway into the bedroom. “How did you know I picked this one?”

“Scent. I’d know yours anywhere.”

Vanni bit her lip and said nothing. It was a strange thing but he was New Species. He gently set her on the bed and stood. He tore his tank top off and then shoved his jeans down. She stared at his body, a little in awe. Every ripple of muscle displayed on his arms, chest, and stomach were testament to how fit he was.


Smiley froze. “What’s wrong?”

“Your body is perfect.”

He blinked at her a few times. “No.” He turned around.

Faint scars marred his lower spine. She was on her feet and reaching her trembling hand outward before she gave it any thought. Smiley peered at her over his shoulder. She jerked her fingertips away, worried he might not want her to do that.

“You can touch me anywhere.” He seemed to guess her thoughts. “They don’t hurt.”

She traced one of the thicker ones. “How did you get these?”

“I killed one of the technicians and this was my punishment. They whipped me. It was worth it. He abused females.”

Horror washed through her. “Oh Smiley.”

He spun to face her. “I’m not perfect. That’s why I showed you those. I’ve had to kill to survive or to make certain others of my kind survived.” A muscle in his jaw jerked. “Do you want me to leave?”

She shook her head. “No. Why would you even ask that?”

“The look in your eyes. You’re revolted.”

“By what was done to you. Not anything else.”

He reached out and took her hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. “It’s important that you know the real me. I usually have a good temperament but I will kill to protect those I care for. I’d kill for you.”

Her knees felt a little weak. She may have swayed a little on her feet because Smiley took a step closer and wrapped his arm around her waist, helping to steady her. No man had ever said those words to her but she could tell he meant them.

“I’d never hurt you though. I never want you to be afraid of me.”