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Then it was off to the races.

The exultant feeling that suffused every pore of her being as she sang with Jason simply could not be described. Nor could she believe the crash of applause when they finished that hit her like a freight train and shook her out of the dream-like state she’d been drifting in. Jason lifted her up and swung her around jubilantly and she clung to his wide shoulders, already drunk from her scary walk on the wild side.

“You are something else, Brinley Snow.”

Jason’s deep and husky voice reached her ears despite the decibel level in the bar. He led her down the stage stairs and toward the exit with congratulations and well wishes on the way. By the time they hit the door the cooler night air glided over her skin like silk. She lifted her long hair off her neck and smiled up at the man who had taken her farther than anyone else. He’d brought out a side of her she didn’t even know existed.

“Are you mad at me? I never would have dragged you up there. Not in a million years. But I wanted you to feel what it’s like to really walk on the edge.”

Jason looked so worried she reached up and stroked the deep grooves in his forehead. She was far from angry. He was right. She felt powerful. And strong. Facing fear did that to a person. So did coming into the light.

“I’m not mad. Not even close. You were right, you know. I want to climb a mountain. I want to run a marathon. I want to paint a masterpiece. I want to roll around in a field of flowers.”

They were both laughing at her flight of fancy but it didn’t change how empowered she felt at the moment. She didn’t have to live in anyone’s shadow any longer.

“I’ve got some begonias in the backyard.” Jason stroked his chin playfully. “You’re welcome to roll around in those. Then we can take a few laps around the block if you like. And the back deck has been needing another coat of paint, although it might not be a masterpiece when we’re done.”

Her heart pounded as she gazed at this man that had become special so quickly. Always before she’d played it safe. Waiting until she knew the man’s feelings before she tipped her own hand. Dragging her feet to intimacy, telling herself that men weren’t worth the hassle and heartache.

But this one was. It might not be love but damn it…it meant something. More. Than anything had before. She wouldn’t hesitate this time. Grabbing his hand, she led him toward the truck. She had plans, and she wasn’t thinking small now.

“Take me home,” she said simply and his dazzling smile seemed to say he was thinking exactly the same thing.

Brinley couldn’t wait to be with Jason and to take another chance.


Brinley had to easily be the most beautiful woman Jason had ever laid eyes on. He’d watched in fascination as her entire face lit up and her eyes glowed when they’d sang together. It was an incredibly intimate thing to do in front of a crowd of people, but after the first few bars he hadn’t even been aware of the prying eyes. They’d been two people alone.

Except they weren’t, really.

He’d laid a couple of pretty big kiss on her pink, full lips in front of the rowdiest crowd in Tremont – which wasn’t like him – and she hadn’t batted an eyelash. She’d simply given as good as she got, making him ache to make love to her. Strip their clothes and do unspeakably carnal things to one another.

He’d been delighted as she’d dragged him to the truck, her hand on his thigh all the way home. It hadn’t been easy to concentrate with a raging hard-on but luckily Sunday night traffic was light and they’d pulled into his driveway safe, sound, and eager.

He only had one destination in mind when he unlocked the front door but Huck had other plans. The excited, wriggling canine was happy to see them, licking and barking with joy at their arrival. The overgrown puppy also needed to go outside.

He’d had his paws crossed apparently, although Jason hadn’t let him alone longer than he knew Huck could handle. All in all it had been about five hours but the dog was acting like it had been five years as he watered those begonias between running back to his master for cuddles.

“I’m sorry about this,” Jason apologized. “You know how Huck is when we first get home.”

“I know. I can wait.” Her voice was soft and full of promise. Jason’s cock pressed insistently against his button fly even as his heart accelerated to a full gallop. “I’ll be inside.”

Jason couldn’t rush Huck through the normal paces no matter how much he wanted to. The dog did his business and Jason made sure there were plenty of belly rubs and ear scratches before they both came in. With Brinley nowhere in the living room or kitchen, Jason tossed Huck a doggy treat, turned on the television, and rushed to the master bedroom. His furry roommate would crash on the nearest soft couch or chair, snoring softly while reruns of Big Bang Theory played in the background.

One sight of Brinley lying on his bed wearing nothing but a black lace and satin panty and bra set had Jason almost swallowing his tongue. Her long brown hair was swept over one shoulder and she was looking at him with invitation in her eyes. It had been a long time since he’d been with anyone that he cared about. He didn’t know exactly what his feelings for Brinley were but he did know she was special. Tonight wasn’t just any other night.

“Is Huck okay?”

Jason’s fogged brain took a moment to remember who the hell Huck was. His blood supply had pooled in his groin making it very hard to think clearly.

“He’s fine. He likes to lie on the sofa and sleep.”

“He’s not allowed on the sofa.”

“That’s why he likes to do it.” Jason took a few steps closer to the bed, his gaze never wavering from Brinley’s luscious form. “God, you are gorgeous. I don’t even know where to start.”

Looking up at him from under her lashes, she gave him a tremulous smile. She was as nervous as he was. “I’m not sure either. I don’t think I have as much experience as you do.”

At age forty Jason had been around the block a few times. He’d had serious relationships, casual relationships, and fuck buddies that couldn’t even be called relationships. Brinley, on the other hand, was just passed her thirtieth birthday and he doubted she engaged in casual affairs of the heart or body. She was depending on him to take the lead and make things good for both of them. He only hoped he could do just that and not embarrass himself in his haste.

Slow the hell down.

He repeated it a few more times in his head as he tried to even his breathing and calm his racing heart. He knelt on the bed next to her and leaned down so she was trapped between his arms, his palms flat on the mattress.

“Maybe we should start with some kissing and work from there.”

“Yes,” she breathed, her lips parted and ready. A band wrapped around his heart as he hovered above her, gently exploring her mouth with his own. Softly he ran his tongue across her lower lip before dipping inside to taste her sweetness. Refusing to be hurried, he languidly explored the warm cavern of her mouth before trailing a series of kisses across her jaw and down her neck to a sensitive spot on her shoulder that made her tremble in his arms. Her back arched as his tongue slid to the curve of her breast and her fingers weaved into his hair.

“Jason,” she whispered urgently, her legs parting instinctually so he could insinuate himself between her thighs. His hard cock nestled against the warmth of her mound and he rubbed himself against her, making himself crazy with need and sending Brinley into near orgasm. She shuddered against him and wrapped her long, tanned legs around his waist.

“Sweet Brinley,” he murmured against the petal soft skin of her breast. His shaking fingers fumbled with the catch on her bra, but thankfully she didn’t notice and the material didn’t argue. The lacy confection seemed to melt away, revealing dusky pink nipples that were already hard and pointed.