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So they were talking about me. Wow. It was amazing what eavesdropping could do. Not that I was proud that I did it or anything. But I didn’t regret it either. Not after hearing Alex say he could feel the electricity. Yeah, I knew I’d already said I was almost certain he could feel it. But now I was absolutely certain. And it made me want to listen more. But how long was I going to do be able to listen without being noticed. All it would take was for Alex to feel the tiniest buzz, and I’d be caught. He hadn’t felt it yet, though, so…

“Have you told Stephan about it?” Aislin asked.

“No,” Alex snapped. “And I’m not going to. He already has too much to worry about. The last thing he needs is to find out that Gemma is causing some kind of electrical static thing.”

Before I could stop myself, I let out a gasp. Crap. My muscles tensed as I sealed my mouth shut and held my breath.

“Yeah, but if it has something to do with the prophecy, he’d want to know,” Aislin told him.

It seemed like they hadn’t heard me. I quietly exhaled, my muscles relaxing a little…Hold on. Rewind. Did she just say prophecy?

“Why would that have anything to do with the prophecy?” Alex said, clearly annoyed. “It’s not about the prophecy. It’s about her. She’s causing it.”

“You don’t know that for sure. Maybe you’re the one who’s causing it,” Aislin suggested. “I mean I know I don’t feel anything like that when I’m around her. For all you know, she might not even feel it.”

“Trust me, she does,” Alex said with confidence.

I pulled a face. How could he be so convinced I felt it? Ugh. He was so sure of himself. Of course, my constant gasping and inability to breathe when I was around him might have been a bit of a giveaway.

“Alex, I really think you should—” Aislin started.

Alex shushed her. “Just a second.”

“What is it?” Aislin whispered.

The air ceased to an eerie standstill. Had he felt the electricity? If he had, I was so busted. Crap. Now they were going to know I’d been listening. Although I don’t know why this had me worried? They’d been the ones talking about me. They should be the ones worried. But the things they were saying…they weren’t normal. I had to get out of here.

I scrambled to my feet and reached for my bag.

“Gemma, can I help you find something?”

I jumped back, my pulse racing with fear. But it turned out to be only Mrs. Bakerly. She had a small stack of books in her hand and was looking at me with wide eyes. My alarmed reaction must have scared the heck out of her or something.

One thing’s for sure. She’d scared the heck out of me.

“No, I’m fine.” Why, oh why, did she have to say my name? “I was just looking to see if I could…um…find something good to take home with me?”

“Well, if you need anything,” she slid a book carefully onto the shelf, “just let me know.”

“I will,” I told her.

She smiled and walked away.

I whirled my attention back to the other side of the shelf—back to Alex and Aislin. Had they figured out I’d been listening to them? Were they waiting for Mrs. Bakerly to leave so they could, I don’t know, jump me or something? Yeah, the idea sounded as stupid to me as it did to you but, hey, you never know.

I couldn’t hear anything, though. Not a sound. Not a peep. My hands shook as I peeked through a sliver of space between two of the shelves. They were gone. Great. Now I had no clue whether they’d discovered I’d been listening or not. Although I was pretty sure they had, which seemed like a very, very bad thing.

This sucked.

One good thing that came out of the situation, though, was that I learned a valuable lesson. If you’re going to eavesdrop, don’t get caught, especially when the people you were eavesdropping on just might be a little off of the rocker.

The stuff they were saying…it was so weird. Like straight out of a science fiction novel weird.

I shook my head and sighed. Something was going on and I needed to find out what. I didn’t know how, though. All I knew was that it was extremely important that I did.

I could feel it in my bones.

Chapter 5

Like always, when I went to bed that night, I got sucked into my reoccurring nightmare—the one where I was being chased by the glowing-eyed, cloaked creatures in the middle of the forest. But surprisingly, the ending took a turn in a different direction.

After the monsters had captured me, and the man with the scar stepped underneath the light of the moon, he transformed into someone else. That someone else was Alex.  His green eyes glimmered hauntingly in the shadows of the night as he grabbed a hold of me. Instead of freezing to death like I usually did, I burst into flames. I woke up frantic and dripping in sweat. And for a split second, I was convinced I really was on fire. So convinced that I had to check my body for burn marks before I could calm down.

Everything was becoming too stressful, to the point where I actually considered breaking down and telling Marco and Sophia everything. About Alex and Aislin. About the electricity. Even about the prickle and my feelings. But when I’d gone downstairs to tell them, Sophia had pierced me with a glare before I could even get the words out, and I was quickly yanked back to reality; the reality that I had no one. No one to talk to. No one to tell. No one to help me.

Over the weekend, I tried not to worry about stuff, but it was a worthless effort. All I did was worry.  So I decided to search the internet for…well, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking for, but I hoped I’d know when I found it. Most of my research centered on Alex and Ailsin. But when I typed their names into the search engine, I got nothing. Nothing that could be directly linked to them, anyway. They didn’t even have a Facebook page. Then again, neither did I.  But really, who was I going to add to my friend list?

After awhile, I gave up and moved on to the electricity. Again, my searches brought up nothing that I could match it up to. It was just like when I’d tried to find out about the prickle. There was a bunch of scientific stuff, but nothing remotely similar to what was happening between Alex and me.

So after hours of research, I had nothing. I had no clue what was going on with me. Or what was going on with Alex and Aislin. Or even who they were. It was almost like they’d appeared out of thin air.

These unsolved mysteries left me with a massive sense of dread. I wasn’t excited, by any means, to go to astronomy on Monday. I even went to the extent of trying to fake sick so I could skip out on going to school. But that plan went to crap because Sophia hadn’t bought my lame acting attempt at having the flu. She told me if I stayed home, she wasn’t excusing my absence. An unexcused absence meant after school detention, and more time hanging around at school, which you all know is not my favorite thing.

Thus, here I was, entering the astronomy classroom, my chest feeling like it was going to cave in on me at any moment. And, just my luck, Alex and Aislin were already at our table.  They were engaged in what looked like a very heavy conversation. I could tell by the seriousness in their expressions, and the way they were leaning in like they were trying to create a barrier between themselves and everyone else around them. I could only guess what they were talking about.

I gave myself a quick mental pep talk. You can do this. You can do this. You aren’t the one who should be nervous. I straightened up my shoulders and started the climb up the stairs. I swear my shoes felt like they weighed a hundred pounds each. With every step, my breathing shortened.

For a moment, I thought I just might faint.

Luckily, I didn’t.

Alex and Aislin didn’t notice me until I sat down. Then they stopped talking. I avoided eye contact with them as I unzipped my bag and took out my book. But I could feel their eyes on me, watching me like hawks.