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But tonight, it’s not talking to me.

Tonight, out behind Hurley’s under the blue-black winter sky, the Cupcake Queen of Watonka is exactly where she’s supposed to be.


Without the love and encouragement of my husband, Alex, my books wouldn’t exist. For sitting next to me in the front row on the emocoaster, for dragging me away from the computer to take an occasional hike and/or shower, for inspiring me to turn all of our crazy adventures into stories, and most importantly, for always being my bestie, thank you, Pet Monster.

When I said that cupcakes, figure skating, cute hockey boys, and lake-effect snowstorms sounded like a good combination, Jennifer Klonsky was all, hell yeah! Thanks, Jen, for your editorial awesomeness, for your contagious enthusiasm, and for laughing at my inappropriate jokes along the way. It takes a special person, on all counts! Thanks also to Craig Adams, Mara Anastas, Bethany Buck, Jim Conlin, Paul Crichton, Katherine Devendorf, Dayna Evans, Lydia Frost, Jessica Handelman, Victor Iannone, Mary Marotta, Christina Pecorale, Lucille Rettino, Dawn Ryan, Michael Strother, Sara Saidlower, Carolyn Swerdloff, and everyone in the Simon Pulse family who worked so hard to make this book shine.

Ted Malawer, if they made cupcake-flavored Life Savers, I’d send you a whole case. Until then, we’ll celebrate with the real thing, extra chocolate icing on top. Thanks for everything you do to keep me writing happily!

Danielle Benedetti, Zoe Strickland, Jordyn Turney, and Sarah Woodard, readers and book bloggers and all-around amazing girls, beneath this bright purple ribbon is a big box of Josh, just for you.

Since my childhood attempt at figure skating lessons ended with me asking to play hockey with the boys instead, I’m grateful that Amanda Crowley so generously shared her insight into the world of competitive figure skating. Any technical skating mistakes are … well, they’re definitely mine, but let’s not call them mistakes. Let’s … have a cupcake instead! Thanks also to Kate Messner and Mandy Hubbard for early advice on plotting, writing, skating, and everything in between.

Amy Hains, Rachel Miller, Meredith Sale, and Lisa Kenney, I straight up love you girls. I can always count on you to shine the light in my face when I’ve spent too long in the deep, dark writing cave, and for that, I’m eternally lucky.

Speaking of the writing cave, it may be crazy dark, but it’s no longer lonely. To my wonderfully talented friends from the 2009 Debutantes, the Contemps, and Lighthouse Writers Workshop, you inspire and amaze me (and prevent me from drinking all this Bombay Sapphire by myself…. Cheers!).

My family, my friends, and my family friends (especially Birthday Group), your love, support, and inadvertently inspired character ideas keep me in the storytelling business, in more ways than one. ;-) Group hug!

Finally, I’m forever indebted to you, my fabulous YA readers, bloggers, librarians, booksellers, and teachers (an especially ginormous hug to Paul W. Hankins, a true friend and inspiration to students and writers alike). For as long as you keep reading and sharing these stories, I’ll keep writing them. Promise. <3