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“I don’t know. What am I doing to you?” I teased.

I was now completely naked and I admired him as he began removing his shirt and jeans he had worn on the plane. When his shirt came off I sucked in a gasp of air. His body was perfection. I longingly gazed at his tight toned abs. I think that was my favorite part about his body… or second favorite part. First place will always be reserved for his large cock.

Jamieson noticed me appreciating him because a wide grin spread across his face while he looked down at me. He was now completely naked hovering over my waiting body. Watching Jamieson like this, balancing above me always made me nervous. He was intimidating and allowing him this much control over me set butterflies loose in my belly.

“You own me, Jenna Middleton.” He gazed deeply into my eyes.

“I do?” I whispered back to him in astonishment.

He grabbed my hands and placed the above my head holding them in one of his. He then pushed forward into me. I gasped as my body stretched to accommodate him and like usual he paused for a brief second to make sure I was ready for him.

“You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen, do you know that?”

I wanted to believe him but I had my doubts. After all this was Jamieson Wellington. He’d had his pick of women before me and I’m sure there was at least a couple that had me beat in the beauty department.

I moaned low in his neck when he began increasing his pace and soothing that low ache deep within my core. I knew my release was coming and I knew it would be explosive when it happened. I was too worked up and Jamieson was determined to send me over the edge first.

“Come for me, Jenna,” he growled as he pounded into me.

His words were my undoing. I didn’t hold back I came apart screaming his name and clawing desperately at his back. Jamieson quickly followed, burying himself deep inside me. I fell asleep soon after, Jamieson rolled over and tucked me tightly against his body. Before I succumbed to the restful bliss I was seeking I said a silent prayer that Jamieson would sleep through the night and not leave my side.

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It was late in the morning and we had finally emerged from our cozy bedroom. Jamieson went in search of his family members while I decided to get in the shower. I didn’t want to meet his mother and brother without the help of a warm shower.

I had just turned off the water when Jamieson came into our spa like bathroom.

“Seems as though Mom has gone into town already and Lord knows where Ethan is, so looks like we have the place to ourselves,” he said giving me a sly grin as he watched me wrap a white fluffy towel around myself.

“Oh okay. I would love to see the house, just let me throw on some clothes.”

“Who said you need clothes?” He stalked toward me.

I tried my best to ignore his advances and turned toward the mirror and began brushing the tangles from my wet hair. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my body, trapping me between him and the counter.

“Jamieson…” I began. Is there no end to this man’s appetite?

“You are so gorgeous, baby.” He spoke smoothly into my ear while watching me in the mirror. “Look at yourself Jenna.” He tipped my chin so I looked back at him in the mirror.

I felt my face redden under his scrutiny. I tried to look away but he forced me again to look into the mirror.

“We will make beautiful children one day, baby.” He spoke quietly but with confidence, almost like he could see into the future. I didn’t know what to say to that. I was a tad shocked at his bold prediction and I was also overwhelmed with the possibilities that now bloomed forth in my mind.

Jamieson smiled slyly as he watched my reaction to the weight of his statement. “I’ll let you finish up in here and I’ll meet you in the kitchen downstairs.”

Typical Jamieson he had just dropped an emotional bombshell and then walked away like it was no big deal. He loved doing that to me. He knew how it would blow my A-type personality brain.

When I finally wondered into the kitchen twenty minutes later it was empty. Jamieson must have decided to take a shower as well in one of the other million bathrooms. I made myself at home and began scrounging around for a coffee mug to get my morning fix of caffeine.

I heard someone come down the hall behind me as I filled my cup. I assumed it was Jamieson so I didn’t turn around right away but as I became more aware that I wasn’t alone in the kitchen I felt something strange. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. I slowly turned around to find a ruggedly handsome man who looked just like Jamieson but for his dark brown hair. I must have surprised him as well because he didn’t say anything he just stared at me. I immediately felt embarrassed as I realized I was only wearing one of Jamieson’s t-shirts and I was sure my butt was hanging out of the bottom.

I was just about to say something to him and break off the strange silent exchange we were having when he slowly started towards me.

“Jacqueline?” He whispered holding out his hand almost like he was talking to a ghost.

I immediately understood now who he was and what was happening. This was Ethan and he was confusing me with my sister. I didn’t think we looked totally alike but we definitely had strong resemblances to one another.

“No Ethan, this is Jenna.” Jamieson said possessively as he made his way into the kitchen.

Ethan looked confused as he watched his younger brother pull me against his side, pinning me there.

“Jenna?” Ethan asked still half in a daze.

“Hello Ethan,” I greeted him.

“Jacqueline is your sister?” he knew the answer but clearly wanted me to confirm it for him.

“Yes,” I told him.

“Small world brother,” Ethan turned toward Jamieson with sharpness to his eyes. Clearly something was happening here that I didn’t totally understand and it was making me increasingly uncomfortable. Ethan noticed and I watched as something washed over his face and he all of a sudden transformed from intense to carefree. “Well it’s lovely to meet you, Jenna. I can’t wait to get to know the girl that has been keeping my little brother’s attention all this time.”

I smiled back at him politely but underneath my fakeness I was on edge. It could have been because he had broken my sister’s heart so cruelly or maybe it was because he seemed so affected by my presence, but something told me to be careful around Ethan Wellington. Well this should make for an interesting vacation.


Jamieson pulled the truck up to the massive gate in front of his house. I watched silently as he typed in the code. I had begged for him to turn around and take me home, but he refused. I knew it was useless to continue to argue with him so about half way to his house I went into silent mode. The gate in front of us began to move when headlights came up behind the truck following us down the long drive. It was too dark for me to see in the side mirror if it was Audrey and Olivia or if it was the guys. I was hoping it was my friends so that I could immediately hop out of the truck and into their car to make my getaway. But that of course would have been too perfect.

“Fuck,” Jamieson grumbled next to me as he pulled the truck into his huge garage.

“What?” I asked looking over at him. He was looking in the rearview mirror; he was not thrilled with his late night visitor.

“Stay here.” he commanded before jumping out of the truck and storming toward the car that had followed us.

“Screw that,” I said to myself. I followed Jamieson out into the front of the garage.