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Страниц: 22
Символов: 135465
ID: 250019
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2013
Издательство: Orion Books
Город печати: London
Создана 13 мая 2015 15:15
Опубликована 14 мая 2015 06:06
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A young Englishman, Tom Swan, has been ordered by his Cardinal to find a spy-a traitor. At the same time, a rich merchant has offered him a great deal of money to-well, to steal something. Something that belonged to Alexander the Great.Suddenly he's not a thief or a merchant or a scholar-he's a 'donat' or volunteer with the knights of St. John, the famous 'Hospitallers,' and he's in the middle of a losing war to hold the Aegean against the Turks. He'd like to steal the ring, kiss the girl, and catch the spy, but there's a war...

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