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Sc. 12 Enter the Bishop of Rochester, Surrey, Shrewsbury, Lieutenant of the Tower, and warders with weapons


Your kind persuasions, honourable lords,

I can but thank ye for, but in this breast

There lives a soul that aims at higher things

Than temporary pleasing earthly kings.

God bless his highness, even with all my heart.

We shall meet one day, though that now we part.


We not misdoubt your wisdom can discern

What best befits it; yet in love and zeal

We could entreat it might be otherwise.

SHREWSBURY [to Rochester]

No doubt your fatherhood will by yourself

Consider better of the present case,

And grow as great in favour as before.


For that, as pleaseth God, in my restraint

From worldly causes I shall better see

Into myself than at proud liberty.

The Tower and I will privately confer

Of things wherein at freedom I may err.

But I am troublesome unto your honours,

And hold ye longer than becomes my duty.

Master Lieutenant, I am now your charge;

And, though you keep my body, yet my love

Waits on my king and you while Fisher lives.


Farewell, my lord of Rochester. We’ll pray

or your release, and labour’t as we may.

SHREWSBURY [to Rochester]

Thereof assure yourself. So do we leave ye,

And to your happy private thoughts bequeath ye.

Exeunt Lords


Now, Master Lieutenant, on; i’ God’s name, go;

And with as glad a mind go I with you

As ever truant bade the school adieu.


Sc. 13 Enter Sir Thomas More, his Lady, Daughters,one of them Roper’s Wife,Master Roper, Gentlemen and Servantsamongst them Catesby and Goughas in his house at Chelsea. Low stools


Good morrow, good son Roper. [To Lady More] Sit, good


Upon an humble seat; the time so craves.

Rest your good heart on earth, the roof of graves.

You see the floor of greatness is uneven,

The cricket and high throne alike near heaven.

Now, daughters, you that like to branches spread

And give best shadow to a private house:

Be comforted, my girls. Your hopes stand fair.

Virtue breeds gentry; she makes the best heir.


Good morrow to your honour.


Nay, good night rather.

Your honour’s crest-fall’n with your happy father.


O, what formality, what square observance,

Lives in a little room! Here public care

Gags not the eyes of slumber. Here fierce riot

Ruffles not proudly in a coat of trust

Whilst, like a pawn at chess, he keeps in rank

With kings and mighty fellows. Yet indeed,

Those men that stand on tiptoe smile to see

Him pawn his fortunes.


True, son, here’s not so,

Nor does the wanton tongue here screw itself

Into the ear, that like a vice drinks up

The iron instrument.


We are here at peace.

MORE Then peace, good wife.


For keeping still in compass—a strange point

In time’s new navigation—we have sailed

Beyond our course.


Have done.


We are exiled the court.

MORE Still thou harp’st on that.

‘Tis sin for to deserve that banishment;

But he that ne’er knew court courts sweet content.


O, but dear husband—


I will not hear thee, wife.

The winding labyrinth of thy strange discourse

Will ne’er have end. Sit still, and, my good wife,

Entreat thy tongue be stilt—or, credit me,

Thou shalt not understand a word we speak.

We’ll talk in Latin.

[To Roper] Humida vallis raros patitur fulminis ictus.

More rest enjoys the subject meanly bred

Than he that bears the kingdom in his head.


Great men are still musicians, else the world lies:

They learn low strains after the notes that rise.

Good sir, be still yourself, and but remember

How in this general court of short-lived pleasure

The world, creation is the ample food

That is digested in the maw of time.

If man himself be subject to such ruin,

How shall his garment then, or the loose points

That tie respect unto his awe-ful place,

Avoid destruction? Most honoured father-in-law,

The blood you have bequeathed these several hearts

To nourish your posterity stands firm;

And as with joy you led us first to rise,

So with like hearts we’ll lock preferment’s eyes.

[Original Text (Munday)]

[Addition I (Chettle)]


Now will I speak like More in melancholy;

For if griefs power could with her sharpest darts

Pierce my firm bosom, here’s sufficient cause

To take my farewell of mirth’s hurtless laws.

Poor humbled lady, thou that wert of late

Placed with the noblest women of the land,

Invited to their angel companies,

Seeming a bright star in the courtly sphere:

Why shouldst thou like a widow sit thus low,

And all thy fair consorts move from the clouds

That overdrip thy beauty and thy worth?