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Set a huge mountain ’tween my heart and tongue.

I have a man’s mind, but a woman’s might.

How hard it is for women to keep counsel!

(To Lucius) Art thou here yet?

LUCIUS Madam, what should I do?

Run to the Capitol, and nothing else?

And so return to you, and nothing else?


Yes, bring me word, boy, if thy lord look well,

For he went sickly forth; and take good note

What Caesar doth, what suitors press to him.

Hark, boy, what noise is that?

LUCIUS I hear none, madam.

PORTIA Prithee, listen well.

I heard a bustling rumour, like a fray,

And the wind brings it from the Capitol.

LUCIUS Sooth, madam, I hear nothing.

Enter the Soothsayer


Come hither, fellow. Which way hast thou been?


At mine own house, good lady.

PORTIA What is’t o’clock?

SOOTHSAYER About the ninth hour, lady.


Is Caesar yet gone to the Capitol?


Madam, not yet. I go to take my stand

To see him pass on to the Capitol.


Thou hast some suit to Caesar, hast thou not?


That I have, lady. If it will please Caesar

To be so good to Caesar as to hear me,

I shall beseech him to befriend himself.


Why, know’st thou any harms intended towards him?


None that I know will be; much that I fear may chance.

Good morrow to you.

He moves away⌉ Here the street is narrow.

The throng that follows Caesar at the heels,

Of senators, of praetors, common suitors,

Will crowd a feeble man almost to death.

I’ll get me to a place more void, and there

Speak to great Caesar as he comes along. Exit

PORTIA (aside)

I must go in. Ay me! How weak a thing

The heart of woman is! O Brutus,

The heavens speed thee in thine enterprise!—

Sure the boy heard me. (To Lucius) Brutus hath a suit

That Caesar will not grant. (Aside) O, I grow faint!

(To Lucius) Run, Lucius, and commend me to my lord.

Say I am merry. Come to me again,

And bring me word what he doth say to thee.


3.1 Enterat one doorArtemidorus, the Soothsayer, and citizens. Flourish. Enterat another doorCaesar, Brutus, Cassius, Casca, Decius, Metellus, Trebonius, Cinna,Ligarius,Antony, Lepidus, Publius, Popillius,and other senators

CAESAR (to the Soothsayer) The ides of March are come.

SOOTHSAYER Ay, Caesar, but not gone.

ARTEMIDORUS Hail, Caesar! Read this schedule.

DECIUS (to Caesar)

Trebonius doth desire you to o’er-read

At your best leisure this his humble suit.


O Caesar, read mine first, for mine’s a suit

That touches Caesar nearer. Read it, great Caesar.


What touches us ourself shall be last served.


Delay not, Caesar, read it instantly.


What, is the fellow mad?

PUBLIUS (to Artemidorus)

Sirrah, give place.

CASSIUS (to Artemidorus)

What, urge you your petitions in the street?

Come to the Capitol.

They walk about the stage

POPILLIUS (aside to Cassius)

I wish your enterprise today may thrive.


What enterprise, Popillius?

POPILLIUS Fare you well.

He leaves Cassius, and makes to Caesar

BRUTUS What said Popillius Laena?


He wished today our enterprise might thrive.

I fear our purpose is discovered.


Look how he makes to Caesar. Mark him.


Casca, be sudden, for we fear prevention.—

Brutus, what shall be done? If this be known,

Cassius or Caesar never shall turn back,

For I will slay myself.

BRUTUS Cassius, be constant.

Popillius Laena speaks not of our purposes,

For look, he smiles, and Caesar doth not change.


Trebonius knows his time, for look you, Brutus,

He draws Mark Antony out of the way.

Exeunt Trebonius and Antony


Where is Metellus Cimber? Let him go

And presently prefer his suit to Caesar.

Caesar sits


He is addressed. Press near, and second him.


Casca, you are the first that rears your hand.

The conspirators and the other senators take their places


Are we all ready? What is now amiss

That Caesar and his Senate must redress?

METELLUS (coming forward and kneeling)

Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Caesar,

Metellus Cimber throws before thy seat

An humble heart.

CAESAR I must prevent thee, Cimber.

These couchings and these lowly courtesies

Might fire the blood of ordinary men,

And turn preordinance and first decree

Into the law of children. Be not fond

To think that Caesar bears such rebel blood

That will be thawed from the true quality

With that which melteth fools: I mean sweet words,

Low-crooked curtsies, and base spaniel fawning.

Thy brother by decree is banished.

If thou dost bend and pray and fawn for him,

I spurn thee like a cur out of my way.

Know Caesar doth not wrong but with just cause,

Nor without cause will he be satisfied.


Is there no voice more worthy than my own

To sound more sweetly in great Caesar’s ear

For the repealing of my banished brother?

BRUTUS (coming forward and kneeling)

I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery, Caesar,

Desiring thee that Publius Cimber may

Have an immediate freedom of repeal.


What, Brutus?

CASSIUS (coming forward and kneeling)

Pardon, Caesar; Caesar, pardon.

As low as to thy foot doth Cassius fall