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(To the others) Forgive me, country, and sweet


And lords, accept this hearty kind embrace.

My forces and my power of men are yours.

So farewell, Talbot. I’ll no longer trust thee.


Done like a Frenchman—⌈aside⌉ turn and turn again.


Welcome, brave Duke. Thy friendship makes us fresh.


And doth beget new courage in our breasts.


Pucelle hath bravely played her part in this,

And doth deserve a coronet of gold.


Now let us on, my lords, and join our powers,

And seek how we may prejudice the foe. Exeunt

3.8 ⌈Flourish.⌉ Enter King Henry, the Duke of Gloucester, the Bishop of Winchester, the Duke of Exeter; Richard Duke of York, the Earl of Warwick, and Vernonwith white roses; the Earl of Suffolk, the Duke of Somerset, and Bassetwith red roses. To them, with his soldiers, enter Lord Talbot


My gracious prince and honourable peers,

Hearing of your arrival in this realm

I have a while given truce unto my wars

To do my duty to my sovereign;

In sign whereof, this arm that hath reclaimed

To your obedience fifty fortresses,

Twelve cities, and seven walled towns of strength,

Beside five hundred prisoners of esteem,

Lets fall his sword before your highness’ feet,

And with submissive loyalty of heart

Ascribes the glory of his conquest got

First to my God, and next unto your grace.

He kneels


Is this the Lord Talbot, uncle Gloucester,

That hath so long been resident in France?


Yes, if it please your majesty, my liege.

KING HENRY (to Talbot)

Welcome, brave captain and victorious lord.

When I was young—as yet I am not old—

I do remember how my father said

A stouter champion never handled sword.

Long since we were resolvèd of your truth,

Your faithful service and your toil in war,

Yet never have you tasted our reward,

Or been reguerdoned with so much as thanks,

Because till now we never saw your face.

Therefore stand up,

Talbot rises

and for these good deserts

We here create you Earl of Shrewsbury;

And in our coronation take your place.

Sennet. Exeunt all but Vernon and Basset


Now sir, to you that were so hot at sea,

Disgracing of these colours that I wear

In honour of my noble lord of York,

Dar’st thou maintain the former words thou spak’st?


Yes, sir, as well as you dare patronage

The envious barking of your saucy tongue

Against my lord the Duke of Somerset.


Sirrah, thy lord I honour as he is.


Why, what is he?—as good a man as York.


Hark ye, not so. In witness, take ye that.

Vernon strikes him


Villain, thou know‘st the law of arms is such

That whoso draws a sword ’tis present death,

Or else this blow should broach thy dearest blood.

But I’ll unto his majesty and crave

I may have liberty to venge this wrong,

When thou shalt see I’ll meet thee to thy cost.


Well, miscreant, I’ll be there as soon as you,

And after meet you sooner than you would.


4.1 ⌈Flourish.Enter King Henry, the Duke of Gloucester, the Bishop of Winchester, the Duke of Exeter,; Richard Duke of York, and the Earl of Warwick with white roses; the Earl of Suffolk and the Duke of Somerset with red roses; Lord Talbot, and the Governor of Paris


Lord Bishop, set the crown upon his head.


God save King Henry, of that name the sixth I

Winchester crowns the King


Now, Governor of Paris, take your oath

That you elect no other king but him;

Esteem none friends but such as are his friends,

And none your foes but such as shall pretend

Malicious practices against his state.

This shall ye do, so help you righteous God.

Enter Sir John Fastolf with a letter


My gracious sovereign, as I rode from Calais

To haste unto your coronation

A letter was delivered to my hands,

He presents the letters

Writ to your grace from th’ Duke of Burgundy.


Shame to the Duke of Burgundy and thee!

I vowed, base knight, when I did meet thee next,

To tear the Garter from thy craven’s leg,

He tears it off

Which I have done because unworthily

Thou wast installèd in that high degree.—

Pardon me, princely Henry and the rest.

This dastard at the battle of Patay

When but in all I was six thousand strong,

And that the French were almost ten to one,

Before we met, or that a stroke was given,

Like to a trusty squire did run away;

In which assault we lost twelve hundred men.

Myself and divers gentlemen beside

Were there surprised and taken prisoners.

Then judge, great lords, if I have done amiss,

Or whether that such cowards ought to wear

This ornament of knighthood: yea or no?


To say the truth, this fact was infamous

And ill beseeming any common man,

Much more a knight, a captain and a leader.


When first this order was ordained, my lords,

Knights of the Garter were of noble birth,