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She was suddenly moving, rushing down the steps in her ankle-length dress with long sleeves, then running toward us, nearly frantic.

I didn’t know what was expected of me, and a glance at Wyatt told me that neither did he. He just watched, hands on the wheel.

Kathryn flew up to the car, gripped the door handle on my side, yanked the door open, and stared at me, speechless, lips trembling.

I was only distantly aware of the heat and humidity that rushed into the car when she opened the door. I barely heard the chorus of a million bugs and insects that might have otherwise convinced me to quickly shut the door.

This was my mother?

Her hair was dark, pulled into a bun at the back of her head, and she wore black leather flats. I wasn’t terribly given to style, but hers was like nothing I’d ever seen. She looked like she’d stepped out of the pages of an old magazine.

Tears suddenly flooded Kathryn’s eyes and her face began to relax as relief washed over her. She lifted both arms and held trembling hands out to me.

“It’s really you. God has brought you home. Come to your mother, sweetie. Come into your mother’s arms.”

I didn’t know if I really wanted to go to her, because I wasn’t sure she really was my mother. But I didn’t know what else I could do, so I climbed out of the car.

Before I could go to her, she closed the distance between us, wrapped her arms around my body, and pulled me close to her bosom.

“Thank you, Jesus.” She held me tight, with one hand behind my head, pressing me into her shoulder. “Thank you. Mommy has missed you so much.” She was speaking through tears, overwhelmed. “You’re here. You’re really here.”

Bobby walked up beside her, staring in wonder. Quiet.

Kathryn eased me back arm’s length and studied my face, my hair. She brushed a gentle thumb across my cheek as if to wipe away a tear. “You’re more beautiful than I could have imagined. My precious lamb.” She sniffed. “So beautiful. All will be made right. All will be made right.”

Then she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on my forehead.

“Welcome home, Eden.”

I was too flat-footed to react. A strange mix of fear and comfort ran in circles through my mind, like a fox chasing a rabbit.

Wyatt had climbed out, rounded the car, and now rested his hand on Bobby’s shoulder, smiling.

“Eden, this is your brother, Bobby.” He looked at the boy. “Say hi, Bobby.”

Bobby’s face flushed red and he offered me a toothless grin. “Hi.” He was pressing the tip of his forefinger against his thumb down by his side as he spoke—a nervous tic. Eyes peering up at me because he was a foot shorter. “You’re my sister?”

I had to answer. I had to because I immediately liked Bobby. But I wasn’t sure if I should say ‘yes, I am your sister’ unless I knew for certain.

I glanced up at Kathryn who was smiling warmly.

“It’s okay, sweetie. You can tell him.”

So I looked at Bobby. “I think so.”

He was smiling wide enough for me to see his gums. Then he did something I couldn’t have anticipated. He stepped up to me and took my left hand in his.

“Bobby’s been waiting for you for a long time,” Kathryn said. “We all have. Haven’t we, Bobby?”

“I’m your brother,” he said, looking up at me.

“I’m so sorry we had to get you like that, sweetie,” Kathryn said. “If there was any other way, we would have taken it. But . . .” She looked like she might break down. “I’m sorry if you were frightened.”

“Are you going to stay with me?” Bobby asked, still on his own track.

I was unnerved, but I felt sorry for these people, you see? Especially Bobby. And now as I thought about it, I could see parts of my reflection on Kathryn’s face. She had my nose, and my mouth, I thought.

She really must be my mother. Which meant that Bobby really was my brother. They were simply acting a bit strange because they had no more experience at reuniting with a long-lost daughter and sister than I had with finding my mother and brother.

“Of course she’s going to stay with us, Bobby,” Kathryn said when I didn’t respond. “She’s just in a little bit of shock. This is all new to her, that’s all.”

I still wasn’t sure how to reassure Bobby, but I didn’t have to because Wyatt shifted our focus.

“Zeke’s here,” he said, looking back down the road.

I followed his gaze and saw that a black truck, much newer than any I’d seen on the property, was headed our way up the driveway. Zeke, the man who’d helped them find me.

Bobby removed his hand from mine and pointed a stubby finger. “That’s Zeke,” Bobby said. “He’s the apostle.”

“Hush, Bobby,” Kathryn said, turning to face the truck.

We all watched as a man with dirty blond hair and a short beard, dressed in black slacks, jacket, and boots, stepped out of the truck. For a few moments, he just stood there, staring at me, as if trying to decide if I measured up.

He walked up to us, smiling gently now, a good sign, I suppose. But like everything else, I didn’t know how to feel about this man. His eyes were dark, but his face was kind, I thought.

Zeke nodded at Wyatt. “Saw you coming in. I’m assuming you got here clean or you wouldn’t be here.”

“He’s clean,” Kathryn insisted adamantly.

Zeke looked at her, brow raised. Somehow that simple expression shifted her demeanor, because she immediately softened.

“No one saw them,” she said quietly. “It was just like you said it would be.”

He studied her a moment longer, then turned his eyes to me.

“So you must be Eden,” he said, then waited for me to respond. And I felt compelled.

“I . . . Yes, I think so.”

He grinned. “But of course you are. I’m sure this must be a bit of shock to your system. But I can assure you—one look at both of you and a person would have to be a fool not to see mother and daughter, side by side. Alice has become Eden; the prodigal has finally been brought home.” He hesitated. “Did you have a comfortable trip?”

“I’m okay,” I said. “Wyatt was very good to me.”

“Of course he was. You’ll find nothing but goodness here. But it’s not every day the hand of God works in such a mysterious way. I’m sure all of this has been a little confusing.”

“A little.”

“More than just a little, I’m sure,” he said.

What could I say?

“I . . . I just don’t know what to think.”

“No, of course you don’t, darling.” He walked up to me, touched my hair, then lifted my chin in his large, warm hand. “Poor thing must be terrified. But I can promise you that will all change.” He released me and smiled kindly. “You’re a very fortunate girl, Eden. I’ve never known a mother as resolved as yours. She’s moved the hand of God to bring you home and now here you are, a vision of heaven itself.”

At this Kathryn moved next to me and placed her arm around my shoulders, facing him, as if to lay claim to me. Or maybe just to offer me assurance.

“She’s yours Kathryn,” Zeke said. “Your inheritance. The daughter God promised you. Be sure to raise her as appointed. She’s one of God’s children now.”

“I will.”

“Without wavering.”

“Without wavering,” she said.

I had no idea what they meant and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. So I let it go. After all, everything about his place was strange to me, including all of the God talk.

Wyatt stepped up to Zeke, withdrew his hand from his pocket, and handed him a piece of folded paper. I immediately recognized the note I’d left under the mattress.

“Here’s the note she wrote,” Wyatt said.

Zeke palmed it and slipped into his pocket. “Thank you, Wyatt.”

And that was that. My note had been discovered . . . Of course it had. They didn’t want to be found. Zeke was no idiot.

I felt slightly nauseous.

Zeke wagged his head toward the outbuildings. “I need two barrels. Give me a hand.” Exchanging a nod with Kathryn, he headed back to the truck, followed quickly by Wyatt.