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“Oh baby you’re so wet,” I groaned, my voice raspy. “Let me be inside you.”

“Have you got any protection?” she whispered, her hand moving up and down the length of me.

Thank god there were condoms in the bathroom vanity. I grabbed one, ripped open the foil packet with my teeth and hastily rolled it over me. When I rejoined her under the spray she pushed me down so I was lying in the tub, my back against the porcelain as she straddled me. Strong thighs gripped me and suddenly I was right there, right at the beginning of her. She took me in her hands and slowly rubbed the head of my erection through the warm and soft folds of flesh. Oh God. Then slowly, very, very slowly, she placed me there and gently slid down the full length of me. Right to the very hilt.

She gasped as I stretched and filled her and I almost came because it was so damn intense.

She paused for a moment, her eyes closed and her muscles pulsing around the length of me. Then, opening her eyes she smiled and looked at me with smoldering intensity. Her eyes were dark pools of heat and desire. She moved and used her thighs to slowly lift herself up, dragging her tight flesh along the length of my erection before plunging back down again. I moaned and she fell forward to find my mouth, breathing hard between kissing me and moving up and down on my cock. It was excruciatingly exquisite. Like nothing I’d ever known.

“Baby if you keep doing that …” I moaned, knowing I wasn’t going to be able to hold on too much longer.

But she wasn’t going to stop. She rode me slowly, her eyes closed, her hips and thighs moving against me, her muscles milking me. Her head was tilted back. Her thighs were rock hard against me as she pressed harder. It was mesmerizing to watch. And I soaked it in. Spellbound by my beautiful girl, only momentarily distracted by the magical sensations racing throughout my body. Her brows drew in and her lips parted with a moan. Then she slowed, and her breathing became ragged as she rocked against me, grinding and pulsating. It was torture, a sweet, sweet torture. And just when I couldn’t hold back any longer her head fell back and she cried out in pleasure. I closed my eyes then, finally giving into the euphoria. Weeks of built up sexual inactivity let go in one massive orgasm. White light burst across my brain. Holy fuck!

It was like an immediate rush of some kind of drug in my veins. It filled me and took over me completely. It dropped my head backwards. Oh God, it felt so good! I didn’t move as it descended on me. Every part of me detonated with blinding pleasure.



I couldn’t move. Even as the pleasure slowly eddied away … my body was a rag doll.

It took Harlow leaning in and kissing me before I could function again.

I looked up at her and slid my teeth across my bottom lip. She smiled and I fell in love with her all over again.

We toweled off and headed to the kitchen to make coffee, still unable to keep our hands off each other, and then took our coffees to my bedroom where we lost our towels and I got to make love to this amazing girl again.

Afterwards, I watched her sleep as the rain rattled against my bedroom window. She was beautiful. I couldn’t believe how such an amazing girl could somehow be mine. She was too good for me. I knew that. But I would do everything in my power to make sure she never found out. I would treat her well. So well, she’d never want to leave me. Because I couldn’t bear the thought of ever hurting her. Or ever being apart from her. Not now. Not ever.

First up would be to remove anything that could complicate our relationship. That would include emptying out all the girls phone numbers I had stored in my cell. I wasn’t sure how many of them there were. Too many probably. And most of them had been one-night stands. But those days were behind me and from this point on I would be a one-girl guy. Forever.

Chapter Twelve HARLOW

I feigned the flu to get out of work and spent the next three days in bed with Heath. A cool front had moved in, bringing with it rain and wind and cold, grey days. Heath and I barely made it out of bed and we made love a disproportionate number of times. Sex with him was fast becoming an addiction I didn’t think I would ever be able to shake.

On the third day we ran out of condoms and ventured out into the grey day to visit the pharmacy. We took his Harley and he held my arms around his waist with one free hand as we slowly made our way through the streets. After making our necessary purchases, which included two boxes of condoms, two Gatorades and a handful of chocolate bars, we left. We had to pass his favorite tattoo parlor to get back to the bike and in a moment of craziness I dragged him inside.

“I’m going to get one,” I said. “What do you think?”

“I think its permanent,” he warned.

“Says he who has more pictures on him than the walls in the Louvre.” I pointed to the wall of designs. “I always wanted one. But I’ve never been inspired enough to get one.”

“And I inspire you to ink yourself?” He slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.

“I want something to help me remember this crazy wonderful time. When I’m old and grey. I want to remember how incredible this felt.”

“I’ll be sitting beside you, so you could just ask me.”

He kissed me, reluctantly breaking away when one of the tattoo artists appeared. He recognized Heath and they greeted each other warmly. His name was Ari and he looked like a six-foot commando, covered in artwork. He had nice eyes and when he smiled, his teeth were like a floodlight.

“My girl wants some ink,” Heath explained.

“Did you have anything in particular in mind?” Ari asked me.

“I’d like the infinity symbol.”

He nodded. “The infinity symbol is cool.”

I picked up a pen and scribbled three words onto a post-it note.

“With these words.” I slid the paper across the counter.

Heath looked questioningly at me.

Ari nodded. “How about you guys give me half an hour and let me come up with a design for you? See what I can work out.”

While Ari worked on my tattoo design we walked down to the Pier. It was cold for summer but the beach was still dotted with holidaymakers and families. Heath bought us Reubens for lunch and we ate them on the Pier, while trying to keep our hands off each another. Less than an hour later we were back at the tattoo parlor standing in front of Ari as he showed us his design.

“That’s it. That’s exactly what I want.”

It took half an hour with Heath firmly clutching my right hand as Ari worked on the inside of my left wrist. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. In fact, it was more irritating than anything.

When Ari finished, I looked down at it excitedly. Written in fine black script ‘make it real’ broke through the elegant black scrolls and decorative swirls of the infinity symbol.

“Make it real?” Heath asked.

“Another way of saying follow your dreams, I guess.” I looked from the tattoo to him. “I wouldn’t be sitting here, in California, with you, if I hadn’t made it happen. And I am so grateful that I did. I made it real.”

After Ari dressed it with an antiseptic cream and covered it with a protective bandage he told me how to take care of it while it healed. Not that it was necessary. I had a walking art gallery sitting next to me who would make sure I looked after it properly.

“I was right. You really are a bad ass rock chick,” he said as we left the dimly lit tattoo parlor and climbed onto his bike.

I laughed and nodded. “I guess I’m not so innocent after all.”

Heath threw me a smoldering look. “You showed me that in the shower three days ago and you seem pretty determined to drive that point home.”

Careful to avoid knocking my bandaged wrist, I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. “And if you stop wasting time, I’d like to get back to your place and drive that point home even further.”