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It was possible that all four women were victimized by the same assailant. But nothing definite linked the cases. At times she almost thought she saw a pattern....

The phone shrilled. Richard could be calling again. She snatched the handset from the cradle on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Hey, kiddo.” Maura’s voice.

“Oh...it’s you.”

“You know, with greetings like that, a girl could get the feeling she’s not wanted.”

“Sorry. I’m kind of distracted.”

“Just messin’ with you. By the way, our surfer busboy hangs ten in the sack. And I mean that literally. I measured.”

Despite everything, Jennifer laughed.

“That’s it,” Maura said, “chortle at my love life.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it love.”

“It’ll do till the real thing comes knocking. Look, I just got a call from Harrison. He would’ve called you, but he misplaced your number. Which is typical. He can remember every detail of the Hillside Strangler case, but not where he left his car keys.”

“Why did he want to reach me?” she asked warily.

“Why the note of suspicion?”

“It’s just—I’m not sure I want to see him again.”

“You’re kidding. He’s a hoot.”

“I think by the end of our interview he was trying to feel me up.”

“Oh, sure, he’s a lech. But harmless. Anyway, this wasn’t a booty call. Whatever you told him got his curiosity piqued. He did some research and found disappearances of local gals in the right time frame.”


“He’ll be at the TV studio from eleven to two, taping his show. Said you should stop by, and he’ll hand over the goods. Be warned, through. He’ll probably grill you for more info. He’s like a bloodhound on a scent.”

Or a shark in the water, Jennifer thought. “What studio does he work at?”

“Some independent facility at Sunset and Cahuenga. If you don’t mind, I’d like to tag along. I want to see what Harrison’s found.”

“Okay. I’ll head over. But there’s a stop I have to make first.”

“Anyplace exciting?”

“Richard’s apartment.”

“To check on him?”

“Not exactly. He’s...well, he’s run away. I think he’s living on the street.”

“Then why are you going to his place?”

“There’s something of his I need to look at. Family papers. I’m hoping he keeps them there.”

“You have a key to his apartment?”

“No, he’s too paranoid to share. But I can get the manager to open up. At least I hope I can.”

“I’ll meet you there.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s making people cooperate. The manager will be happy to let you in when I’m through with him.”

Jennifer gave her the address, hearing a sad little sigh. Maura had recognized it as an address in Dogtown, of course, and if Richard was living there, it meant he had fallen farther than she’d feared.

“You know, kiddo, I understand your feelings and all, but you do spend a hell of a lot of time looking after your brother.”

“And you think I shouldn’t?”

“I’m just saying family loyalty is not a suicide pact. At some point you have to live your life.”

Jennifer felt something inside her pull tight. “What do you know about loyalty? You abandoned Richard as soon as he started having problems.”

“Whoa, hold on.”

“I guess it wasn’t convenient for you to be with him anymore. His illness was cramping your style. What the hell, there are always more busboys to fuck.”

“Calm down, Jen. You don’t know what went on between your brother and me.”

“I know you walked out on him.”

“It’s not as if he didn’t give me a good reason.”

“What reason?”

“Look, I don’t want to talk about this over the phone.”

“Are you saying he abused you?” Until this moment the idea had never occurred to her.

“He never hit me, but...”

“But what?”

“There are other kinds of abuse.”

“What does that mean?”

“Why don’t we talk about it when we get together? That is, if you want to talk about it at all.”

The words lingered in Jennifer’s mind as she fixed breakfast, showered, and changed. She checked yesterday’s mail and found two business matters that required her urgent attention. She ignored them.

She was on her way out when the doorbell rang. Casey, in his street clothes.

“Hey.” She smiled, hoping his resentment had ebbed by now. “Shouldn’t you be at work? Or is this your day off?”

He didn’t return the smile. “I’m working the mid-PM watch. Ten to six-thirty.”

“Come on in.”

“No, thanks, Short Stuff. I don’t think I’m very welcome in your house.”

“Casey, I already apologized. And don’t call me Short Stuff.”

“I’m just here on business. Got two pieces of news. One good, one not so good.”

She felt awkward, talking to him on the porch. “Give me the not-so-good first.”

“The forensic anthropologist under contract with the county is away till tomorrow. Digging up Indian burial grounds or something.”

“I didn’t think you were allowed to do that.”

Casey shrugged, irritated. “I don’t know what the hell he’s digging up. I just know he’s out of town. Can you stand another night with a cellar full of bones?”

“Guess I’ll have to.”

“It won’t be so bad. You’d rather sleep with the skeletons than with me, right? Isn’t that how you put it?”

“I was joking.”

“Sure you were. Okay, the good news. We got a break in the Diaz case. And before you ask, yes, your document analysis, or whatever the hell it is you do, played a role. It got Draper looking at the people who worked in Diaz’s office complex.”

“Who’s the suspect?”

“Mortgage broker. He came on to Marilyn a few times and she blew him off. Her coworkers forgot about it till Draper started asking questions. Best guess is she assumed the note was from him and didn’t take it seriously. He’s a nerdy little guy, seems harmless. But here’s the thing. He was convicted in Phoenix six years ago on a stalking charge. Another office situation.”

The suspect dovetailed with her analysis. He worked in a financial field and was rejected after making a romantic advance. “Has he been charged?”

“No, but we’re leaning on him. He says he’s being railroaded because of his prior. That’s what they always say.”

“So we don’t know for sure he’s the guy?”

“Draper thinks it’s a pretty safe bet.”

“I saw Draper last night. He didn’t mention any of this to me.”

“We were waiting for the guy’s records to come in from out of state.”

“He still could have said something.”

“Maybe he didn’t want to get your hopes up. Or maybe he wasn’t thrilled about you hanging out with Sandra Price. I saw you leave the gym with her. Two gal pals chatting it up.”

“I live in this community, Casey. I have a right to take an interest in local affairs.”

He produced a noncommittal grunt. “How’d you hook up with Draper, anyway?”

“We didn’t exactly hook up. I ran into him at the restaurant where Sandra and I were eating.” She didn’t say she thought Draper had followed them, spied on them. It sounded like something Richard would say.

Casey gave her a hard stare. “You two are getting pretty close, I guess.”

“I hardly know Sandra Price.”

“I meant you and Draper.”

“Oh. Close?” She thought of the impromptu kiss on the sidewalk. “No, I wouldn’t say that.”

Another grunt. “Well, my advice, you might want to keep your distance. Roy’s a good cop, but he has issues.”

“Everybody has issues.”

“His might be more serious than most. His girlfriend—well, maybe I shouldn’t be talking out of school.”

“If you have something to say, just say it.”

He snagged his thumbs in his belt loops. “Okay, it’s like this. When Draper broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago, he told everybody it was the usual story—he’s a workaholic, no time for her, blah blah. But I’ve got a friend in Devonshire who has a different take.”